Any command line tool that can pack and unpack MM's .lod?

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Any command line tool that can pack and unpack MM's .lod?

Unread postby tomchen1989 » 29 Aug 2012, 11:15

Hello, is there any command line tool that can pack and unpack MM's .lod directly?

I'm modding MM7 (a clean, improved and i18n'ed version of that "MM7 MOD (China)" by a friend) and my work is coming to the end. I need a command line tool to add resources to the original .lod files.

I searched a lot. I also found such tool for HoMM's .lod, it doesn't work for MM's .lod.

I know I cound use LodCompare and LodMerge, but they create a .lod file as a mod diff archive, which can be twice or more as big as a 7-zipped file. LodMerge doesn't unpack .lod resources, this are also what user may want to do. Additionally, a modder who imports resources so many times, may want to run a simple .bat to easily import all resources in a folder to a .lod file by one click. A simple pack/unpack tool, should be simpler, more useful, and actually able to create smaller mod installer (using 7z.exe or other professional compressor) than LodMerge, and it's not hard to use at all if the user really uses command line.

An ideal, very simple but powerful command line tool should be something like that:

Add resources to a package file:
XXPackTool <package_file_name> <resource_name>[ <resource_name2> ...]
(note: 1. create package file if it doesn't exist;
2. if any of the <resource_name>, <resource_name2> ... is a folder path, then add all resources in this folder {it seems that .lod and such package files should not contain any folder, so do it};
3. overwrite if resource file with the same name exists)

Unpack all resources or specific resources from a package file:
XXPackTool -u <package_file_name> <to_folder_path>[ <resource_name>[ <resource_name2> ...]]

Just my wish lol, I don't know how to write such a tool with C++. If someone who has it, or who has free time to make it, thank you very very much. Or maybe GrayFace can make a command line version of MMArchive? I don't know, difficult to make or not?

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Unread postby GrayFace » 29 Aug 2012, 17:09

LodMerge + LodCompare are the tools for mod installation.
I've also made a tool for automatic lods updating during modding, AutoLod. It's still not officially released, I can send it to you.
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Unread postby tomchen1989 » 30 Aug 2012, 01:50

Yes, plz send me AutoLod, email to tomchen1989 at, or PM me with the file's link

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Unread postby tomchen1989 » 04 Sep 2012, 14:37

Got it from ... ects=0&d=1 , seems not what I'm looking for, but thank you all the same

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