As of today, Songs of Conquest is officially available on the Mac App Store!The Mac app version fully supports crossplay with other platforms, so it’s the..
Portrait project -... Today, 19:23 by Vinevi (3 replies) in Might and Magic This is amazing work! Great job!
I never liked the default MM7 NPC portraits -- they looked so goofy....
MM7Rev4mod A Radical... Today, 12:57 by Tomsod (47 replies) in Might and Magic It's pretty hilarious if BDJ made every monster target rangers first. Like, "it's already the worst...
fheroes2: Resurrection Today, 11:09 by sirDranik (142 replies) in Heroes I-IV Is there any way how to convert old H2 map format to new *.fh2m format, so they could be open in new...
Best Deals! Today, 08:29 by Pol (472 replies) in Hall of the Heretics Legend of Grimrock for below 4€
Now, don't buy that. :D
Same case for Heroes3, which is below 5€, Syberia...
Fiur has completed work on a graphical mod for Heroes V: Tribes of the East that adds sharper textures to the creatures of all towns. Several examples and download links can be found at the Heroes Community (or pick up the whole package here.
To install the mod, move the ZIP file to the userMOD folder and rename it to .h5u. What do you think of the results?
Portrait project -... Today, 19:23 by Vinevi (3 replies) in Might and Magic This is amazing work! Great job!
I never liked the default MM7 NPC portraits -- they looked so goofy....
MM7Rev4mod A Radical... Today, 12:57 by Tomsod (47 replies) in Might and Magic It's pretty hilarious if BDJ made every monster target rangers first. Like, "it's already the worst...
fheroes2: Resurrection Today, 11:09 by sirDranik (142 replies) in Heroes I-IV Is there any way how to convert old H2 map format to new *.fh2m format, so they could be open in new...
Best Deals! Today, 08:29 by Pol (472 replies) in Hall of the Heretics Legend of Grimrock for below 4€
Now, don't buy that. :D
Same case for Heroes3, which is below 5€, Syberia...