A month of bad luck

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A month of bad luck

Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 26 May 2006, 01:46

Im playing the 3rd inferno campaign and Ive been cursed somehow.First when I conquered the second sylvan town week of the festival started!What?I have tons of creatures to buy,but no money to buy them?And three cities that cannot be upgraded!Arrrgh!!But I survived somehow.And then,even bigger curse:Next week comes and it is


The week of plague!OMG!!Two weeks population gone,just like that!Double arrrgh!!!Im going to kill myself!

These weeks need major readjustments!

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Unread postby Paradox » 26 May 2006, 01:54

Should be adjusted so things like that are impossible to happen in a row, or at least very very unlikely to happen in a row..

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Unread postby Kristo » 26 May 2006, 01:59

Hehe, the good old Month of the Plague. You could almost count on it back in Heroes II when you hadn't bought creatures in a while. Can you confirm whether or not it affects the AI? Given the long list of evidence that it cheats, my guess is no.

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Unread postby Campaigner » 26 May 2006, 03:40

Actually, you got plenty of time to buy most creatures before the new week comes. Funny that most people wait until a new week comes. I do that too :-D

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 26 May 2006, 03:58

Well I couldnt since it was the week of festival,thus I had no money.I ran 5 days with 300 something gold :disagree:

Also,the description says no income from mines,yet I got no income at all.Not from mines,not from towns,not from peasants.

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Unread postby vicheron » 26 May 2006, 04:46

There should be a week of sweat shops and slave labor, doubling all your production and reduces recruiting costs by half.

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Unread postby undead dolphin hacker » 26 May 2006, 05:09

vicheron wrote:There should be a week of sweat shops and slave labor, doubling all your production and reduces recruiting costs by half.
I've actually seen a week of Jewels, which doubles crystal and gem income.

It's no slave labor, but perhaps something beefier than Jewels exists...

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Unread postby Rapier » 26 May 2006, 06:31

Providing it effects the AI as well, I see no problem with having any order of weeks, however annnoying they might be, since they effect everyone equally... week of the plague always caused problems for the guy that let all his creatures stockpile and didn't buy them.

It's annoying that you couldn't buy them sure, but the AI couldn't either. (if it could, then the fix should be of that).

I still haven't had either of these weeks in my games, I think the chances of getting this unlucky combination probably is very low.
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Unread postby Grumpy Old Wizard » 26 May 2006, 06:46

I am hopeful that the mapmaker will be able to disable negative effect weeks.


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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 26 May 2006, 07:20

Rapier wrote:It's annoying that you couldn't buy them sure, but the AI couldn't either. (if it could, then the fix should be of that).
The AI tends to get heaps of money for free, so it's quite likely it could buy those troops.

And yes, some "Weeks of" is very annoying. "Balance" for example, isn't very fun at all with a luck-based hero.
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Unread postby Dublex » 26 May 2006, 08:17

Gaidal Cain wrote:
Rapier wrote:It's annoying that you couldn't buy them sure, but the AI couldn't either. (if it could, then the fix should be of that).
The AI tends to get heaps of money for free, so it's quite likely it could buy those troops.

its like having your older, bigger brother leaning over your shoulder and giving money handouts to your annoying younger sister/brother while leaving you out :D

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Unread postby dragonn » 26 May 2006, 08:52

Money was always problem in Heroes. And now the units are more expensive (especially 7th levels)...

I like the weeks of plague. If you have to many units to buy, it will reduce their numbers and there is no problem :D:D:D
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Unread postby vicheron » 26 May 2006, 11:53

There are more good weeks than bad ones. Week of alchemy, week of conjuration, week of diplomacy, week of forgery, week of harvest, week of honor, week of life, week of magic, week of meditation, week of might, week of might n' magic, week of toughness, week of trade are all beneficial to all factions. Week of disease, week of ether, week of fever, week of festivals, week of folly, and week of plague are detrimental to all factions.

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Unread postby Orfinn » 26 May 2006, 12:24

I like this week system, gives more depth and is fun when you and get a nice week with the creature costs reduced or your water based spells does 50% more dmg and challenging when you get a week that gives bad morale , luck or plague. A minor but great and innoative feature IMO

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Unread postby Qurqirish Dragon » 26 May 2006, 12:36

Orfinn wrote:I like this week system, gives more depth and is fun when you and get a nice week with the creature costs reduced or your water based spells does 50% more dmg and challenging when you get a week that gives bad morale , luck or plague. A minor but great and innoative feature IMO
I agree- much better than the old system (which only affected cerature growth).

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 26 May 2006, 12:53

Rapier wrote:Providing it effects the AI as well, I see no problem with having any order of weeks, however annnoying they might be, since they effect everyone equally... week of the plague always caused problems for the guy that let all his creatures stockpile and didn't buy them.

It's annoying that you couldn't buy them sure, but the AI couldn't either. (if it could, then the fix should be of that).

I still haven't had either of these weeks in my games, I think the chances of getting this unlucky combination probably is very low.
AI has a massive resource boost so the week of festival doesnt affect it at all.Besides,this is the 3rd inferno map.The one where most of the creatures AI gets are generated on the field as neutrals by a script,so having 14 so cripling days is a big deal.
Orfinn wrote:I like this week system, gives more depth and is fun when you and get a nice week with the creature costs reduced or your water based spells does 50% more dmg and challenging when you get a week that gives bad morale , luck or plague. A minor but great and innoative feature IMO
Oh sure,its really fun!Did I mention how much fun it was for me to buy all basic creatures and then upgrade them manually during the week of forgery.

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Unread postby Rapier » 26 May 2006, 13:35

If you got those weeks on your inferno mission 3 map, restart. It's bad luck sure... but, maybe the restart will give you something useful.
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 26 May 2006, 13:39

Nah,theres a chance I still might win.Im pretty stubborn sometimes :devil:

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Unread postby Ethric » 26 May 2006, 14:03

These weeks would be ruinous to MP, there better be an offswitch somewhere.
Who the hell locks these things?
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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 26 May 2006, 17:29

Yes, the ideas are often nice, but it's just too unbalancing in some cases.
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