Hi, guys. First of all please forgive me my grammar or lexical mistakes cause I'm not an English-speaker. I'd like to open the curtain of darkness and mystery over WoG 3.59 and everything connected with it.
WoG Team does not exist any more. Slava gave the sources of exe to some people (Corwin, Nordstar, Sir Four) who are the heart of WoG now. They set up a new team and the project was called CoreWoG. Also a group of people a few days ago claimed of creation of their own project with several new towns. They call it HotA (Horn of the Abyss, as far as I remember). Their leader is Docent Picolan, an artist. (everything takes place on russian territory of df2.ru) The team of CoreWoG made huge plans for a year ot two. The HotA maybe plans to make a release more rapidly.
So, what do we have now? Nothing. The most convenient exe for writing scripts is the exe of TE. I removed all crc-checks from it so exe-file can be modified. For scripters it gives some vary useful features like control over spells and "if"-syntax from high-level programming languages. Also I added the possibility to use your own dll and to call API directly from ERM.
As for me, I'm a programmer, mod-maker and scripts-writer. I made some progs for debugging ERM-scripts, loading and saving scripts from/to already loaded save and so one. Also I made a big Mod called Phoenix-mod v3.0. In addition to all this I wrote a simple ERM-compiler to give scripters an opportunity of creating cross(?)-scripts. (scripts that can be used with other scripts in any project) But there is a small problem. All soft and the Mod are written in Russian, so I need a translater. I see that there are some people here who wants to create and who really works, but the situation is the same as of russian forums. The lack of fans.
Please, everyone who still deals with ERM and working on something, post in this topic. I'll try to help you.
And of course, my tools and compiler will make life of scripters twice simplier than now.