High Resolution Might and Magic 6 7 8 with dgVoodoo 2

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High Resolution Might and Magic 6 7 8 with dgVoodoo 2

Unread postby tomchen1989 » 18 Nov 2017, 12:47

dgVoodoo 2 is a great wrapper for old graphic APIs. It can render MM7 and MM8 in high resolution mode. With the tool, the 3D scene is in high resolution and the 2D interface is resized proportionally.

It also works for Rodril's MM678 merge, since the merge is based on MM8's engine. Which means, we now have MM6 in high definition hardware 3D mode through the MM678 merge and dgVoodoo 2.

UPDATE: Note that GrayFace's MM7 and MM8 Patch version 2.1 (July 2018) and later versions include the "high resolution rendering in Hardware 3D in 32 bit color mode" feature, therefore,

The game may even crash if you try to use dgVoodoo 2 with the latest MM678 Merge Mod.

However, if you are using a version that cannot apply GrayFace Patch, such as MM7/8 of Chinese, Japanese or Korean version, you may continue to use dgVoodoo 2.
(it's possible to apply GrayFace Patch to MM8's CJK versions or have CJK localization of MMMerge now, see GitHub repo)


Download the latest stable version of dgVoodoo (now it's v2.55 released on 24.03.2018) from the official web site (http://dege.freeweb.hu/dgVoodoo2/dgVoodoo2.html)
(Ignore the false positive "This file is dangerous" notice prompted by Google Chrome and keep the file)

Extract the three files (DDraw.dll, D3DImm.dll, D3D8.dll) in the \MS\ folder directly to the game folder, Extract dgVoodooCpl.exe to any place you like.
Run dgVoodooCpl.exe and configure as the screenshots show.

General tab settings:

Attention please: if you do not want to use Grayface patch's mouselook feature, use the following DirectX tab settings:

Apart from the following workaround, click here to view another workaround for NVIDIA users suggested by chiyolate
If you want to use Grayface's mouselook, use the following DirectX tab settings, with the "Resolution" set as your own, calculated one:
You also need to "auto-hide" your windows taskbar.

How to calculate the resolution:
Find your screen resolution, for example, 1920 x 1080.
MM6-8 game runs in a 4:3 window, and 1080 / 3 * 4 = 1440, so in the full-screen mode, your game should run in a resolution of "1440 x 1080"

How to auto hide taskbar:
Right click taskbar -> "Taskbar Properties" -> check the "Auto-hide the taskbar" box

After clicking "Ok" or "Apply", a dgVoodoo.conf file will be generated in the game folder.

Run MM8Setup.Exe (or MM7Setup.Exe) in the game folder, make sure the settings are the same as the screenshot shows, then launch the game.
(Instead of executing mm8.exe (or mm7.exe), the game will have to be started via MM8Setup.Exe (or MM7Setup.Exe) every time)

---Problem solving---
If the brightness is low in the game, press Win button to go back to the desktop, then click the minimized game to return to it, the brightness will then be normal

[Mouselook users only] If the graphics is not properly rendered (color issue) or the cursor disappears, you may need to toggle full-screen and window mode with "F4" key for several times, until everything is fine in the full-screen mode.

Workaround for NVIDIA users suggested by chiyolate:
chiyolate wrote:I have found a workaround (at least for NVIDIA users) for:

1. Items blinking when dragged around inside the inventory window
2. Mouse cursor feels inaccurate or strange
3. Spinning mouse look
4. Having to press F4 multiple times
5. Having to hide the taskbar

Here's how:
1. Go to NVIDIA control panel, then go to "Adjust desktop size and position"
2. Check the "Enable desktop resizing" checkbox
3. Press the Resize button, then slide your monitor width to 1440 (assuming you have a 1920 x 1080 monitor)
Apply that, now you have a virtual 1440 x 1080 monitor.

Next, use this dgVoodoo settings:

1. General tab -> choose Windowed -> Centered
2. Check the "Inherit color profile in fullscreen mode" (for better contrast)
3a. IMPORTANT! FOR Original MM7: Check the "Capture mouse" checkbox
3b. IMPORTANT! FOR MM678: Uncheck the "Capture mouse" checkbox
(This one is for the spinning mouselook!)

DirectX tab:
4. Check "Application controlled fullscreen.."
5. Check "Disable alt-enter to..."
6. Set resolution to 1440 x 1080, 60Hz


Now you can play MM in 1440 x 1080 (fullscreen) perfectly without being blocked by the taskbar, and glitchfree! And no longer need to press F4!
To see a full-size image, please right click the image -> click "open image in new tab"/"view image", or drag the image to a new tab.

-----Screenshots of MM678 merge in 1440 x 1080-----
Choose a continent at the beginning of the game:
Enroth (MM6's continent):
Erathia (MM7's continent):
Jadame (MM8's continent):
New Sorpigal tavern with Smacker animation

-----Screenshots of original MM7 in 1400 x 1050-----

It also works for original MM6, but since MM6 doesn't have hardware 3D mode, dgVoodoo 2 can only resize the window and cannot make the resolution higher. You can use other better window resize tools such as DXWnd and D3Dwindower to achieve the same thing.

MMResTool (aka. mmtool), Might & Magic Compatibility Layer (by Emjayen) are great. But as a general tool that is not specifically designed for any game, dgVoodoo 2 works almost perfectly and better than the other tools (MMResTool doesn't show Smacker animation and MM Compatibility Layer is in alpha stage and unstable), that's amazing.

The idea is inspired by a post from a Chinese Might and Magic community http://gamerhome.com/bbs/forum.php?mod= ... tid=403392 (registration required)
Last edited by tomchen1989 on 20 Jul 2020, 18:47, edited 17 times in total.

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Re: High Resolution Might and Magic 6 7 8 with dgVoodoo 2

Unread postby Steven Aus » 20 Nov 2017, 13:55

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Re: High Resolution Might and Magic 6 7 8 with dgVoodoo 2

Unread postby Lucius » 03 Dec 2017, 13:41

Looks amazing, but incompatibility with Grayface mouselook makes it unusable, is there any way to allow both mouselook and this resolution mod?

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Re: High Resolution Might and Magic 6 7 8 with dgVoodoo 2

Unread postby tomchen1989 » 03 Dec 2017, 15:46

I've updated the "Usage" section in the original post, making compatibility with Grayface mouselook possible.

Please do as the updated "General tab settings" screenshot shows, and the "FOR MOUSELOOK USERS ONLY" section says.

You will need to auto-hide taskbar, which might be a little disturbing. You might encounter some graphics rendering issues that you need to toggle full-screen and window mode with "F4" key for several times to solve (see "Problem solving" section). Apart from these, normally it should work fine.

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Re: High Resolution Might and Magic 6 7 8 with dgVoodoo 2

Unread postby Coldy » 04 Dec 2017, 13:45

Thanks for the link and tutorial Tomchen. I will definitely try this out with Rodril's MM678 merge :D

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Re: High Resolution Might and Magic 6 7 8 with dgVoodoo 2

Unread postby Vinevi » 23 Dec 2017, 23:44

Well since the tool wraps it into DX9 or 11 could it mean that we can have post effects now? Reshade/ENB or anything.
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Re: High Resolution Might and Magic 6 7 8 with dgVoodoo 2

Unread postby Echo » 24 Dec 2017, 00:15

Looks swell! Definitely going to use it next time I play the game! Thank you!

Might & Magic with ENB? :O Do I want to see that, oh my!

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Re: High Resolution Might and Magic 6 7 8 with dgVoodoo 2

Unread postby Coldy » 02 Jan 2018, 21:00

It seems to be working fine, really enjoying the shiny new graphics so far. Thanks again Tomchen! :D

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Re: High Resolution Might and Magic 6 7 8 with dgVoodoo 2

Unread postby waltc » 04 Jan 2018, 00:11

OK, running Windows10x64, version 1709, build 17063, DGVoodoo2.54 is working perfectly with the merged game when configured as you have so thoughtfully illustrated it here! I am using it with the Mouselook option which is working fine, btw @2560x1440 x60Hz (Max/native). What I've noticed is that I kind of have to "coax" the mouse in order for the cursor to appear in a static frame every once in awhile--as if the DGVoodoo "capture mouse" setting isn't working so well, possibly. But, the mouse cursor will *always* appear--it's just not predictable--have to move the mouse around until I see the cursor appear and *then* it will work as expected in the scene frame. With mouselook invoked in the main game display window, it works fine--it's only when in a static screen that I have to coax the mouse to get the cursor to appear.

I tried some variations--for instance--selecting "full screen" in DGVoodoo2.54 instead of Windowed--and guess what--no more skittish mouse cursor--it's always there, always working as it should be--until--you guessed it...;)...I try mouselook in the main display window--and then it is spinning endlessly time again which won't stop until I exit mouselook. So that won't work.

Wondered if you maybe knew of a setting I could try to get a more stable mouse cursor in static frames while invoking the mouselook option. If I haven't supplied enough info here let me know and I will, gladly...;) Thanks!

Edit: Mouselook seems to be working fine, actually--along with the mouse.

Updated: Still running right as rain under Win10x64, 1709, build 10783! Can no longer envision playing these games without DGVoodoo2.54.
Last edited by waltc on 31 Jan 2018, 17:47, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: High Resolution Might and Magic 6 7 8 with dgVoodoo 2

Unread postby waltc » 10 Jan 2018, 02:06

waltc wrote:self-nuked--duplicate
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Re: High Resolution Might and Magic 6 7 8 with dgVoodoo 2

Unread postby equs » 10 Jan 2018, 17:30

hi guys, I play on a convertible windows tablet and often use the touch screen directly instead of the mouse pad. but with voodoo plugin the touchscreen don't react anymore... Is there a solution?

Please, I love this mod. The game looks fantastic with this engine. But I can't disclaim the touchscreen, it's simply faster and more comfortable when you are on the move by train. and the mouse pad of my dock isn't as good as it should be...

Edit: I noticed that in windowed mode the touchscreen works again, but the window is so small....

Is there a way to make touchscreen working with voodoo plugin or at least to make the window as big as possible (1440x1080)?
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Re: High Resolution Might and Magic 6 7 8 with dgVoodoo 2

Unread postby waltc » 16 Feb 2018, 00:51

Bad news for Windows10x64, 1709, build 17101...installed today. It breaks Sergey's 2.0 Mouselook patch for MM8. No settings at all in dgvoodoo2.54 serve to restore--been trying different combinations for the past hour--nothing works. Everything in the game works without a problem--except Mouselook.

Hard to say but I think at this point it's likely due to a bug in this beta version of Win10--although the version I am testing for Microsoft now is the first in the short string of bug-fixed releases before the official RS4 release of Win10 is released in a couple of months. I still have a couple more tricks to try--if something changes I will report it here.
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Re: High Resolution Might and Magic 6 7 8 with dgVoodoo 2

Unread postby waltc » 02 Mar 2018, 20:02

Anyone have any ideas as to why Mouselook from Sergey's 2.0 patches has suddenly stopped functioning within these latest Win10x64 ,version 1803 beta builds? It has nothing to do with DGVoodoo2 whatever, as Mouselook is broken without it--even just running the standard GOG game installs (ie, even outside the MM6,7,8 mod.) I'm making another bug report to Microsoft about this--usually they fix these things, but I have no idea as to the timescale. So far, only Sergey's Mouselook is broken (both from the 1.6.2 patch & the 2.0 patch MM6/7/8)--nothing else is affected so far as I can see. Sergey would likely be the best one to answer this query...;)
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Re: High Resolution Might and Magic 6 7 8 with dgVoodoo 2

Unread postby Rodril » 04 Mar 2018, 17:45

Hello, I've added MouseLook support into MM678 for this case, details in first post there. Good point about solution is, it does not require any tweaks in dgVoodoo, so i'm posting stand alone version, which require patch and MMExtension 2.1 or newer, works only for MM8, might be useful until original MouseLook issue is solved.
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8skpvgugghix ... UQiIa?dl=0

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Re: High Resolution Might and Magic 6 7 8 with dgVoodoo 2

Unread postby waltc » 04 Mar 2018, 22:57

Rodril wrote:Hello, I've added MouseLook support into MM678 for this case, details in first post there. Good point about solution is, it does not require any tweaks in dgVoodoo, so i'm posting stand alone version, which require patch and MMExtension 2.1 or newer, works only for MM8, might be useful until original MouseLook issue is solved.
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8skpvgugghix ... UQiIa?dl=0
Fan-tastic...;) Thanks for looking at this--above and beyond, wasn't expecting! Will try it tonight...;)

Edit: Works perfectly--works a treat! Thanks so much for the effort!...:D
Last edited by waltc on 05 Mar 2018, 00:12, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: High Resolution Might and Magic 6 7 8 with dgVoodoo 2

Unread postby Steven Aus » 05 Mar 2018, 01:56

:up: :yes: :tsup: :oex: :-D :creative:
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Re: High Resolution Might and Magic 6 7 8 with dgVoodoo 2

Unread postby waltc » 06 Mar 2018, 23:51

Rodril wrote:Hello, I've added MouseLook support into MM678 for this case, details in first post there. Good point about solution is, it does not require any tweaks in dgVoodoo, so i'm posting stand alone version, which require patch and MMExtension 2.1 or newer, works only for MM8, might be useful until original MouseLook issue is solved.
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8skpvgugghix ... UQiIa?dl=0
I am surprised about this but I thought you'd like to know...! Installed Win10x64 build 17115.1000 (version 1803) a few minutes ago...and guess what?...darned if they haven't already fixed the bug...! Yep I just ran my test version which is a straight install of GOG's MM7, along with Sergey's 2.0 patch--and Mouselook via the capslock key is working again... :tsup: Ha-ha--so it goes it with Microsoft--sometimes it takes a while, sometimes it doesn't...!

But I am definitely holding on to your very nice Mouselook remedy--in case this happens again. They are in the final bug-fixing stages now until the official spring release of RS4--so who knows what can happen--they may yet trip that bug before then, again...! Thanks again, Rodril! Should I encounter anything else relative to the Mouselook subject I'll be sure and let you know.
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Re: High Resolution Might and Magic 6 7 8 with dgVoodoo 2

Unread postby Steven Aus » 07 Mar 2018, 09:02

:yes: :tsup: :applause:
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Re: High Resolution Might and Magic 6 7 8 with dgVoodoo 2

Unread postby UnknownHuman » 17 Apr 2018, 04:42

Hi there.

I can get "high res" but not better looking graphics.
It looks the same as the original game, bulky.

The pictures further up in thread is what I wanted.
I followed exactly but can never get it to work.

Any ideas please ?

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Re: High Resolution Might and Magic 6 7 8 with dgVoodoo 2

Unread postby waltc » 20 Apr 2018, 03:35

UnknownHuman wrote:Hi there.

I can get "high res" but not better looking graphics.
It looks the same as the original game, bulky.

The pictures further up in thread is what I wanted.
I followed exactly but can never get it to work.

Any ideas please ?
Well, the instructions as published here work perfectly--I can attest to that, myself--so if you are having a problem it's definitely on your end. As well, without your furnishing a lot more configuration information you'll have little hope of being helped, even if someone would like to try--you simply haven't provided enough specific info. If you are experienced enough to imagine it, try and imagine the sort of information you'd need to see if you were going to try and help someone else--and then provide that information about your own configuration. Good luck... :yes:
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