Sprite Resource Error

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Sprite Resource Error

Unread postby Bethel » 24 Dec 2006, 07:20

As soon as I arrived 'upstairs' in my map, I got the following:

ResourceManager:: GetSprite could not find the Sprite Resource (tm)

(Actually, it's at the beginning of the next day)

WoG map. Anybody have any ideas?


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Unread postby ByteBandit » 24 Dec 2006, 16:40

Yeah, I've had a few of these problems before and it almost sounds like there's a conflict between your HoMM3 and WoG installs. If you have a clean install on your HoMM3 and a clean install on your WoG 3.58f then we can go on to the next possible problem.
If you have the latest updated 3.58f scripts, a few things have changed since the previous batch of scripts. Check your Data folder. Now, all pics for the game are in a "p" folder, including your new battlefields, if you have them. If you do have the new battlefields, they are located within the p folder, in a folder labled "backgrnd". And it has to be like I spelled it without the ". And there has to be 25 pics within that folder in order for it to work. If you don't have the new battlefields, you can get them from the group site, I think, and install them through the WoG Install, and they will automatically be put into the p folder for you.
Next, in the "s" folder, make sure you have the "sort_graphics.wog" file. This is what the scripts read to view your graphics in the p folder. Remember, all graphics that were in the s file are now in the p file. If you are still having problems let us know.

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Unread postby Bethel » 24 Dec 2006, 17:52

Okay - 2 problems.

Backgrounds are fine

I don't have a 'sort graphics' file, in S or elsewhere. About all that is in S is scripts.

I have a number of .pcx files in my regular Data folder - do I need to move them over to P? I've played maps with them that have worked
(Gregor Minchev's, with new Hero/ine faces)


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Unread postby ByteBandit » 24 Dec 2006, 18:22

I sent you the file you need.

Also, portraits remain in the data folder and don't go in the p folder.

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