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- 26 Mar 2012, 23:49
- Forum: News
- Topic: Poll: What To Do First
- Replies: 33
- Views: 19265
Poll: What To Do First
Game balance should be of paramount concern. However, much of the success of the series can be laid at the feet of the talented HOMM community map makers. The game simply should not have been released without a well functioning map editor.
- 24 Mar 2012, 01:14
- Forum: Heroes V-VI
- Topic: 3x 50% off HOMM6 Coupons for free
- Replies: 0
- Views: 2089
3x 50% off HOMM6 Coupons for free
Steam has for some reason granted me three 50% off coupons for HOMM6 when I already own it. If anyone wants a free coupon post here or PM me. The catch is the coupons are only good till April 1 so you have about a week to get one. I'll be signing in and checking the thread about this time every day ...
- 01 Aug 2011, 02:25
- Forum: News
- Topic: The Current State of Things
- Replies: 31
- Views: 14445
The Current State of Things
I have not ordered the game yet and thus have not played the beta. Some of the changes concern me. Such as no randomness in skills or spells. I play mostly single player games or coop/friendly competition games so I don't care if I might lose on occasion due to not getting the exact skills/spells I ...
- 16 Feb 2011, 04:02
- Forum: Hall of the Heretics
- Topic: Dungeons.
- Replies: 2
- Views: 4156
I like Dungeons. :) It has a campaign and sandbox maps. I am in the middle of the campaign. Yes, Dungeons is NOT Dungeon Keeper. Dungeons focuses on the dungeon lord rather than on the dungeon lord's creatures. You role play the dungeon lord. You gain points to increase your attributes, skills, or s...
- 27 Jan 2011, 03:32
- Forum: Hall of the Heretics
- Topic: Magicka
- Replies: 8
- Views: 7519
- 27 Nov 2010, 22:15
- Forum: Heroes V-VI
- Topic: Homm V on Windows 7
- Replies: 9
- Views: 8295
- 27 Nov 2010, 22:09
- Forum: Hall of the Heretics
- Topic: King's Bounty Armored Princess
- Replies: 75
- Views: 55970
- 16 Mar 2010, 01:18
- Forum: Heroes V-VI
- Topic: Are witch huts worth it?
- Replies: 19
- Views: 15789
- 16 Mar 2010, 01:13
- Forum: Heroes V-VI
- Topic: Game Crash
- Replies: 3
- Views: 3660
Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game? If it was running fine until recently you might try clearing out any recently installed mods/maps to see if that helps. Also, try shutting down all programs you don't need while you play HOMM. There is a freeware program called Game Booster that...
- 16 Mar 2010, 01:01
- Forum: Hall of the Heretics
- Topic: Diablo III
- Replies: 442
- Views: 147735
For those interested, the ladder will be reset in about a week and the new patch will be official. They said a week or so ago there would be a few more changes in addition to what we have seen in the 1.13b test patch. Ladder rreset and patch 1.13 soon Diablo II Ladder Reset Coming - Nebu We will be ...
- 24 Feb 2010, 12:26
- Forum: Hall of the Heretics
- Topic: Diablo III
- Replies: 442
- Views: 147735
The new Diablo 2 patch is on the public patch testing realms. So those who may be interested in starting online play for the new ladder should keep an eye out. ... est-realm/ ... est-realm/
- 24 Feb 2010, 12:16
- Forum: News
- Topic: UbiSoft Online Controversy
- Replies: 155
- Views: 64125
Thanks for the feedback on Spores. I thought it would be a neat game to try but the DRM nixed it for me. I heard they made some changes to the DRM now but I haven't looked into it. I have a constant internet connection but it is just the idea of it being required, plus my single player games being s...
- 23 Feb 2010, 15:05
- Forum: News
- Topic: UbiSoft Online Controversy
- Replies: 155
- Views: 64125
I won't be buying a single player game that requires an online connection and stores my games on the company server. Servers go down. Servers have down time for maintenance, ect. Ubi may say they don't care what the fans say about the issue but if the fans boycott their products they'll come to thei...
- 27 Jan 2010, 09:02
- Forum: Hall of the Heretics
- Topic: Mass Effect
- Replies: 174
- Views: 176502
I finished a ME playthrough just a few days ago with an adept. I used Ashley and Tali all the way through. I imported him to ME 2 where he started at level 5 and is now level 8. I don't think I've played enough to give a good overall impression. The first parts of the game were like a tutorial thoug...
- 22 Jan 2010, 11:40
- Forum: Campfire
- Topic: An Open Letter on Haiti pwns aerican idiots
- Replies: 9
- Views: 5510
In resonse to the rather provacative letter I'll just say that even though the US is in the midst of an economic crisis we have sent lots of troops and aid and are currently rebuilding the main Hatian port. Yes, the evil imperialistic United States strikes again to bring misery, pain, and dispair to...
- 17 Jan 2010, 15:08
- Forum: Heroes V-VI
- Topic: "Impossible" size maps
- Replies: 10
- Views: 15811
I got a new computer a few weeks ago and haven't reinstalled HOMM5 yet so I can't check that. I do recall not being terribly impressed with the random map generator. You may wish to try a fan made random map generator. It looks like this one is projected to have another update this month. I have not...
- 17 Jan 2010, 14:08
- Forum: Hall of the Heretics
- Topic: Mass Effect
- Replies: 174
- Views: 176502
No, I don't think you keep charm/intimidate, as those skills don't exist in ME 2. Not putting points in charm/intimidate was just to get the most powerful combat character possible when playing ME 1. Your character will start as a level 1 character with bonus skill points based on the level characte...
- 10 Jan 2010, 10:33
- Forum: Campfire
- Topic: TV shows (Spoilers!)
- Replies: 1438
- Views: 302938
- 10 Jan 2010, 10:21
- Forum: Heroes V-VI
- Topic: "Impossible" size maps
- Replies: 10
- Views: 15811
- 10 Jan 2010, 10:03
- Forum: Hall of the Heretics
- Topic: Latest game you purchased
- Replies: 254
- Views: 66468