Short News

newshornCelestialHeavens very irregular and at times also short news. From the category, this and that. When there happen more things at once in the given period. Everything interesting mixed up on the table. Pick what you like :)

  • Summer Sales 2023

    A verbosely very nicely quiet reminder, that period of summer sale madness is back! cancerleovirgo

  • Short News 22' Sept 4

    Dragoness: Command of the Flame

    Dragoness: Command of the Flame was released at 1st Sept, present reviews are positive, albeit scarce. It's indeed having part of hommlike mechanic, most similar are battlefields but rest is closer to King's Bounty. Game stays on its own, there's 10% sale ongoing till 8th Sept, so you can go yourself and check.

    • You are getting your own
  • Short News 21' Sept 2

    heroesorchestra logo sHeroes Orchestra released very nice Prayer, from Heroes IV, you can listen to it just below:

    "They are going ready to complete Grassland Suite from HoMM IV. As these masterpieces have some of the best and most chilling tunes in the HoMM series."

    Tournament was arranged in H3:

  • Short News 20' - July 22

    New Armageddon Blade's Walkhtrough

    New walkthrough for Armageddon Blade, Catherine's Charge by ithacor. Fingers crossed, to be continued. Enjoy!


    Masters of Sighisoara Final Saga

    Tmos festers wanted for the last, final and mind blowing Masters of Sighisoara Campaign.

  • Short News June 19'

    Creature Quest Game Quiz

    139 CraneStudent PortraitFirst a little housekeeping, some time ago I announced at forums Creature Quest Quiz, which is for everyone to peek in but really, only players will be knowing. Although I must say, that this Mobile Collectible RPG is not having too strong RPG elements, there's some funny lore behind and game

  • Short News - 19' March2April

    MMH 5.5

    They released a new version, with fixes, new SkillWheel and and possibility to replace new Treeant with the ToTE one. You can grab it here.

    Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 (RC11)

    Biweekly News Digest - 22 April 18'

    George AlmondGeorge Almond, Chief Concept Artist of Heroes of Might & Magic III. and IV. is looking for a new job, as full time game artist. And per chance you shouldn't miss an opportunity  - ok, if you are a game developer, to hire him, of course - to see his portfolio from good old Might & Magic times on ...

  • Formally Biweekly News - 23 March 18'

    There seems to be some resentment with current HoTA release 1.5.3 - as they removed some of random elements from the game. Which can be cool for MP but evidently it's upsetting for SP. This is, they changed Resistance. And it can now even prevent enemy hero from summoning.  You can find the release here, compared to HoTA 1.5.2 this is a mainly bug fix release. Horn of the Abyss is

  • Formally Biweekly News - 12 April 17'

    Wryn Pendragon"Wryn Pendragon: Umbramancer" - Heroes VII. Community project.For these who don't know, it aims to add mutated Xel's faction to the game, Atmos weather system and campaigns which decide about destiny of their world - Mondalar. All of that, what's been done, you can see on

  • Formally Biweekly News - 23 March 17'

    MM:EGWe have been hinted, that Ubisoft is trying something new. Not a full game but Android offspring. That is another non main stream game: Might & Magic: Elemental Guardians

    The game went live on 17 March and it was

  • Formally Biweekly News - 19 March 17'

    HTTPS over HTTP

    In following days we will be moving from the combined mode, when both type of connections work simultaneously — which we have for some time — to https only. To ensure that every login will be and stay encrypted. That will be covered by simple DV certificate. This also comply with current Google & Firefox politics, which dictate that insecure login is no, no.


  • Formally Biweekly News - 8 Jan 17'

    A lot happened from the holly time of Christmas and I hope that you enjoyed them quite thoroughly, here's the recap:


  • Formally Biweekly News - 4 Dec 16'

    The previous weeks were in sign of Black Friday and we are just continue strictly toward the Christmas. This means in general lots of discounts and people getting presents but lower activity from ' mod/game makers'.


    VCMI - Mod Design Team

    One of major VCMI features is, that is moddable. The full list of mods in all states of completeness is available here. Recently there were some pretty drafts from ...

  • Formally Biweekly News - 20 Nov 16'

    Balrog WGH2: Project Ironfist got a new coat and you can admire it on pages. The pages are not complete at this stage but all basic stuff has been already put in place. Sure that there are few more pics of "Big Balrog With Gun". Seeing cards, it's not certain what will be final name for this mighty cyber beast, it looks
