
cq utomost top reward

Knight - 100 Totems or Common Tomes or Common Essences
Prince - 300 Totems or Ancient Tomes or Rare Color Essences (10-15?)
Emperor - 500 Totems of one kind or mixed or Ancient Tomes (10 Compendium Packs) or Rare Essences  (20-30?)
Immortal - 5 Mystic Idols or 300 (15x20) Ancient Tomes or 5 Epic Color Essences
Demigod - 2 Legendary Idols or (200?) Formulas or 2 Legendary Essences
Deity - 4D Reaper, 3 Colored Leg Idols, 2 Leg Essences

 Things can be pretty interesting here..

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