Search found 21 matches
- 17 Dec 2011, 01:19
- Forum: Might and Magic
- Topic: Help running might and magic on winXP.
- Replies: 11
- Views: 6901
I feel like a complete idiot now. After I looked at all of the names of the path I used to get to the game (to put into DOS) I came to the last folder with MM2 (like usual) and when I went into it this time I came across an icon that looked like a DOS icon. So I double clicked it and (this is where ...
- 16 Dec 2011, 10:58
- Forum: Might and Magic
- Topic: Help running might and magic on winXP.
- Replies: 11
- Views: 6901
- 16 Dec 2011, 03:51
- Forum: Might and Magic
- Topic: Help running might and magic on winXP.
- Replies: 11
- Views: 6901
- 15 Dec 2011, 09:26
- Forum: Might and Magic
- Topic: Help running might and magic on winXP.
- Replies: 11
- Views: 6901
Help running might and magic on winXP.
I need help running Might and Magic 2 on my Windows XP edition. I have "The Ultimate M&M Archives" edition with the first 5 games. The game is suppose to run MSDOS automatically to play. It does start MSDOS and does some type of scan or something, then it just ends and nothing happens ...
- 26 May 2008, 04:52
- Forum: Heroes V-VI
- Topic: Some Questions
- Replies: 7
- Views: 3292
Your on the right track. Your 80%, 20% = 90% is correct. But the problem is the Fire Resistance perk. It should be called the fire protection perk, but, I guess since it gives you immunity to the armor damaging effects of the Master of Fire ability then that is why they called it Fire Resistance. Th...
- 25 May 2008, 17:39
- Forum: Heroes V-VI
- Topic: Some Questions
- Replies: 7
- Views: 3292
Sylph999 is right. Marcos the Black, if you look at the second sentence of the 1st question then you will see that you kind of answered your own question. But you got the last part of question 1 wrong. Resistence items (perks, spells, etc,) will give a chance to ignore the spell all together. Protec...
- 06 Feb 2008, 19:16
- Forum: Heroes V-VI
- Topic: Crippling Wounds
- Replies: 4
- Views: 2202
- 06 Feb 2008, 05:43
- Forum: Heroes V-VI
- Topic: Crippling Wounds
- Replies: 4
- Views: 2202
Crippling Wounds
I have searched and searched and I cannot find what 'Crippling Wounds' does. One of the Orcs has this battle effect when it attacks after it has the 3rd tier Rage. I have looked all around and I seem to remember that another creature had this as a specialty, but I can't find it anywhere. Can someone...
- 11 Jan 2008, 01:37
- Forum: Heroes V-VI
- Topic: Shadow Dragon 3000 xp.
- Replies: 6
- Views: 3721
Gornfr, The only thing I can tell you is that the dragon problem for me was the map called 'The First Map'. Remove that map (if you have it) and see if that helps. If you don't have this map in your maps folder (in ToTe maps folder) then take out all of your maps (from your maps folder) and put them...
- 10 Jan 2008, 18:01
- Forum: Heroes V-VI
- Topic: Shadow Dragon 3000 xp.
- Replies: 6
- Views: 3721
First off, thank you for your help Nelgirith. I removed Master of Disguise but it wasn't the problem. I went ahead and tried to check out the other maps that I had and found the problem. It was a map called 'The First Map'. I removed it and the Dragon problem was fixed. As for the Haven town, I have...
- 10 Jan 2008, 06:19
- Forum: Heroes V-VI
- Topic: Shadow Dragon 3000 xp.
- Replies: 6
- Views: 3721
Shadow Dragon 3000 xp.
Ever since I loaded ToTe onto my computer I have had bugs (or I should say rewrites) with certain factions. The Shadow Dragon is the only creature I can purchase, even after the upgraded structure is built. Besides having 3000xp for the dragon it also has around 250-350 dmg. and it can use magic (li...
- 08 Nov 2007, 02:13
- Forum: Heroes V-VI
- Topic: Tote, Cyclops ability "Throw Goblin"
- Replies: 4
- Views: 3706
Tote, Cyclops ability "Throw Goblin"
I was just wondering if anyone has been able to use the Cyclops' special ability of "Throw Goblin"? I put the goblins next to the Cyclops' (all upgrades too) and the section where the special use button on the lower right is doesn't light up. I have used regulare and upgraded goblins nad t...
- 26 Feb 2007, 00:50
- Forum: Mapmaking Guild
- Topic: Help on Starting Resources Scripting
- Replies: 21
- Views: 8082
- 26 Feb 2007, 00:17
- Forum: Mapmaking Guild
- Topic: Help on Starting Resources Scripting
- Replies: 21
- Views: 8082
Ok, I got it to work with the other 2 computer players' wood and ore. It also works for all the difficulty levels. Now I just need to get my actual playing map to change to single player. I have the link so I'll try and tackle this one next. I'm sure glad they made this scripting stuff so easy, LOL!...
- 26 Feb 2007, 00:05
- Forum: Mapmaking Guild
- Topic: Help on Starting Resources Scripting
- Replies: 21
- Views: 8082
Thanks myythryyn, I got it to work so far for player 1. having end; end; on the end didn't work and I didn't have the two spaces after the two commas (i'm assuming) so I put them in this time. Thanks alot, now I just need to try it on the computer palyers (if it is possible). It is still odd that wh...
- 25 Feb 2007, 23:07
- Forum: Mapmaking Guild
- Topic: Help on Starting Resources Scripting
- Replies: 21
- Views: 8082
Ok, this is killing me. Instead of trying to change the map to a single player I went ahead and mad a map with 3 castles and 3 players and a Den of Theives. I am using this as my test map for starting resources scripting. It just isn't working! I have tried SetPlayerResources, SetPlayerStartResource...
- 25 Feb 2007, 00:59
- Forum: Mapmaking Guild
- Topic: Help on Starting Resources Scripting
- Replies: 21
- Views: 8082
Now I can't get the scripting to work in the single player version either. I guess I'll try a new map from scratch, but I'm now having a problem starting a new map. when I make a new map (for testing) and place a couple of castles then try to script I get an error message that says the Editor has en...
- 25 Feb 2007, 00:34
- Forum: Mapmaking Guild
- Topic: Help on Starting Resources Scripting
- Replies: 21
- Views: 8082
- 25 Feb 2007, 00:10
- Forum: Mapmaking Guild
- Topic: Help on Starting Resources Scripting
- Replies: 21
- Views: 8082
Grumpy O.W., sorry I edited my post to say something to you after you posted... after it. ?. Hope that made sense. How will I tell if the script for a computer player is working if I can't see him and what he has? Well, I guess I need to get it working for the human players first though. :D Myythyyn...
- 24 Feb 2007, 23:19
- Forum: Mapmaking Guild
- Topic: Help on Starting Resources Scripting
- Replies: 21
- Views: 8082