A couple of days ago, I had a small error with the quilibris, it was that when I put the equi.aop file, the map editor did not work anymore, so I deleted it and put it back in the folder and it was going, then I I noticed that the icons of the new items were not there and I had to pick them up and drag them manually, well the thing was that I found items without texture and they appeared like a garnet box with yellow letters saying: Delete me now!
And according to the official page of equilibris these objects should appear, which I do not think they have deleted before the launch.( Some objects from the equilibris appear like the Barbarian Wall, or items like Griffin Helm)
Problems with Equilibris Map Editor (Win. 10)
Problems with Equilibris Map Editor (Win. 10)
Last edited by Xanthus on 13 Oct 2018, 15:40, edited 7 times in total.
Re: Problems with Equilibris Map Editor (Win. 10)
* This should work for you. Simply upload image on that site and it will generate the image code which you can just paste here.
This and this won't help you?
* This should work for you. Simply upload image on that site and it will generate the image code which you can just paste here.
This and this won't help you?
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PC Specs: A10-7850K, FM2A88X+K, 16GB-1600, SSD-MLC-G3, 1TB-HDD-G3, MAYA44, SP10 500W Be Quiet
Re: Problems with Equilibris Map Editor (Win. 10)
I'm still in China and can't see the images, but you have to build the equi.aop file. You need to delete the one made during installation; then in the editor create a new tab and then manually add the equilibris items to it. The new equi.aop file is now compatible with Win 10. This is basically the same info as in the link in Pol's post.
Last edited by jeff on 13 Oct 2018, 02:52, edited 2 times in total.
Mala Ipsa Nova
Re: Problems with Equilibris Map Editor (Win. 10)
Ok, I think I see the problem ... The garnet boxes I spoke of, I think I have interpreted them in the wrong way. Let me explain: from what I've been seeing, I think those boxes do not belong to items in the equilibris mod, but to items in the main game (so I think). Items like: Griffin Helm, Spirit of Oppression, Witch's ring, the 3 barbarian wall models and the two quest buildings, are what appear to me, and I see some pictures of equilibris I thought there would be other items included. (Somewhere on the page I saw that they included dead griffons as decoration). However, I still do not know what texture or what are those objects in the garnet boxes, because before having installed this mod, I had never seen these boxes, that's why I suspect they are equilibris items that I can not see
Last edited by Xanthus on 13 Oct 2018, 16:13, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Problems with Equilibris Map Editor (Win. 10)
Yes, the first time I could not see the griffin helm and the others mentioned, I did just that and it worked. (Also for starting c_e_mod.exe for the first time, I had to do that )But anyway, thanks a lot... and especially to all the equilibris team.jeff wrote:I'm still in China and can't see the images, but you have to build the equi.aop file. You need to delete the one made during installation; then in the editor create a new tab and then manually add the equilibris items to it. The new equi.aop file is now compatible with Win 10. This is basically the same info as in the link in Pol's post.
Re: Problems with Equilibris Map Editor (Win. 10)
Equilibris v.3.51 only includes 3 new Artifacts - The Griffin Helm, Witch's Ring and the Spirit of Oppresion. As well as the 3 Barbarian Walls.Xanthus wrote:Ok, I think I see the problem ... The garnet boxes I spoke of, I think I have interpreted them in the wrong way. Let me explain: from what I've been seeing, I think those boxes do not belong to items in the equilibris mod, but to items in the main game (so I think). Items like: Griffin Helm, Spirit of Oppression, Witch's ring, the 3 barbarian wall models and the two quest buildings, are what appear to me, and I see some pictures of equilibris I thought there would be other items included. (Somewhere on the page I saw that they included dead griffons as decoration). However, I still do not know what texture or what are those objects in the garnet boxes, because before having installed this mod, I had never seen these boxes, that's why I suspect they are equilibris items that I can not see
There's a whole bunch of those 'Delete me now' objects, but they are unfinished objects from the Original game, NOT by Equilibris. Discarded and unfinished objects of which some were prepared; some artifacts have images packed in the game files, but aren't coded, some object are coded, but don't have images/animations, some were probably discarded due to imbalance issues ect. There is quite a long list of planned objects and artifacts that didn't make it to the final game. The reason why you haven't seen them before, is because they weren't dragged to the editors object pallette, but they were still packed in the game files. (if you open the standard, non Equi editor, you'll still be to locate those 'delete me now' objects.
Equilibris v.3.55 (beta version) includes 18 types of Dead Creature decorations, decorations based on combat objects - like Barrels and Crates obstacles from Sea battles, many brand new decorative and new Creature Banks.
Now if you seek to make use of those Dead Creature decorative displayed on their site as well as more than +1000 new objects, take a look here:
https://www.celestialheavens.com/news/h ... a-released Tons of more objects will be added in future updates
NimoStar's Greatest Mod also includes all of the Equilibris v.3.55 objects, but also introduces a lot of changes:
If you seek the alfa version of 3.55 look here: http://www.eq.acidcave.net/Download.php
I'm silent in seven languages - and I got all my familys fear.
Everytime you throw dirt, you loose a little ground
Everytime you throw dirt, you loose a little ground
Re: Problems with Equilibris Map Editor (Win. 10)
You forgot the completed functional wagon quest hut was also added.Karmakeld wrote: Equilibris v.3.51 only includes 3 new Artifacts - The Griffin Helm, Witch's Ring and the Spirit of Oppresion. As well as the 3 Barbarian Walls.
Mala Ipsa Nova
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