Unread postby Kalah » 10 Jan 2006, 01:11
Eh, home brew usually tastes like $h!t. I've heard. Ahem. Anyway I know people who bring it to parties and uses it to mix their drinks with... Yachh.. But then booze is vrey expensive here, so I understand why they'd do it.
Over the last few years, one of the biggest news stories in Norway has been the appearance of Methanol on the smuggler-market. Booze smuggled into the country to be sold illegally contained some batches of Methanol. Several people died, and after a long investigation by police (and lots of press), a few of the men behind it all (big smugglers) were tried and convicted for "wrecklessness with death as a result" - receiving long prison terms. Serves 'em right.
Another thign was the case against a manufacturer who volunteered to test the smuggler's booze for them, to see if it contained Methanol. They figured, better that we test it and dump it if it's dangerous, than the smugglers' gambling on selling it. The police thought differently; the booze should have been discarded althogether, they said, and made arrests. Tricky case, that one.
In War: Resolution, In Defeat: Defiance, In Victory: Magnanimity, In Peace: Goodwill.