Today, is Mother's Day, for all Mums it was released Mommy Meowgic quest, pretty sure Purrlin's mummy would be proud of him!

What time is it? Summon vacation time! Check in every day for the next nine days to receive an idol to kick off summer vacation 2017.
Day 1: Small Idol
Day 2: Ticket Idol
Day 3: Medium Idol
Day 4: Diamond Idol
Day 5: Red Idol
Day 6: Blue Idol
Day 7: Yellow Idol
Day 8: Green Idol
Day 9: Large Idol
Rewards will be presented each time you check-in to the game on a new day (in your local time zone) during the promotional period.
These free rewards won't be here all summer - make sure to check-in daily to get all of the rewards!
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