Bug reports after patch 1.3

The game Might & Magic: Heroes VII, developed by Limbic Entertainment.
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Bug reports after patch 1.3

Unread postby Kalah » 27 Oct 2015, 14:23

Please report bugs here.

Nothing else in this thread, just bug reports
(to make it easy for the devs to read). :)

Make sure you have patched the game up to patch 1.3!

Here's something to consider when posting a bug report:

  • Where is the bug? Does it affect user interface, the town screen, pre-battle screen, siege screen, adventure map, etc?
    Bug Description: What happens?
    When does it appear: On a specific map or location?
    Can it be corrected?: Try alt-tab, then switch back to the game window, will that ghost hero who should not have been there disappear? Will the mysteriously duplicated stacks vanish from the battlefield when you try moving them?
    Solutions tried and known to not work so far? (e.g. restarting game found not to solve a certain tendency to freeze at a certain point).
At the bottom of your bug report, report your computer specs: CPU, OS, RAM, graphics hardware and software.
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Re: Bug reports after patch 1.3

Unread postby Madaxe » 28 Oct 2015, 09:50

Playing as Wizard on 8 player skirmish map Irresponsible War (and lost on Heroic! :loll: )

* My Golems died from poison damage from Shades
--> Ok, I see that the Shades "poison" is actually dark magic damage. That may explain it....
* AI attacked my empty scout hero and game locked up on stained glass loading screen
* Enemy attacking units still show as "covered" when inside castle walls during a siege
* Cast blizzard. Units advanced and then on next two turns, defended in blizzard instead of advancing. One was in full damage range of my Cabirs
--> Ok, I think I had reduced their movement to zero with Blizzard and then Ice Strike. Fixed :ashamed:
* Same battle, I opened my spell book to cast a spell. All of my spells said "Already cast an adventure spell today". I had 16 mana at the time. I also couldn't do direct attack. I could click the sword, but couldn't target anything. Next combat turn was back to normal.
* With Academy Hero Minasli, I was offered "Frosbite" on level up. On hovering over frostbite with my mouse it said #textfield. On her skill wheel, she isn't able to get Grandmaster level Water (for Frostbite). Although, I think she should since Water is her specialty.....but not sure if that is really a bug or not :|
* Minasli with Minotaur's Axe is doing crazy direct damage. At lvl 24 currently, she his doing 3726 direct damage per hero attack. I can't figure out why she is doing so much, I am guessing some bug with Minotaur's Axe
* My Necro army keeps getting "Deep Freeze" applied to it when choosing to defend. This limits their movement, but they don't take any damage. I have the "Ice Strike spell", but no artifact that has that effect.

Dell i7 laptop, 1G Quadro 1000m, 8G RAM
Last edited by Madaxe on 03 Nov 2015, 18:36, edited 7 times in total.

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Re: Bug reports after patch 1.3

Unread postby gomaki » 28 Oct 2015, 10:38

Thanks for the thread, This morning I sent out my weekly community bug thread message to all the devs so be assured we are monitoring this and I will try and update as and when I can. As always everyone is free to email me with crash logs and .save files and I will always reply so you know I received the email.

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Re: Bug reports after patch 1.3

Unread postby gomaki » 28 Oct 2015, 10:42

Madaxe wrote:Playing as Wizard on 8 player skirmish map Irresponsible War (and lost on Heroic! :loll: )

* AI attacked my empty scout hero and game locked up on stained glass loading screen
Hey Madaxe. This is a really interesting one for us. Would if be possible for you to send us the game log (launch .txt file) and .save file to me please.

You can get the launch file here. C:\Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Might & Magic Heroes VII\MMH7Game\Logs

And the .save file here C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\savegames

my email is singleton@limbic-entertainment.de

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Re: Bug reports after patch 1.3

Unread postby crislevin » 28 Oct 2015, 10:56

Blessing of Arkath doesn't do anything.
The settings of AI speed, adventure speed, battle speed don't stick, get reset with every loading of game, loading of save.
Tooltip misleading, it says "no retaliation" when I tried to melee attack Minotaurs, but my unit always gets retaliated upon.

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Re: Bug reports after patch 1.3

Unread postby Madaxe » 28 Oct 2015, 17:27

Hey Madaxe. This is a really interesting one for us. Would if be possible for you to send us the game log (launch .txt file) and .save file to me please.
Hi Gomaki. I loaded up the save game right before it happened and it doesn't appear to be reproducible....both times the empty hero properly just disappeared. I am more than happy to send it over to you, but how do I correlate the save game name in game with file name in the savegames folder? Let me know if you would still like to have it or not.

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Re: Bug reports after patch 1.3

Unread postby Alfalken » 29 Oct 2015, 02:22

Found a minor yet amusing one. Sometimes when my Druid uses Leaf Daggers, she'd end up facing backwards (turning away from the enemies). Here's a screenshot I captured after she used Leaf Dagger:


Also, I noticed that sometimes during a siege, when the enemy (as defenders) moves its troops to the gate, it sometimes attacks the gate.. As in doing the attack animation at the gate.

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Re: Bug reports after patch 1.3

Unread postby gomaki » 29 Oct 2015, 11:20

Madaxe wrote:
Hey Madaxe. This is a really interesting one for us. Would if be possible for you to send us the game log (launch .txt file) and .save file to me please.
Hi Gomaki. I loaded up the save game right before it happened and it doesn't appear to be reproducible....both times the empty hero properly just disappeared. I am more than happy to send it over to you, but how do I correlate the save game name in game with file name in the savegames folder? Let me know if you would still like to have it or not.
Well a sure fire way to know it's the save is to load the game, and save and then give me the latest save file (you'll see a time and date stamp next to the file) otherwise it's perfectly find for you to send me all the files you have and i'll go through them until I find the affected one.

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Re: Bug reports after patch 1.3

Unread postby Madaxe » 29 Oct 2015, 16:15

Well a sure fire way to know it's the save is to load the game, and save and then give me the latest save file (you'll see a time and date stamp next to the file) otherwise it's perfectly find for you to send me all the files you have and i'll go through them until I find the affected one.
Ok, I emailed the saved files to you. Let me know if you want any further info. Thanks!

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Re: Bug reports after patch 1.3

Unread postby crees0921 » 31 Oct 2015, 11:16

My lost armies count is showing inaccurate numbers (higher) of losses that persist up until the next battle. Even adding troops to the hero does not get the numbers back to where they should be until the next battle.

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Re: Bug reports after patch 1.3

Unread postby Panda Tar » 31 Oct 2015, 12:41

Yo, Dan, I have a situation that liked to describe. Maurice described to me a situation in which we didn't come to a conclusion whether it was a bug or an intended mechanic:

He said he was playing with furies and gnolls on his team against some heaven-aligned troops, one of which was a stack of justicars. Beside the justicars was another enemy stack. He, then, attacked that stack with his furies (which have the NO RETALIATION ability). That triggered the gnolls' ability of attacking that same unit with a ranged attack. So far, so good. Then, out of the blue, justicars retaliated his furies.

The thing is that justicars shouldn't retaliate furies for an attacked allied stack because it doesn't allow triggering a retaliation, the furies ability that is. But it happened anyway. Maurice thinks that it might have happened because the gnoll's ability has no 'check' whether it can or cannot be retaliated (because in normal circumstances, it'll never be, given it attacks after another allied attack, and it's also a ranged attack, making it safe behind the first layer of action taken by an ally), and then, the justicar's ability is checking if it can retaliate the source of that attack, it might have made a check on furies (then it concluded it would not retaliate) BUT it made another check when the gnolls special attack landed (which is not defined as a No relatiation attack as Maurice suspects), thus triggering a retaliation from the justicar - however, the retaliation happened on the furies, which supposedly have nothing to do with gnolls attack.

So, he is not certain if it is intended - although as strange as it is - or if it's another bug.
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Re: Bug reports after patch 1.3

Unread postby Alfalken » 01 Nov 2015, 17:14

Found two from my latest gaming session..

1. I enter a Dragon Utopia in Sylvan Campaign 4, and was greeted by this. The other three dragons never really spawned at all, when their turn comes they just keep using defend. When I kill the Green Dragon, the battle ends. Also, the battle theme doesn't play, it keeps playing the world map theme.


2. I think I reported this one on the earlier patch bug reports, but it still happens in patch 1.3.1. When I'm on the defending side of a siege battle (with walls), when an enemy has gone over the wall to the inside of the castle (my side) and I try to shoot the enemy using ranged, it says that the enemy is "covered" which shouldn't and doesn't make sense. Here's a screencap:


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Re: Bug reports after patch 1.3

Unread postby gomaki » 05 Nov 2015, 10:55

Hey Panda. Interesting interaction. I have spoken to a designer and really if something has No Retaliate it shouldn't be retaliated against, however you might be correct in the assumption that Opportunity attack triggered opportunity retaliate. Personally, I quite like when games have odd little intricacies like this, even if they're not always intended, lots of great games have 'bugs' that have made them what they are. But perhaps in this case it's something we will simply fix. Thanks for the report.

Alf we're aware of the cover issue. It is going to be addressed in a future support patch (read not the next one). I just spoke to Oak on the matter and he said it's actually a much more difficult task than would originally seem, and it's slightly lower on his priority list right now, but of course it will be addressed. Thanks for the good report, Wish I got all bug reports sent to me like that.

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Re: Bug reports after patch 1.3

Unread postby Panda Tar » 05 Nov 2015, 12:48

No problem.

I also prefer more micromanagement of abilities, and I do agree some different reactive abilities bring another layer of strategy to the game (this is an actual improvement, although I still think H7 lacks uniqueness between units with poor ability choices generally speaking). However, in this case in specific, it makes not much sense, because I would assume gnolls were to be retaliated instead of the furies, right? If the gnolls were retaliated, I would think that should indeed happen.


Regarding the cover issue, Maurice asked this:
There's a question below this, actually: should attackers also have cover from defending ranged attackers, if there's a wall between them?
"There’s nothing to fear but fear itself and maybe some mild to moderate jellification of bones." Cave Johnson, Portal 2. :panda:

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