
Might and Magic V


Log entry: 3/3/850
Last night two meteors impacted Darkside within seconds of each other. Judging from their trajectory, they must have landed near the volcano. I have sent Wolrow to investigate the impact site. The time of the Prophecy draws near, and I suspect that these meteors are a good omen.

Log entry: 3/4/850
Crindr Amn has announced the hatching of 18 healthy children ! I am so happy for her ! Not a single one had to be eaten because of
deformities. Everything in the world seems to be going right. The initial preparations for the Prophecy have been flawless, and I
anxiously await Queen Kalindra’s response to my request for her aid in the final Prophecy ceremony.

Log entry: 3/5/850
I have issued a proclamation requesting volunteers to help facilitate the final stages of the Prophecy. Responses should be coming in soon. The culmination of the Prophecy is so near I can taste it.

Log entry: 3/6/850
Wolrow was expected to return today, but there is no sign of him yet. He probably took some extra time to study the meteor phenomenon. I have not yet received a response from Queen Kalindra or any volunteers.

Log entry: 3/7/850
Four days have passed since I last saw Wolrow. He should be back by now, and I fear for his safety. I will send a search party for him if he is not back in two more days. I have had positive responses from several volunteers on the matter of the Prophecy, and they have all indicated that they will arrive at the royal pyramid in a few days.

Log entry: 3/8/850
Letters from volunteers continue to pour in. The response is more than gratifying. All signs and omens continue to point to successful completion of the Prophecy.

Log entry: 3/9/850

Wolrow is still missing. I sent a search party out to find him today. The volunteers have begun to arrive, and I have been dispatching them to their posts. Queen Kalindra sent word of her willingness to participate in the Ceremony, and mentioned that she had taken
in a mysterious but charming guest named Alamar. She also said that the emissary from the other side of the world had not yet arrived.

Log entry: 3/10/850
My study of the signs today showed a drop in confidence for the completion of the Prophecy by 10%! Something is amiss and I cannot read the signs clearly enough to tell what it is. I am very worried about Wolrow, and hope that the search party discovers him soon.

Log entry: 4/1/850
Confidence slipped another 3% this morning, but returned to its previous level in the afternoon. There is some chaotic factor in the equation now, and even a small drop in confidence makes my tail twitch nervously. The volunteers have stopped arriving, and I sent the last one to his post today. All that remains is for the Queen to complete her task, the emissary to arrive, and for the proper time to arrive.

Log entry: 4/2/850
The search party returned with bad news today. They reported that they were unable to approach the meteor impact site because a rebel army was camped before it! A rebel army!? Led by who? Who would dare challenge my authority or detain my servants? On top of this bad news, confidence fell to 74%. The Queen has not sent confirmation of her readiness to complete the Ceremony, and the first day the Ceremony could begin is tomorrow.

Log entry: 4/3/850
Today is the first day the Prophecy can be completed. I have not heard from the Queen. Scouts report that the rebel army is both growing in number and advancing toward the royal pyramid. Confidence has fallen to 40% and continues to fall by the hour. I have sent messages to my monstrous allies informing them of the situation and asking them to muster their armies and come to my defense. My tail lashes in agitation.

Log entry: 4/4/850
All is lost! The Queen has not responded to my attempts to contact her magically. The Orcs sent a message stating that they were involved in religious ceremonies and were, sadly, unable to come to my aid at this time. As soon as the ceremonies are over in a month, however, they will be happy to come. The Ogres sent a simple refusal. I have not heard from any of my other allies. Scouts predict the rebel army’s arrival tomorrow. Since confidence fell to 20% today, I have decided to recall the volunteers and shore up my defenses. Reports also indicate the sudden building of a dungeon on the Isle of Lost Souls and a castle near the meteor impact site.

Log entry: 4/5/850
The rebel army besieged the pyramid today. I can see from the window that some of the members of the army are my former allies. There have been refusals of aid from the Sprites and the Gremlins, the last delivered with insults and jeers. An emissary from the rebel army demands my surrender to his master—Alamar. I refused, of course. He cannot possibly have the key to the pyramid. Confidence fell to 6%.

Log entry: 4/6/850
Alamar has the key. He must have taken it from Queen Kalindra. His army has entered the pyramid and has been battling my forces all day. The first level has been lost, and my forces seem unable to hold the rest. Ellinger, Queen Kalindra’s advisor, reports that Castle Kalindra has been “moved out of phase” with the rest of the world, and is impossible to enter. He also reports that the Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and Gnomes have been confined to a small section of Castleview town.

Log entry: 4/7/850
I have ordered my forces to surrender to save their lives. I have set the seals of the final level of the pyramid to prevent unauthorized entry, and I am certain they will work. Unfortunately, I am now virtually powerless. While the army cannot enter here, I cannot leave. Ellinger informs me that he has taken similar steps to ensure his safety in his tower in Castleview. Confidence has fallen to 1%.

Log entry: 5/7/850
Nothing has changed in a month. Alamar’s army is unable to pass the final seal. His emissary demands my surrender every day—I wonder when he will grow tired of asking. To deepen my troubles, Alamar has indicated that he has captured the emissary from the other side of the world, Prince Roland, and has sent his own ambassador there. Alamar seems to be firmly in command of Darkside now, and it doesn’t look like he is going to rule very well. There must be something I can do to influence events. I will try to contact the Queen tomorrow.
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