I dunno about you but I used to love staring at the laminated creature/unit cards that came with the first few New World Computing HoMM games and even their super early Hammer of the Gods game. Whenever I knew I'd be playing one of the HoMM games in the near future I'd get the card out and stare at them and make strategies etc to build up that anticipation.
I bought HoMM1 & 2 in the compendium that came with nice unit cards that I'd look at again and again as a kid. However from what I can see sadly HoMM3 didn't and just covered all the units in the black and white manual (I bought both original and complete editions here in Australia and found no cards). HoMM4 DID have a unit card again however it was just a pdf on the cd (in my country at least) so I printed it and laminated it myself and spent plenty of time staring at that in prep for playing it. HoMM5 collectors boxset (which I imported from Europe) thankfully came with a nice one too. They didn't do it for all the HoMM5 addon content however thanks to the fan community we had the excellent v3 fan manual handbook which I was able to combine the unit stat pages into a 4 per page double sided page that I laminated and spent plenty of time looking at too haha.
However that was it again.. as I imported the European collectors HoMM6 and 7 boxsets and they didn't appear to come with unit cards either.
So I thought I'd come by and ask fellow fans if they know of a good fan made unit card for good old HoMM3 and as a bonus if there's any for HoMM6 & 7 too? Or even better maybe some nice rare official ones out there I somehow missed out on due to my region? Or maybe some more fan made handbook manuals for HoMM3,6,7 similar to the huge HoMM5 one that I could take the unit pages out of and make my own laminated cards for.
I just managed to find evidence a HoMM3 unit card that looks very similar in style to the other official NWC ones however it was on a frigging pillow cover site of all things haha. You can tell the picture they slap on the pillow is actually a scan of physical unit cards as they did a bit of a half arsed job lining them up and you can see the edges & bends. So does anyone know about those ones? And where to find a digital copy I could print?
I'll post some images of all this below...
My current collection with Hammer of the Gods, and HoMM1,2,4,5 unit cards (click to expand):

The HoMM3 unit card pillow that apparently proves a unit card does exist out there somewhere lol (click to expand):
https://www.redbubble.com/i/throw-pillo ... 1549.5X2YF

On closer inspection you can totally see it's made from physcial cards, wish I could find a proper scan of it (click to expand):