MM6-8 Spell recovery speed

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MM6-8 Spell recovery speed

Unread postby Batlin » 24 Mar 2012, 04:21

I'm currently writing FAQs for MM6-8 and I cannot find any comprehensive information anywhere on what recovery times for spells are. This includes the bonuses you sometimes get with extra skill levels (Expert, Master, Grand).

Can someone please point me where I can find numerical values for spell recovery times? Things like the Might & Magic 6 strategy guide do give vague times, and a few precise values, but I'd like to know where I can find this for all spells and in all three games. If it requires a hex viewer, that's fine; it's not hard for me to extract that kind of data.


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Unread postby tolich » 24 Mar 2012, 06:52

Game mechanics by GrayFace.

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Unread postby Batlin » 24 Mar 2012, 08:01

tolich wrote:Game mechanics by GrayFace.
I suspected GrayFace would know so I e-mailed him separately, but unless I'm missing it somewhere (I can't read Russian) his Web site doesn't have specific information on a spell-by-spell basis.

The one specific case where I have this information is the Deadly Swarm spell in Might and Magic 6. From page 112 of the strategy guide, that spell has a recovery time of 100 with Normal Earth Magic, 90 with Expert Earth Magic, and 80 with Master Earth Magic. I just would like to get precise information for the other 98 spells in MM6, the 99 spells in MM7, and the 111 spells in MM8. :D

Edit: I've managed to figure this out. If you are interested, use a hex editor to open up MM8.EXE and go to address 0xF4884.

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Unread postby osoviejo » 20 Aug 2017, 02:48

Batlin wrote:Edit: I've managed to figure this out. If you are interested, use a hex editor to open up MM8.EXE and go to address 0xF4884.
I am indeed interested. Do you have your list of recovery times by spell available anywhere? Are they the same across MM6-MM8? Does Speed (or any other attribute) affect recovery besides skill mastery level?

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Re: MM6-8 Spell recovery speed

Unread postby Batlin » 22 Aug 2017, 14:09

It's been a while since I worked on this, but you should be able to reverse-engineer this for all 3 games with a hex editor (if GrayFace hasn't already done so, I haven't checked).

I found my preliminary notes for MM6 if it helps (I don't guarantee its accuracy at all):

MM6.EXE 0xBDD7E: beginning of spell data
first Spell costs in 16-bit integers, Normal Expert Master
then Spell recovery time in 16-bit integers, Normal Expert Master
then an unknown 16-bit integer
Order of spells:
1. 0xBDD7E: probably Fire
2. 0xBDE18: definitely Air
3. 0xBDEB2: probably Water
4. 0xBDF4C: probably Earth
5. 0xBDFE6: definitely Spirit
6. 0xBE080: probably Mind
7. 0xBE11A: probably Body
8. 0xBE1B4: definitely Light
9. 0xBE24E: definitely Dark

No, I don't remember which version of MM6.EXE this is.

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Re: MM6-8 Spell recovery speed

Unread postby Echo » 23 Aug 2017, 23:19

I recall changing those for my modling thingie, so if I'm understanding you correctly you should be able to access these by simply viewing a table using the MMArchive software (works for 6-7-8). Should be much easier than browsing Hex data. Unless I misunderstood, of course, it's rather late :)
Last edited by Echo on 27 Sep 2017, 02:07, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: MM6-8 Spell recovery speed

Unread postby tomchen1989 » 26 Aug 2017, 17:36

Here it is for MM6:

Code: Select all

#	Skill	Name	Normal	Expert	Master
1	Fire	Torch Light	60	60	60
2	Fire	Flame Arrow	100	90	80
3	Fire	Protection from Fire	120	120	120
4	Fire	Fire Bolt	110	100	90
5	Fire	Haste	140	120	120
6	Fire	Fireball	110	100	90
7	Fire	Ring of Fire	110	100	90
8	Fire	Fire Blast	110	90	70
9	Fire	Meteor Shower	120	110	100
10	Fire	Inferno	140	120	100
11	Fire	Incinerate	150	130	110
12	Air	Wizard Eye	60	60	60
13	Air	Static Charge	100	90	80
14	Air	Protection from Electricity	120	120	120
15	Air	Sparks	110	100	90
16	Air	Feather Fall	120	120	120
17	Air	Shield	140	120	120
18	Air	Lightning Bolt	110	100	90
19	Air	Jump	110	90	70
20	Air	Implosion	120	110	100
21	Air	Fly	250	250	250
22	Air	Starburst	150	130	110
23	Water	Awaken	60	60	60
24	Water	Cold Beam	90	80	80
25	Water	Protection from Cold	120	120	120
26	Water	Poison Spray	110	100	90
27	Water	Water Walk	150	120	120
28	Water	Ice Bolt	110	100	90
29	Water	Enchant Item	140	140	140
30	Water	Acid Burst	110	100	90
31	Water	Town Portal	200	200	200
32	Water	Ice Blast	120	110	100
33	Water	Lloyd's Beacon	250	250	250
34	Earth	Stun	80	80	80
35	Earth	Magic Arrow	100	90	80
36	Earth	Protection from Magic	120	120	120
37	Earth	Deadly Swarm	110	100	90
38	Earth	Stone Skin	140	120	120
39	Earth	Blades	110	100	90
40	Earth	Stone to Flesh	140	140	140
41	Earth	Rock Blast	110	100	90
42	Earth	Turn to Stone	130	130	130
43	Earth	Death Blossom	120	110	100
44	Earth	Mass Distortion	140	120	100
45	Spirit	Spirit Arrow	90	80	80
46	Spirit	Bless	140	100	100
47	Spirit	Healing Touch	140	140	140
48	Spirit	Lucky Day	140	140	120
49	Spirit	Remove Curse	140	140	140
50	Spirit	Guardian Angel	120	120	120
51	Spirit	Heroism	140	120	120
52	Spirit	Turn Undead	140	120	100
53	Spirit	Raise Dead	240	240	240
54	Spirit	Shared Life	150	150	150
55	Spirit	Resurrection	1000	1000	1000
56	Mind	Meditation	140	140	120
57	Mind	Remove Fear	140	140	140
58	Mind	Mind Blast	110	100	90
59	Mind	Precision	140	140	120
60	Mind	Cure Paralysis	140	140	140
61	Mind	Charm	100	100	100
62	Mind	Mass Fear	100	90	80
63	Mind	Feeblemind	110	100	90
64	Mind	Cure Insanity	140	140	140
65	Mind	Psychic Shock	130	120	110
66	Mind	Telekinesis	250	250	250
67	Body	Cure Weakness	140	140	140
68	Body	First Aid	140	140	140
69	Body	Protection from Poison	120	120	120
70	Body	Harm	110	100	90
71	Body	Cure Wounds	140	140	140
72	Body	Cure Poison	140	140	140
73	Body	Speed	140	140	120
74	Body	Cure Disease	140	140	140
75	Body	Power	140	140	120
76	Body	Flying Fist	130	120	110
77	Body	Power Cure	150	125	100
78	Light	Create Food	100	90	90
79	Light	Golden Touch	100	100	100
80	Light	Dispel Magic	100	90	90
81	Light	Slow	120	100	80
82	Light	Destroy Undead	120	110	100
83	Light	Day of the Gods	500	500	500
84	Light	Prismatic Light	150	135	120
85	Light	Hour of Power	250	250	250
86	Light	Paralyze	160	140	120
87	Light	Sun Ray	180	165	150
88	Light	Divine Intervention	200	200	200
89	Dark	Reanimate	100	100	100
90	Dark	Toxic Cloud	120	110	100
91	Dark	Mass Curse	120	120	120
92	Dark	Shrapmetal	100	90	80
93	Dark	Shrinking Ray	120	120	120
94	Dark	Day of Protection	500	500	500
95	Dark	Finger of Death	130	130	130
96	Dark	Moon Ray	150	140	130
97	Dark	Dragon Breath	160	140	130
98	Dark	Armageddon	250	250	250
99	Dark	Dark Containment	300	300	300
Last edited by tomchen1989 on 26 Aug 2017, 19:37, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: MM6-8 Spell recovery speed

Unread postby Grimples » 22 Sep 2017, 02:00

Messing with the recovery times & none of the healing spells can be changed so i reckon they must be overwritten in GrayFace's mod, i dont know how to extract the .LOD files.

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Re: MM6-8 Spell recovery speed

Unread postby Avatar86 » 07 Dec 2017, 23:00

I've played MM6 on and to since it came out!
and now almost 20 years later when I play it (for the mbrazillioneth time) I find it funny that NOTHING seems to effect the recovery of cast magic (Not, Stat Speed, Spell Speed, Haste, Accessory of Recovery).
So is it a flaw?

and then you Noble souls create this post... just 3 months ago :D Fantastic!

Now, I'm playing GOG vanilla,
have I missed something? Is there any way in game to get faster recovery rate on cast spells (besides upgrading to Expert/ Master)?

P.S. Thanks for the Hex Data info :) Good Work!
Last edited by Avatar86 on 07 Dec 2017, 23:02, edited 1 time in total.

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