
Death Path, HotA Map by SimHotA

Death PathMap Name: Death Path
: Monere has to defeat DEATH to win.Fun and short (8 battles). There are some a bit advanced battles too:).
Version: 0.9
Note: The difficulty might be only hard instead of expert.
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"This map was sent for testing, please don't forget to leave a comment, either in the forum by mail or by Discord. thumbsup"

Death Path Map Screenshot




Hits: 964

Map: Death Path
Map Version: Testing
Uploaded: 2025-01-04
Author: SimHotA
Game Version: H3-HotA (M)
Size: S
Underground: No
MP: No
Allied: No
Nr of Humans: 1
Nr of Teams: 2
Nr of AI: 1
Campaign: No
Win Condition: Defeat a Specific Hero
Lose Condition: Be Defeated
Description: Monere has to defeat DEATH to win. Fun and short (8 battles). There are some a bit advanced battles too:).

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