I have been meaning to replay Dark Messiah of Might and Magic for quite a while. I still have the game installed in Steam, as a trophy of the work I did as a tester and, let's face it, as a promoter of some sort (reading my beta preview again reminds me of the huge expectations we had for that game) back in 2006. Nearly six years later, I decided to pick up the Xbox 360 version of the game, curious to revisit the world of Ashan from a first-person perspective, and perhaps to unlocks a series of achievements. I was planning to take that opportunity to write a review, but then I came across a fellow Xbox gamer review on a community site. I'm reprinting it here with permission from the author, XxSpazemxX:
"Adding a subtitle hasn't improved Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. This tardy Xbox 360 port of the first-person action RPG that premiered on the PC in late 2006 remains solidly third-rate even with the word "Elements" strangely appended to the original name. Arkane Studios and Ubisoft may have taken well beyond a year to presumably spit-shine everything for the game's console debut, but the mind-numbingly repetitive combat, bland story, and awkward level design haven't been changed much at all. Only revamped multiplayer modes of play offer anything new, and they're pretty weak and offset by control and visual issues that make this 360 version of the game much worse than its PC predecessor."
Read the full review here.