So, it was quite some time since we last had a good, nice chat with Tim Lang (which you can read here;
Since he is actively working on Aeolwyn's Legacy together with his team at DungeonByte (formerly Brrrap Games) which is something that us Might and Magic crazed people really look forward to, I decided to "hunt him down" for an interview.
So, I discussed with Pol and I sat in my chair, rocking back and forth, wondering, what would be fun to know? What do the people of CH want to hear about? Well, what's better than to ask you all, Pol mentioned? So, here I am (rock you like a hurricane, wooh! ... Sorry, I lost track)
What questions do you want us to ask Tim Lang? It's OK to ask some about old NWC/3DO stuff, but if you really want a Golden Star, hit us with your best questions about Aeolwyn's Legacy and DungeonByte!
Teaser 1;
Teaser 2;