Reading the patch notes while waiting for the patch to complete.. I like how they've started doing game balancing, like this one:
Nerfed the spells Retribution, Celestial Armour and Sylanna's Bounty
Now Retribution was crazy powerful and almost single-handedly wrecked my army on Haven 3 Campaign, even when it says the enemy is "Trivial" for me. I'm interested to see how they nerf it. Also, Sylanna's Bounty.. well IMO it feels kinda annoying since I have to keep it up to all of my ore/wood pits so that you get the full benefits.
Anyways, now that balancing is on the books, how about Implosion? With boosts to spell power, I've seen it go all the way to 100%+, which means it will one hit kill whatever stack it hits, provided they don't have resistances/immunities.. that stack of 300 Bloodeyed Cyclopes? Boom. Gone.