
Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes HD was released yesterday on the Playstation and today on the Xbox 360. They can be downloaded from the Playstation Network and Xbox Live Arcade. To give you a headtstart, I compiled a list of Trophies and Achievements you can obtain in the game. Notice that the ultimate achievement is called "Hero of Might and Magic", a nod to our favorite series. I will be adding tips and general strategies in the coming weeks hopefully.

Below is the launch trailer created by the folks at Capy:

In Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes, earn the following achievements or trophies to boost your GamerScore or Gamer Level. Tips and hints will be added later.

Name Description Trophy Type Gamerscore
Bounty Hunter Complete all bounty side requests. Bronze 15G
Collect'em All Unlock all special units. Bronze 15G
Online Hero Win a battle in 1 vs. 1 online mode. Bronze 10G
Sir-Links-A-Lot Creat a link of 5+ formations in battle. Bronze 10G
Fusion Fanatic Triple fuse an attack formation in battle. Bronze 10G
Team Player Win a battle in 2 vs. 2 online COOP mode. Bronze 15G
Young Hero Win a battle in the Sylvan campaign. Bronze 15G
Unstoppable Army Reach a Hero level of 10 and max out all units to level 5 in any campaign. Silver 25G
Legend of Battles
Reach Level 10 in online multiplayer mode.
Silver 25G
Skilled Strategist Complete all Battle Puzzles in each Campaign. Silver 15G
Treasure Hunter Collect all artifacts of each campaign. Silver 15G
Hero of Might and Magic Complete all main quest and side quest objectives in all Campaigns. Gold 30G
Hits: 7549

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