
Gamasutra have released an article with their reviewer's top 5 downloadable console games of 2011. Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes takes first place of the games available for Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network and WiiWare:

Ryan Langley on M&M CoH:
"It's an amazingly unique puzzle game -- you fight by pitting wildlife, demons, and soliders against each other by merging three or more together, and having them charge off to battle after predetermined amounts of turns, and when the opposition is waiting to charge in your direction, you'll be setting up walls and opposing forces to take them down. (...)

What this list also proves, at least to me, is that of all the publishers out there trying this whole digital download thing, Ubisoft has the right idea. And that might sound crazy with all the discussion on Ubisoft DRM and all its weird PC game shenanigans, but whoever is in charge of the company's smaller download games initiative should keep doing what they're doing."

Gamasutra's Best Of 2011: Top 5 Console Downloadable Games
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