A new (upcoming) interview with Tim Lang!

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A new (upcoming) interview with Tim Lang!

Unread postby MadMax » 14 Aug 2020, 09:47

Hey guys!

So, it was quite some time since we last had a good, nice chat with Tim Lang (which you can read here; https://www.celestialheavens.com/viewpage.php?id=118

Since he is actively working on Aeolwyn's Legacy together with his team at DungeonByte (formerly Brrrap Games) which is something that us Might and Magic crazed people really look forward to, I decided to "hunt him down" for an interview.
So, I discussed with Pol and I sat in my chair, rocking back and forth, wondering, what would be fun to know? What do the people of CH want to hear about? Well, what's better than to ask you all, Pol mentioned? So, here I am (rock you like a hurricane, wooh! ... Sorry, I lost track)

What questions do you want us to ask Tim Lang? It's OK to ask some about old NWC/3DO stuff, but if you really want a Golden Star, hit us with your best questions about Aeolwyn's Legacy and DungeonByte!

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Last edited by MadMax on 14 Aug 2020, 10:18, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A new (upcoming) interview with Tim Lang!

Unread postby cthscr » 16 Aug 2020, 05:55

What were the mistakes/not so good decisions of MM series that you are trying to avoid in AL? ("How?" part is interesting of course but couldn't be forced.)

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Re: A new (upcoming) interview with Tim Lang!

Unread postby Tress » 17 Aug 2020, 10:47

Some come to mind
1) Was there any outlines of MM 10 during or after of mm9 development cycle.
2) After MM8 was finished , was there any other story concepts for MM9 , like continue in old universe rather than Axeoth. How was decision to switch setting made.
2.1) Probably Homm related question but was similarities to MTG purposeful - magic system , including some spells being direct coppies. Plot outline of apocalypse(Urza cycle ending/ Reckoning) being prominent in both
3) What was your involvement and experience contributing to MMT, did you persoanlly knew any other member, or was it all abstract online communication.
3.1) Judging by experience as dev and contributor to fan project, do you see ever any of such being completed. And when you started did you realistically expected it to be finished in foreseeable time.
4) When designing AL , do you put any references(easter eggs, strongly related mechanics) to MM games, or you try to keep them purposefully separate.
5) Unsure if this was asked in some previous , but whats your personal rating for MMX legacy. What would you do different if you would have creative control.
Last edited by Tress on 17 Aug 2020, 10:49, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A new (upcoming) interview with Tim Lang!

Unread postby Rodril » 17 Aug 2020, 11:08

I don't know if it was asked before, but I'm wondering, will Aeolwyn's Legacy have any kind of editor or API for modding?

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Re: A new (upcoming) interview with Tim Lang!

Unread postby Troller » 18 Aug 2020, 13:07

Looking forward to seeing the interview :oex:
  1. Ask Tim how much have changed when developing today compared to the (good old) M&M days?
  2. Also why make AL is it for us the (loyal) fanbase or is it something that he has been wanting to do?
Last edited by Troller on 18 Aug 2020, 13:08, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A new (upcoming) interview with Tim Lang!

Unread postby GrayFace » 20 Aug 2020, 20:35

Tress wrote:2) After MM8 was finished , was there any other story concepts for MM9 , like continue in old universe rather than Axeoth. How was decision to switch setting made.
Also, if you know, why was it made in such an unnatural way - in an intro? If The Reckoning could be played through in a HOMM4 campaign, it would've been much more understandable and maybe even relateable.
Last edited by GrayFace on 20 Aug 2020, 20:37, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: A new (upcoming) interview with Tim Lang!

Unread postby MadMax » 21 Aug 2020, 11:01

You are all the best and I am taking everything into consideration. I will be writing up the interview this upcoming weekend hopefully! :)
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Re: A new (upcoming) interview with Tim Lang!

Unread postby Anubis » 21 Aug 2020, 22:56

Hopefully I'm not too late in submitting possible questions!

1. What does Tim think of people who criticize aspects of his game? (e.g. the story, customization, gameplay) Does he take it personally or does he just completely ignore those people?

2. How many hours (on average) do you hope it'll take for the player to complete a playthrough of Aeolwyn's Legacy? Will the game have any replay value at all?

3. Does developing Aeolwyn's Legacy get stressful at all or do you enjoy every moment of it?

4. What aspect of the development of Aeolwyn's Legacy excites you the most? What aspect frightens you the most?

5. Do you have an idea as to the price range that Aeolwyn's Legacy will have? Will the game be available on any platforms like Steam or just exclusive to the DungeonByte website?

6. How many hours would you say you've spent in developing Aeolwyn's Legacy so far?

7. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time besides game development?

8. Do you get a lot of user-submitted suggestions? If so, do most of the suggestions deviate from your vision of the game or have the user-submitted suggestions influenced your vision of the game at all?

9. What games have inspired you in regards to the development of Aeolwyn's Legacy, if any?

10. Do you get a little annoyed when people ask you questions related to Might & Magic in interviews? Do you wish people would just focus on asking you questions related to Aeolwyn's Legacy rather than them bringing up Might & Magic from time to time?

Thank you for taking user-submitted questions into consideration, HeroOfPunk! I look forward to the interview! Best of luck with it!
Last edited by Anubis on 21 Aug 2020, 23:22, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: A new (upcoming) interview with Tim Lang!

Unread postby Pol » 22 Aug 2020, 14:49

And there's one my own:

How many games he's developing at this time?
What he focuse the most, when he's making games?
Does AL have its team?
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Re: A new (upcoming) interview with Tim Lang!

Unread postby Anubis » 24 Aug 2020, 22:25

When are you going to have your interview with Tim Lang, by the way? Also, are you just going to announce the interview on the main website or will there be an announcement somewhere in the forums?
Last edited by Anubis on 24 Aug 2020, 22:34, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A new (upcoming) interview with Tim Lang!

Unread postby Pol » 25 Aug 2020, 06:05

It will be on the website and mirrored to forums - articles section. ;)
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Re: A new (upcoming) interview with Tim Lang!

Unread postby Anubis » 25 Aug 2020, 06:49

Thanks, Pol.

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Re: A new (upcoming) interview with Tim Lang!

Unread postby MadMax » 26 Aug 2020, 09:13

Hey all! We scheduled the interview for next saturday, so early September, just because I need to get myself a more proper webcam and some delays are expected due to the current situation.

I will be handing over questions for preparation and checking this week (possibly weekend) and I'd say count that the interview is up in it's entirety mid-september.

Hopefully, a interview with Paul Anthony Romero will be happening as well!
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Re: A new (upcoming) interview with Tim Lang!

Unread postby Roxterat » 28 Aug 2020, 11:13

HeroOfPunk wrote:Hopefully, a interview with Paul Anthony Romero will be happening as well!
lol Paul's a friend, he's nice, my best regards to him!

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Re: A new (upcoming) interview with Tim Lang!

Unread postby MadMax » 28 Aug 2020, 13:05

Roxterat wrote:
HeroOfPunk wrote:Hopefully, a interview with Paul Anthony Romero will be happening as well!
lol Paul's a friend, he's nice, my best regards to him!
I got a lot of contact with him too and he's even produced a Masters of Sighisoara tune and one more that I can't talk any more about right now... :applause:
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Re: A new (upcoming) interview with Tim Lang!

Unread postby Xfing » 25 Sep 2020, 02:11

Damn, I regret I missed the chance to ask some questions for this interview!

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Re: A new (upcoming) interview with Tim Lang!

Unread postby Pol » 25 Sep 2020, 12:43

Well, you still have a chance with another guest. This time with H3 Level Designer. Don't hesitate :))
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Re: A new (upcoming) interview with Tim Lang!

Unread postby Xfing » 29 Sep 2020, 21:02

Cool, though I'm not really all that interested in that particular thing :P

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