
Heroes 4 Map Contest
'An American Tale'

This is a Heroes of Might and Magic 4 map contest open to anyone who submits a completed Heroes 4 map fitting the contest theme before the closing date. The general rules are as follows:

Theme Details - 'An American Tale'

A recent article in The New Republic identified four key American cultural narratives. These stories will seem very familiar to anyone who has had contact with with american culture - movies, television, books and politics - which, for good or ill, is much of the world. Not all aspects of these stories are uniquely American but they do have a distinct flavour reflecting the history of the United States.

Your goal is to make a map incorporating and centered around at least two of these four themes:

How you use these themes in your map is up to you but they should be central to the story and gameplay. Please indicate in documentation attached to your map which of the themes you have used.

Judging Criterion

The judging criterion are as follows (in approximate order of importance):

Good luck and have fun!


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