Bugs in HV...

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Bugs in HV...

Unread postby Cold Fingers » 16 May 2006, 20:23

I haven't seen any similar topic, so here you go.Write all about bugs/misspelling you encountered while playing HV.
Let me start:
In Dungeon, description of advanced version of scout dweling says "...you can recruit scouts" and it shoud say assassins.
One of the buildings (also in Dungeon) has broken "build" animation, it doesnt fade in slowly, as other buildings do, it just plays the sound and after few seconds it just appears.

Also, few bugs with chat i encountered while playing HV in lan:
Sometimes when i enter battle chat log becomes totaly messed up or duplicates last said sentence several times etc.

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Unread postby Wolfshanze » 16 May 2006, 22:43

There's a building in the Sylvan town... I think Hunter's Lodge or something like that, which refers to "RANGERS"... which aren't in the game.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 16 May 2006, 23:03

RANGERS are the heroes of the Sylvan faction. The building is probably the Avenger special skill one.
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Unread postby Cold Fingers » 16 May 2006, 23:13

Wolfshanze wrote:There's a building in the Sylvan town... I think Hunter's Lodge or something like that, which refers to "RANGERS"... which aren't in the game.
lol :hail:

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Unread postby Nebs » 17 May 2006, 01:56

Not sure if it's a bug really but...

When AI has two heroes close to me, and attacks, when that battle is over, another hero wont move. Even if I stay alive with just one scout, hero wont attack.

Also, AI when fighting against dungeon is a bit silly. Almost everytime protects shooters with almost every other critter. Doesn't matter if shooters are just scouts, still does the same. And vs dungeon...mmm, guess better for me, even though constant meteor shower animations could bore you. ;)

Biggest fumble from AI happened when I was necro, AI academy. It picks up Curse of the Netherworld scroll, and casts it in combat. Argh!

Also, quite trigger happy with Armageddon spell, but guess, it reckons it'll lose the fight, so to cause bigger casualities on my end.

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Unread postby Ethric » 17 May 2006, 11:21

It's nice to have a serious thread about bugs, so please post only about percieved bugs and possible serious explanations for them. No lame spammings (you know who you are).
Last edited by Ethric on 17 May 2006, 11:49, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread postby Romanov77 » 17 May 2006, 11:42

Not sure if it is a bug, but on maps with many trees, theres an unacceptable performance degradation to horrendous levels...
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Unread postby dreamhacker » 17 May 2006, 12:20

I've noticed some items (like Helm of Chaos and Ring of Caution) lacks tooltip. Not sure if that is because it's not showing stats like Knowledge and such in tooltips, but still I think it should be regarded as a bug :P

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Unread postby Khelavaster » 17 May 2006, 13:01

Another one spotted.

The Tavern section where you can see other faction´s info (ex Thieves Guild) doesn´t seem to work properly. Here I had several Paladins but still the Priest was listed as "best creature" in my army. Also, are they sorted from left to right in terms of better to worse? Really a bit more care in the presentation would have gone a long way.


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Unread postby Cold Fingers » 17 May 2006, 13:02

dreamhacker wrote:I've noticed some items (like Helm of Chaos and Ring of Caution) lacks tooltip. Not sure if that is because it's not showing stats like Knowledge and such in tooltips, but still I think it should be regarded as a bug :P
Yeah i noticed that also, I mentioned it in another thread.It really is a problem.

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Unread postby Cold Fingers » 17 May 2006, 13:17

One more thing:
In options screen there is "No eyecandies" option, so it would be logical that if u thick that box it would turn off the "eyecandies", but in the tooltip for that option it says:"Switch it on for more detailed and lovely picture or swith it off for better performance".Following simple logic, the option is "On" if it is ticked, so, as you can see, option name and tooltip are in conflict.

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Unread postby lucasidy » 17 May 2006, 18:01

i've found a 3 artifacts that haven't properties under the name but only names: Windstrider Boots, Cursed Waistband & Ring of Celerity

It is not a bug but i must mention it: the "very big" maps in H5 are as small as the "M" maps in H3,H4. XL maps in H3 i've played 6-7 day and now in H5 the very big ones 6-7 hours :( :( :(

And one more thing: Weeks of monsters spawn mobs in places that can't be reached

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Unread postby UnderMind » 17 May 2006, 21:51

ring of caution i think gives your army -1 but +4 or +5 defense.

ring of celerity gives your army +1 speed.

those two i know.

Now if someone else would like to fill in the other artifacts with the missing tooltips :O

It's very irritating to have artifacts but not knowing what they do.

HV Needs more tooltips!

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Unread postby Continuity » 17 May 2006, 22:23

"Sylvan" is misspelled as "silvan" in an event in Campaign map Inferno 3. There's also a lack of punctuation there. Also, the grammar is a bit wonky in some of those text-only events so far in the Inferno campaign.

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Unread postby Malicen » 17 May 2006, 22:30

I do not know if anyone else had problems with initiative bar. It always showed the same ammount of units no matter how much there are left on the fiels (example: 1 vampire left to kill, on initiative bar it showed 13 - the starting number).
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Unread postby Cold Fingers » 17 May 2006, 22:34

Hm, nope, i think that never happened to me...weird.

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Unread postby Ethric » 17 May 2006, 22:48

Ethric wrote:It's nice to have a serious thread about bugs, so please post only about percieved bugs and possible serious explanations for them. No lame spammings (you know who you are).
DaemianLucifer, Thundertitan, it was you two I referred to there so stop it.
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Unread postby asandir » 18 May 2006, 01:22

I've got three problems, the first is some distorted bass drum beats (i think), audible unless sound volume turned off, music volume okay and no distortion - playing on logitech 5.1 speakers, integrated sound on ASUS A8N-E which from memory uses the AC97 codec ...

also, and a lot more worrying is that the first time i tried to play the game, double click shortcut on desktop, got the spinning disc for quite a while then got error mesg which basically stated no orig disc found .... WTF???!!! im running deluxe ed bought from eb games?? second time (after open and close of dvd drive) clicked play from autorun screen and worked okay, then this morning had the same thing, No orig disc found on first try (dbl click from desktop) and then worked second time alos using dbl click from desktop, did not open and close dvd drive

thirdly whenever i try to split a stack the game hangs when i hold the shift key down ... for several seconds, tried again this am and wasn't quite so bad, but definate choppiness when i try, and sometimes it refuses to acknowledge the shift key for spilting and moves whole stack

anyone else have these?

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Unread postby Kalah » 18 May 2006, 01:32

Linking to the official bug forum.

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Unread postby asandir » 18 May 2006, 01:45

cheers Kalah

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