I'm having some visual glitches, the biggest one is in Sutter's Bay (that I found in the first 2 minutes anyway), is this some issue with the installation?
Depending on the angle I'm looking from the ground is losing its texture:
It also affects some of the new shop logos (the first store you see in Katan, and the one opposite the inn in Sutter's Bay for instance). Looks like there were 2 textures in the same place fighting for domination.
Then another question: I see there's also some changes to other files, like Spells or Mapstats. From a glance it seems like it makes all spells very cheap too? Is there a place somewhere where I could read what the mod changes? I'd like to play it with all the new quests and stuff, but I want to revert all changes that make the game easier
As a side question, my guess is the answer is a resounding "LOL NO", but would it be possible to play TCC on the Merge's engine?

I love how smooth MM6 looks there with the hardware acceleration active, higher resolution, all the things. I did try to just bruteforce plug it in (tried with the original TCC cause it has way fewer files, so I just renamed them to mm6.bitmaps etc and copy pasted xD), but to the surprise of no one, it just told me "WHERE DRAGON?? NO DRAGON, NO GAME!! BYE, FELICIA" and crashed