black million

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black million

Unread postby Maciek » 03 Feb 2012, 21:46

Below is my answer to the question number 5 of some heroes 4 quiz.
One of my heroes used a combination of skills and Artifacts like below. Chaos and Combat are for Fireguard Advanced class, so he can hide behind a large stack, giving it Tactics bonuses without being fried by the Dragons' firebreath. Order is interchangeable with Nature, used to distract the Dragons. Magic Amplifier along with Mana Flare spell lets summoned Devils summon Ice Demons twice as often. Dragon Scale Shield halves damage taken by creatures from Black Dragons.


Three other heroes look like below. GM Death and Nature to summon Devils. Staves of Summoning to do it at half cost. I didn't realize they were moved to Minors in Equi. If I did, I could've used Helms of Power instead of Circlets of Wisdom.:D The rest is for buffs and maximizing mana pool. Some of the Artifacts are only there because there was nothing useful for those slots.


Start in a 'boxed' formation, leaving the front row empty. The Fireguard starts on the left side. One stack can reach him on turn 1, so he needs to move back.

Last edited by Maciek on 03 Feb 2012, 22:02, edited 3 times in total.

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Unread postby Maciek » 03 Feb 2012, 21:50

Other heroes summon Phoenixes and other stacks for distraction. They can move that far because of GM Tactics.


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Unread postby Maciek » 03 Feb 2012, 22:04

Every 2 turns one hero Summons Devils. Cast Mana Flare and then the Devils can Summon Ice Demons every turn. Other heroes summon stacks for distraction.


The stack of Ice Demons grows quite fast.


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Unread postby Maciek » 03 Feb 2012, 22:06

You probably noticed that one of the heroes has one action to spare every 2 turns. First, use that action to make more summons, so that when a new turn starts, there are already some stacks on the other side of the battlefield.


Then, start buffing the Ice Demons. The heroes can cast all existing buffs, which means(divided by magic schools):

[Chaos]: Bloodlust, Slayer, Hydra Health
[Death]: Vampiric Touch
[Nature]: Stone Skin, Giant Strength, Fortune(Summon Leprechaun), Dragon Strength
[Life]: Bless, Chaos Ward, Spiritual Armor, Defender, Mirth(Summon Satyr)
[Order]: (none)

When all the buffs are cast, just summon more stacks and try to use them to make the Dragons hit eachother with firebreath. The Dragons are quite large, which makes it easier.


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Unread postby Maciek » 03 Feb 2012, 22:07

Finally, the casters are out of mana. The Tactician still has some left, because he was just making illusions for 1 mana instead of Summoning Phoenixes for 3 mana or Devils for 9. Each stack of Dragons was hit 2-3 times with firebreath, so they're now reduced a bit.


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Unread postby Maciek » 03 Feb 2012, 22:08

Now, spellcasters move towards the Dragons to buy the Devils time to summon some more Ice Demons and let the Tactician and Ice demons jump to the corner.


Devils without mana are not very usefull, so give them to the Blacks too.:D


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Unread postby Maciek » 03 Feb 2012, 22:09

Hold 'd' to defend. Here's a fully buffed stack of Ice Demons:


The hero distracts the Dragons with an illusion once in a while to avoid too many hits without retaliation on Ice Demons. There are just 10k Ice Demons left, but they will recover soon.:D


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Unread postby Maciek » 03 Feb 2012, 22:11

Some of the stacks were reduced. It's 111k and 164k, but those writings are too long to be displayed correctly.


The last stack left.


And done. 1000000 is again too long to be displayed correctly in the victory screen. The remaining hero immediately jumped to level 65. He says Magic Resistance is the best skill to fight the Black Dragons.


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Unread postby GreatEmerald » 03 Feb 2012, 23:17

Hmm, in the last few screens, how come the BDs are not hitting the hero? Or both the hero and the demons, for that matter?

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Unread postby Maciek » 04 Feb 2012, 21:29

The hero is a Fireguard, so he is immune to fire. As such, he is not a valid secondary target for the Dragons' firebreath. There's not enough space for the Dragons to land next to the hero and attack him directly (there is a stone above the hero).
After several tries I've found a battlefield without a single obstacle in the closest corner, and then the Dragons could attack the hero hiding behind Ice Demons. Total lack of obstacles in the corner seems not to be too common, though. I guess I should've given one or two of the casters M Order and M Enchantment (and E Wizardry) instead of Life and Chaos magics, just to get Teleport spell, so that I could choose a corner.

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