CoreWog, WoG 3.59, ERM and the Future of Hmm 3

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CoreWog, WoG 3.59, ERM and the Future of Hmm 3

Unread postby Warrior » 02 May 2008, 19:28

Hi, guys. First of all please forgive me my grammar or lexical mistakes cause I'm not an English-speaker. I'd like to open the curtain of darkness and mystery over WoG 3.59 and everything connected with it.
WoG Team does not exist any more. Slava gave the sources of exe to some people (Corwin, Nordstar, Sir Four) who are the heart of WoG now. They set up a new team and the project was called CoreWoG. Also a group of people a few days ago claimed of creation of their own project with several new towns. They call it HotA (Horn of the Abyss, as far as I remember). Their leader is Docent Picolan, an artist. (everything takes place on russian territory of The team of CoreWoG made huge plans for a year ot two. The HotA maybe plans to make a release more rapidly.

So, what do we have now? Nothing. The most convenient exe for writing scripts is the exe of TE. I removed all crc-checks from it so exe-file can be modified. For scripters it gives some vary useful features like control over spells and "if"-syntax from high-level programming languages. Also I added the possibility to use your own dll and to call API directly from ERM.

As for me, I'm a programmer, mod-maker and scripts-writer. I made some progs for debugging ERM-scripts, loading and saving scripts from/to already loaded save and so one. Also I made a big Mod called Phoenix-mod v3.0. In addition to all this I wrote a simple ERM-compiler to give scripters an opportunity of creating cross(?)-scripts. (scripts that can be used with other scripts in any project) But there is a small problem. All soft and the Mod are written in Russian, so I need a translater. I see that there are some people here who wants to create and who really works, but the situation is the same as of russian forums. The lack of fans.

Please, everyone who still deals with ERM and working on something, post in this topic. I'll try to help you.

And of course, my tools and compiler will make life of scripters twice simplier than now.

Last edited by Warrior on 04 May 2008, 21:29, edited 1 time in total.


Unread postby BAD23ro » 02 May 2008, 22:18

Wog Team exists, but is less active right now that before.
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Unread postby ByteBandit » 02 May 2008, 22:52

BAD23ro wrote:Wog Team exists, but is less active right now that before.
Yes it is is'nt it?But it does'nt necessarily translate into pure Death of the WoG Team.
BAD23ro wrote:As far as I know, I'm in CoreWog Team too, so isn't a problem to be in two teams.

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Unread postby Warrior » 02 May 2008, 23:53

Wog Team exists, but is less active right now that before.
What do you mean when you say "less active"? One man alone can create big project working only a year. For a team it should take a couple of month. "Less active" means dead.
Real team of CoreWoG is working on a hidden forum.
VCMI is a standalone project and not everyone believes that it will reach the same functionality and stability as existing exe-files are.


Unread postby BAD23ro » 03 May 2008, 00:43

@ Warrior

I'm in CoreWog Team..check BAD in that forum :D

Wog Team isn't dead, less active because we did the scripts for 3.59. You should ask Thomas Frantz because he is responsible with script updates for WoG Team. :)

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Unread postby darknessfood » 03 May 2008, 00:48

So if i get it right, there are 2 projects 'running' and you have to choose when one is finished?
You can either agree with me, or be wrong...

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Unread postby Pol » 03 May 2008, 06:28

Well, let see next year...

PS WoG Team of course exists, if it would vanish all future versions of WoG would be threatened to be exclusively in russian - means mostly useless. I'm not in CoreWoG team and I don't feel urge for, if someone want me I'm reachable in classic, by your words "dead" WoG Team.

As to the Docent Picolan I didn't know that, however that course of actions is not so much surprising, isn't it? And his graphics is almost flawless. Take it like offspring which, when the main part will be done, can be easily adopted back. It's however questionable if it will happens?

PSS Welcome to the forums Berseker. ;)

PS3 Perhaps I'm persistent but I will repeat my question.
"Where is Bastion?"
Last edited by Pol on 03 May 2008, 08:06, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread postby ByteBandit » 03 May 2008, 07:25

I'm like you Pol. I don't think I'm on the CoreWoG Team either. I have sooo many Irons in the fire dealing with HoMM as it is, that I would'nt have time right now to help them out if I could.
Presently, I am designing a totally new kind of campaign, with the likes of which nobody has ever done. It'll be the first of it's kind.
Being on the WoG Team is quite enough and will still be needed for testing the next Gen of WoG when it's ready to test. I'll help out with that, of course.
Working and Keeping the Archives alive and well also takes up most of my time anymore these days. (But that's my passion with H3 anyway.)
So, I hope CoreWoG has the help they need. Or any other project that helps develop the next gen of WoG for that matter.

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Unread postby Warrior » 03 May 2008, 15:41

I'm in CoreWog Team..check BAD in that forum
I saw you :) But there are some hidden forums where real discussion is held.
You should ask Thomas Frantz because he is responsible with script updates for WoG Team.
Ok. Can I find him on this forum?
So if i get it right, there are 2 projects 'running' and you have to choose when one is finished?
I think that we should not rely on any mystery "project" cause we can create now scripts that will be compatible with future wog-versions or projects.
PS WoG Team of course exists, if it would vanish all future versions of WoG would be threatened to be exclusively in russian - means mostly useless.
I don't think so. We have translaters and everyone is interested in joining all wog fans from all over the world into one community, so English version is a part of every program. But of course, if the author of the project works alone, he won't be able physically to translate manuals and all scripts.
I'm not in CoreWoG team and I don't feel urge for, if someone want me I'm reachable in classic, by your words "dead" WoG Team.
Ok, "almost not active" instead of "dead" will be good?
And his graphics is almost flawless.
One side of person is talent. The other is character and deeds(?).
It's however questionable if it will happens?
I'm sure something will be finished :)
PSS Welcome to the forums Berseker.
Thank you. It's really pleasure for me to talk to all of you. I wasn't able to get my old account back by using a function of pass restoring. When I was creating a new account my mail (berserkerx_rambler.ru_) was "banned", so I had to choose another one.
PS3 Perhaps I'm persistent but I will repeat my question.
"Where is Bastion?"
Bastion is now a heart of CoreWoG, so we can't expect it's release to appear soon (in the nearest year)
So, I hope CoreWoG has the help they need. Or any other project that helps develop the next gen of WoG for that matter.
Ok. Do you write ERM scripts?

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Unread postby Pol » 03 May 2008, 16:22

Ok, "almost not active" instead of "dead" will be good?
I would say dormant. From very good reasons.
One side of person is talent. The other is character and deeds(?).
Wise words indeed. But I don't know nothing about his character. Graphic is all what I can judge.
I'm sure something will be finished.
This is something what I can warrant myself, no need of any team for that :tonguehands:
so I had to choose another one.
Sorry, here was lot of incoming spam from that domain(s). So it ended like that.
Bastion is now a heart of CoreWoG, so we can't expect it's release to appear soon (in the nearest year)
I know that. What bother me is, that I don't know about any presentational page for this project or CoreWoG. So it's all concealed in darkness...
Last edited by Pol on 03 May 2008, 17:15, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread postby Warrior » 03 May 2008, 17:04

This is something what I can warrant myself, no need of any team for that
Right you are! I don't like to depend on someone and prefer to do everything alone too. I'll try to translate my programs into English, but without help (I'll make very-short English help for every utility). I think they'll be good for scripters.
Sorry, here was lot of incoming spam from that domain(s). So it ended like that.
I had to use temporary mail service to register, so everything is allright. :-)

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Unread postby Warrior » 03 May 2008, 20:45

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Unread postby Docent Picolan » 03 May 2008, 22:37

Last edited by Docent Picolan on 05 May 2008, 11:07, edited 1 time in total.

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Unread postby Pol » 03 May 2008, 22:49

k just preventively forget even on hostilites thoughts here. :D

Welcome on the forums Docent Picolan, do you have more designs in your pocket?
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Unread postby Warrior » 04 May 2008, 02:57

In the nearest time I'll post here a link to English versions of needed tools for making "cross" (maybe cross-projects, please mention my mistakes that you'll find) erm-scripts.

P.S You use such an old version of forum engine and phpBB is not, IMHO, a perfect choice :-)
Last edited by Warrior on 04 May 2008, 21:34, edited 1 time in total.

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Unread postby Warrior » 04 May 2008, 04:10

Round I. Fight! (C) Mortal Combat
Script writers know about the fact that erm_s.exe likes to add annoying tegs to every document and sometimes it even spoils scripts!

Code: Select all

_WARNING_#1=IMPORTANT! This file is not in a plain text format. NEVER use any editor except ERM_S for making any kind of changes!
ERMS_PoweredBy=ERM Scripter v. 2005.9.7.814
I've patched the editor so no tegs will make you script look urgly.
Download erm_s_patched.rar of 732 kb

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Unread postby Pol » 04 May 2008, 08:28

ERM is certainly a pillar of WoG but talking about graphic it can be reused in practically any h3 based engine. Until here will be hundreds of scripts for rewritting it's all good.

PS I'm interested, what you would preferer as board engine?
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Unread postby Docent Picolan » 04 May 2008, 10:56

Welcome on the forums Docent Picolan, do you have more designs in your pocket?
yes, certainly

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Unread postby Pol » 04 May 2008, 11:22

Care to show them? ;)
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Unread postby GrayFace » 04 May 2008, 14:09

Berserker, you shouldn't have started this discussion. WoG fans won't help us solve some 'administrative' problems. What we need is just more scripters and programmers. But it's not the right time to invite people (CoreWog forum doesn't even have an English interface).

One thing I can tell for sure. There's no point in keeping the main forum russian-only. Main language should be English. And WoG Team must always be a part of WoG heart. Let's drop this descussion here and stop scarrying people with dead teams and evil separatists. ;)
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