My Favourite All-Round Creature Quest Team! (as of 11 February 2018)

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My Favourite All-Round Creature Quest Team! (as of 11 February 2018)

Unread postby Steven Aus » 11 Feb 2018, 15:10


My Current Favourite All-Round Team as of 11 February 2018

The first Creature is an Exalted Kirin, a Healer whose Luck-based Special Ability does 10 Random Cleanses (removing debuffs) and 10 Random Heals, so most of the time all creatures will be healed sufficiently, and virtually guaranteed when you have less than 5 Creatures conscious.

The second Creature is a Chaos Nymph, a hybrid unit that steals (removes) enemy buffs and applies them at 30% proficiency (except Mend, maybe it just copies it?) on your own team. As well as acting as a dispeller and buffer, the Chaos Nymph heals (more healing the more buffs are stolen, but still some even if there are no buffs to steal) and does a small amount of damage to all enemies.

Unlike the other Creatures which are Boss Size/Legendary Power in this team, the Chaos Nymph is only Medium/Rare ;), one step above the Small/Common, one step below Large/Epic and two steps below the highest Boss/Legendary Creatures.

In order to make the Chaos Nymph more survivable, I changed the basic attack to Bruiser that gives a stronger single target basic attack and most importantly a 10% HitPoint (HP) bonus. It also has a Bronze HP Enchant which is also boosted by 10%. Image

The third Creature is a Ravenous Behemoth whose special ability attacks four random targets at 80% of its Power stat and each hit has a 50% chance to stun that enemy if they are not already stunned. This guy is a bit of a tank so he has the +10% HP Bruiser Role too. He has been Awakened 1 time (an extra bonus that can be added once a creature is fully evolved - ie. two steps up from the basic creature) so he does more damage to enemies already stunned, which can include an enemy already stunned in the same special ability activation.

The fourth Creature is the Fully Evolved Anubis - the Lord of the Underworld. He attacks a target, debuffs them, buffs the friendly team and heals them, and if there are already at least three debuffs on the enemy when he attacks them (stunned status and silence status don't count as far as I know - only stat debuffs) he then revives/rezzes one random friendly team member team if any are down.

With one Awakening he gets a third buff/debuff, which means if all three dubuffs are successfully applied to the enemy attacked, he can revive another team member as long as the enemy attacked still has at least three debuffs when he uses his special ability on them again (quite easy if you have saved up two charges of his special ability, and there is only one enemy left that does not have a cleanse ability).

This complements the Chaos Nymph which is more fragile but has great utility.

Then there is the fifth Creature, the Malificent Tiamat, which has a special ability which randomly attacks six times (one enemy is randomly chosen for each attack) and can provide four different stat debuffs as well as a silence and stun (if there is only one enemy left that target will be guaranteed to be attacked six times).

I used this to apply the debuffs for the upgraded Anubis before I got the first Anubis Awakening, but you can also attack first with the Tiamat if they have their special ability active at the same time as the Anubis, so you don't waste the Anubis conditional >=3 debuff revive ability.

About Battles and Combo Dots in Creature Quest

Each time a Player Creature acts, they spend any combo dots they have that haven't already been taken and convert them to mana. They then take all combo dots matching their own colour (the colour on their bar) from all of the other friendly Creatures that haven't acted yet.

In Dungeon Challenge, the defending creatures act faster the more combo dots they have, but the colour of the dots doesn't matter for Dungeon Challenge defenders, only the quantity.

If a Player Creature has all their dots taken before their turn, they get a bonus to damage, healing and what I just found out through in-game hints (so why not read them? :) ) buff potency.

So for example the fully upgraded/evolved Anubis, Lord of the Underworld gives a 38% buff to certain stats instead of the basic 30% when he has a x8 multiplier active.

You get a x2 if you had only one colour type in that creature's combo dots, x4 for two colour types, x8 for three colour types, and x16 for four colour types. Also if a Combo is activated any enemy Creatures Defeated before using the Combo-ed Creature will add x1.

Here is the actual bonus that multipliers provide along with other info:

The combo dot colours and quantity are randomly decided when you first receive the Creature, with a maximum of 4 for all Creatures, and a minimum of 0 dots for Small/Common Creatures, 1 for Medium/Rare ;) Creatures, 2 for Large/Epic Creatures and 3 for Boss/Legendary Creatures).

However, you can reroll the colours, and if a Creature has no combo dots, they get one or two, and then it doesn't change.

Also see the official Battles 101 and Combo Dots 101 Creature Quest videos on the Creature Quest Youtube Channel (as well as the other Creature Quest 101 videos :) ).

Get in Touch! :)

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and when you are level 50 or above in Creature Quest, you can join "M&M" Guild in the game. :)

Look forward to meeting you on Celestial Heavens (CH) and in the "M&M" Creature Quest Guild! :)
Last edited by Steven Aus on 15 Feb 2018, 07:15, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: My Favourite All-Round Creature Quest Team! (as of 11 February 2018)

Unread postby Galaad » 11 Feb 2018, 16:50

My advice, don't invest into Behemoth and Tiamat, random targets sucks. Also they do weak damage.

Your Kirin and Nymph have wasted mana slots. :/

BTW, Started a similar discussion down HC a good while back. :)

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Re: My Favourite All-Round Creature Quest Team! (as of 11 February 2018)

Unread postby Steven Aus » 13 Feb 2018, 13:52

It is true that if a unit did random attacks without debuffs they would be no use.

However four chances at 50% chance to stun, and six debuffs including stun and silence do make quite a difference IMO, especially in high level battles where it is not easy to focus fire because creatures have so many HP.

Then of course there are Assassin and Defender Roles which affect whether you will hit a certain target anyway.

I do agree that Archmage is a superb unit. Here is my current Archmage:


Last edited by Steven Aus on 13 Feb 2018, 13:55, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: My Favourite All-Round Creature Quest Team! (as of 11 February 2018)

Unread postby Galaad » 14 Feb 2018, 23:23

Steven Aus wrote: However four chances at 50% chance to stun, and six debuffs including stun and silence do make quite a difference IMO, especially in high level battles where it is not easy to focus fire because creatures have so many HP.
You're right that Tiamat can make good use as utility, but in high lvl battles you need at least one mana funnel to charge a creature 1st turn. Otherwise you get stunlocked by the nymph and die. So you need to counter it (instead of whining to the devs :tongue:). IMO blue dragon (mass stun 100%) or megalodon (formidable nuker) are much better water creatures to invest in, the latter does feature in dungeon cycles.

Nice Archmage btw :D
Last edited by Galaad on 14 Feb 2018, 23:31, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: My Favourite All-Round Creature Quest Team! (as of 11 February 2018)

Unread postby Steven Aus » 14 Feb 2018, 23:45

Actually often a 4 combo dot Wood Nymph can get a go after your first creature has its turn... Since you can easily charge your mana after only one of your creatures have acted I suggest you whine to the devs and complain that the Wood Nymph is perfectly balanced. ;)

Well, it's good that I haven't awakened the Tiamat. :) As it happens I do have a Blue Dragon and Megalodon in my ranks, so I will level them up, but Tiamat will do in the meantime. :)
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Re: My Favourite All-Round Creature Quest Team! (as of 11 February 2018)

Unread postby Steven Aus » 15 Feb 2018, 07:20

Don't have enough Prismatic Orbs (and I'm not using Diamonds ;)), that's why I haven't fully optimized the Kirin and Chaos Nymph's combo dots. :)
Last edited by Steven Aus on 15 Feb 2018, 07:20, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My Favourite All-Round Creature Quest Team! (as of 11 February 2018)

Unread postby Galaad » 15 Feb 2018, 08:43

Steven Aus wrote:Actually often a 4 combo dot Wood Nymph can get a go after your first creature has its turn...
Yes it can happen, it doesn't mean it is broken. Off color unit or high luck cleanser can resist it, even if mass stun happens before round 2. Passive healing helps survive a stunlock too, if the stats difference isn't too big. :)
There is more than one way to deal with the nymph.

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Re: My Favourite All-Round Creature Quest Team! (as of 11 February 2018)

Unread postby Steven Aus » 16 Feb 2018, 03:47

Still, stunlock is boring... I would rather there be some sort of dungeon protection malus that affects attacking creatures, maybe relative to how many legendaries/epics you have.
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Re: My Favourite All-Round Creature Quest Team! (as of 11 February 2018)

Unread postby Galaad » 16 Feb 2018, 06:56

Yes stunlock is boring, but it is working. You speak about OP? Offense is, not defense. A good attacker can still beat someone wih stronger kingdom, which contributes to make battles exciting. If your team is too weak, fight against people more from your league. Introduction of Kingdom has been lifesaver in regards of balance.
Last edited by Galaad on 16 Feb 2018, 07:20, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: My Favourite All-Round Creature Quest Team! (as of 11 February 2018)

Unread postby Steven Aus » 16 Feb 2018, 23:52

I actually don't mind the way things are now, and the CQ Team agrees, because if it was cut and dried that Wood Nymph was OP AND it didn't serve a useful purpose, it would have been changed by now.
Last edited by Steven Aus on 16 Feb 2018, 23:52, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My Favourite All-Round Creature Quest Team! (as of 11 February 2018)

Unread postby Steven Aus » 17 Feb 2018, 08:54

My team is actually very good for clearing Emperor maps when you use Diamonds to continue.




Once you've completed the map to 100% once, you can use Quick Coins to skip battles subsequently. I actually completed Wealthiest Tavern 7 or 8 times today, with the 20% XP/Gold boost plus the map gold XP boosts it is very lucrative (I choose buffs for the chance to get more Gold boosts, since the non gold/non XP boosts don't apply when skipping battles).

What I do is only pick up the Bonus chests which open further areas, and leave all the other gold... When I've got the max gold boost, I turn on Auto Collect and rake in the dough without all the clicking. :)

Great source of Diamonds, Tokens and other great stuff (which can get doubled too)... There are actually only three or four battles each time I run through this map, so for the sake of 10 or 15 minutes I save Quick Coins too as well as getting more XP and gold (as compared to completing the entire Quest at once).
Last edited by Steven Aus on 17 Feb 2018, 09:14, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My Favourite All-Round Creature Quest Team! (as of 11 February 2018)

Unread postby Galaad » 17 Feb 2018, 09:43

Steven Aus wrote:My team is actually very good for clearing Emperor maps when you use Diamonds to continue.
Dood that's a cheat.

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Re: My Favourite All-Round Creature Quest Team! (as of 11 February 2018)

Unread postby Steven Aus » 17 Feb 2018, 12:57

It's allowed by game rules, so it's not a cheat.

Anyway I play for fun, not monetary or financial gain.
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Re: My Favourite All-Round Creature Quest Team! (as of 11 February 2018)

Unread postby wimfrits » 17 Feb 2018, 13:25

Steven, that looks like a nicely balanced team! Synergy between Tiamat and Anubis is very nice!

In this setup, I would abandon the Behemoth. It doesn't seem to add much here. I have one in stock but think it's a mediocre unit at best. If you replace it with the Druid, you will have the Kirin slot freed up for anything you like.

I agree that if reviving is allowed by game rules, you cannot consider it a cheat. I believe that only on Expert quests, reviving is not possible at all.
Myself, I am eager for the thrill of managing without revives. Haven't tried Emperor yet but will soon.
Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

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Re: My Favourite All-Round Creature Quest Team! (as of 11 February 2018)

Unread postby Galaad » 17 Feb 2018, 13:32

Sorry didn't want to come as harsh.
It's an 'allowed' cheat. :D

It's all good, I play for fun too, but more like the 'only smalls without diamonds revives on Emperor' kind of fun. :D

Imo Behemoth is the worst Leg out there. I adore Anubis but had to put him out from my PvP team because of wood nymph.
About these two fantastic healers, Kirin/Druid, very dangerous without rezzer at any rate as they often get one shotted.
Last edited by Galaad on 17 Feb 2018, 13:40, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: My Favourite All-Round Creature Quest Team! (as of 11 February 2018)

Unread postby wimfrits » 17 Feb 2018, 18:07

What does your PvP team look like?
Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

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Re: My Favourite All-Round Creature Quest Team! (as of 11 February 2018)

Unread postby Galaad » 18 Feb 2018, 01:29

wimfrits wrote:What does your PvP team look like?
For a very long time I had a balanced team but with nowadays dungeons it wasn't strong enough as all were 3 dots and now mana funnel is very important. I would give a screen but I made rerolls on some creatures so it wouldn't make much sense, but it was Green Giant, Astral Watcher, Anubis, Phoenix and Knight. All needed 2 turns to charge mana so they could unleash round 3, which is nowadays way too late in pvp. Prior to that I had the same but Dark Elf instead of Knight and ArchMage instead of Anubis, and before I got Anubis I used Jade Dragon (which is AWESOME btw) instead of GG for the buffs and cleanse. But with the enemy shrines and all they became too fragile and often died 1st turn, crippled so early my team was not much viable any longer. This balanced template of colors and abilities (stun/heal/nuke) sure was nice but at 3d mana fill was too slow. So after some thinking and around 100 orbs + 2k diamonds of rerolls I got this :


Kirin and Megalodon were already like that when I thought of this team, but healer/cleanser and nuker could go anywhere, so I had to reroll the others. The GG is my former one but I could upgrade it from 3d to 4d. :)

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Re: My Favourite All-Round Creature Quest Team! (as of 11 February 2018)

Unread postby Steven Aus » 18 Feb 2018, 02:51

I am eager to play Expert maps that have fully evolved and awakened creatures and no revives allowed... But I am not going to NOT use revives on maps I am allowed to.
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Re: My Favourite All-Round Creature Quest Team! (as of 11 February 2018)

Unread postby wimfrits » 18 Feb 2018, 09:09

Awesome team Galaad. Can't imagine how many rerolls were required to get it right.
I assume the protection from debuffs helps sufficiently vs nymphs? I got a 4d knight recently so might want to build up that one.
Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

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Re: My Favourite All-Round Creature Quest Team! (as of 11 February 2018)

Unread postby Steven Aus » 18 Feb 2018, 11:43

Here's the current all-round team I'm trialling:


I notice normally "debuff" means "any negative effect", and in the case of Anubis, "debuff" means "any STAT debuff" because stun status and silence status don't count towards the three debuff requirement for a random revive.

And then some abilities require a "status effect" which I gather actually means "stun, silence, burn or poison".
My Life Purpose Is To Teach The World To Fish For Life. I AM Steven Russell Lynch Abundance That I AM. Empowerment And Fostering Self-Responsibility Is My Game.

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