Im going to gamescon what should i ask the dev team?

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Unread postby Pitsu » 16 Aug 2011, 06:56

Kalah wrote:The question about roads taken and why has already been answered here.
No, they are not answered there.

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Unread postby Znork » 20 Aug 2011, 17:08

Znork wrote:
Her are the questions:

Are devs aware of the current AI issues and what are the priorities on fixing those?

Will there be 2 factions per expansion each?

If they plan the game to be moddable?

When we official see map editor? It was planned to be released before game or at least on game release date. Any chances for relese before game premiere?
First of all sorry iv only gotten public answer for 2 questions. The rest im discussed but im under a nda. There will be a q and a video wite about 10 answers.

The game was delayed due to ai improvment.

They are working on a mapeditor relaed before the realse. no anser about campaing editor.

We got it confirmed you dont have to be online to play. But beeing online realy gives you more.

The rest was talked about but it not up to me talk about that sorry.
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Unread postby jeff » 20 Aug 2011, 19:10

Znork wrote:They are working on a mapeditor relaed before the realse. no anser about campaing editor.
Well thank you for asking. :)
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Unread postby Kalah » 20 Aug 2011, 21:43

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Unread postby Znork » 22 Aug 2011, 15:25

So im back home after the most fantastic weekend in my might and magic life. First of all i need to ofer a special tnx to Erwan and his team to take 5 houers to realy engade us in everything. There is gona be a 12 question Q&A movie from this. Wiche i hope all of you will get som of the answer you want.

The shortend down version of the Q&A is this. Ofline to play online to get a bether game.
There will be a map editor. The game was delayed for a bether ai and more balance. They have reused som models to make more diversety in the game.

As i said we will have video withe this answer wiche i think will very muche please you i hope. And you alle will like it since im in it.

But popele its the things that i cant talk about that makes me so happy. Ill just say this the dev team is realy in to reading what you guys post. We are the fans of this game and for the dev team what we say and what we think is the most important thing for them. I know this has bee said before and every one goes prove it. Well i cant you just have to trust me, the care more about youre opnion that you think.

Withe out saying to much all of the fans compalint have been talked about. Some we think are correct other are us not liking new stuff.

So to all off you heros out there who are maybe even biger fans of heros then me. We are going to get a game that is 10 times bether then heros V. The game is gona work, and the super seacret plans for this game are fantastic. Im just sad i can shere them withe so we all could be jumping around wihte joy like me.

Im shure the other vips would joing in and agree withe all i have said her.

I have seen the promised land have faith and you shall recive.

So ill take this post to thank all of you the heros fans becuse it the power of you that has made it posibel for me to talk to the devs this weekend. we are the best comuntey of any game be proud.
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Unread postby Kalah » 22 Aug 2011, 15:36

Sounds like you were indeed the right choice for going. :)
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Unread postby Konfuzius » 23 Aug 2011, 23:27

Aw, I read this too late. Did you ask if this is the final skill system already, by any chance?

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Unread postby Avonu » 24 Aug 2011, 06:46

Thanks for answers.
Znork wrote:We got it confirmed you dont have to be online to play. But beeing online realy gives you more.
This can be a problem. From what I saw in beta there are no main hand artifacts (weapons) other then living/dynasty ones. And if I am off-line they probably won't be available for me. Same for map bonuses at start of game.
Znork wrote:They have reused som models to make more diversety in the game.
You talk why Light and Water Elementals, Wolves and bosses like Michael/Uriel, Arch-Demon, Abyssal Worm and Breeder Queen have same models like units in factions? Or it's hint we get more neutrals?
Or maybe my znorkish translator is broken and you said that these units would have new models?
Znork wrote:Ill just say this the dev team is realy in to reading what you guys post. We are the fans of this game and for the dev team what we say and what we think is the most important thing for them.
Sorry, but for me these words sounds like from PR departament. Nothing personal, just I have such feeling about it.
Znork wrote:Withe out saying to much all of the fans compalint have been talked about. Some we think are correct other are us not liking new stuff.
Good to hear that.
Znork wrote:We are going to get a game that is 10 times bether then heros V.
It's really not hard to beat HV :P but from I see in beta (1.3) Black Hole reintroduced old bugs - for me it seems like new build was based on game ver 1.0 not 1.2. I hope it's only problems with beta not with game itself.

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Unread postby Pitsu » 24 Aug 2011, 07:23

Znork wrote: Ill just say this the dev team is realy in to reading what you guys post.
Really? In this case:


I have seen the promised land have faith and you shall recive.
I'd prefer rational thinking and logic in game design, but apparently Ubi and their lackeys are a bunch of religious fanatics.

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Unread postby Dalai » 26 Aug 2011, 20:49

2 Znork
After reading your post I had to recheck that Camescom actually takes place in Cologne, not Amsterdam. 8|
Pitsu wrote:I'd prefer rational thinking and logic in game design, but apparently Ubi and their lackeys are a bunch of religious fanatics.
Agree. :creative:
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Unread postby MistWeaver » 17 Sep 2011, 11:43

Here is the video:

thanks for asking my question Znork :)

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