Haven campaign

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 27 May 2006, 20:27

Knowing that Beatrice was dead also helped. But seriously, all she was missing was the evil laughter.
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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 27 May 2006, 20:43

And naming the map "The trap" was of course a nice final touch. I wonder if there was anyone who didn't see it coming?
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Unread postby Metathron » 27 May 2006, 21:54

Yes, "Beatrice" did have a sneaky feel to her. At least suspicion might have been slightly averted by naming the scenario otherwise.
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 27 May 2006, 22:10

Gaidal Cain wrote:And naming the map "The trap" was of course a nice final touch. I wonder if there was anyone who didn't see it coming?
Someone that saw just the middle of the map? :devil:

I think that blizard should open storytelling and map design school for other developers to teach them a trick or two.

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Unread postby Sikon » 28 May 2006, 05:37

And Beatrice/Biara wasn't exactly subtle in the other missions. She had traitor writen all over her.
Heh, true. But then, when my dad reached the "Nicolai's death" cutscene and got to the moment where Nicolai tells Godric to look after Isabel, he said: "He will betray!" *spoiler below*
Which, of course, doesn't happen!

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 28 May 2006, 05:45

Sikon wrote: Which, of course, doesn't happen!
This depends on ur PoV.
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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 28 May 2006, 06:37

Please remember that not everyone uses a theme with a white background. Using white tags for spoilers aren't going to do much for most people. Try really tiny text instead.

And I agree with TT.
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Unread postby Metathron » 28 May 2006, 18:43

Another thing I'm not sure I quite understand is the knight's unique abilities: what/how many are there and what do they do?

Also, there is a building in the haven castle called training grounds or something to that effect, which I believe enables you to upgrade your troops. There is another similar building available but I haven't figured out its meaning yet. Anyone care to explain?
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Unread postby Metathron » 28 May 2006, 21:12

Thanks for your reply, DL.
It enables you to upgrade units to higher levels(peasnts and conscripts into archers,archers to squires,those into priests,and them into cavaliers).
So griffins and angels are not eligible, I suppose because they're whole other races?

Lack of documentation rears its ugly head: About the royal griffin's battle dive - I've tried it already, but I am unsure of what its (dis)advantages are exactly?

To a moderator: Please split the irrelevant posts into their own thread or merge them with the Starcraft vs Warcraft thread in the HotH.
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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 28 May 2006, 21:21

Good idea. Done. (Can't join with other thread as AS don't want to get such an extension that would allow joining).

The disadvantages of the Battle Dive is that, well, it can miss ;) . After it's done, you'll also have to wait one extra turn before Griffins get to move again.
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 28 May 2006, 21:36

Metathron wrote:So griffins and angels are not eligible, I suppose because they're whole other races?
Well it would be weird to upgrade an archer into a griffon.
Metathron wrote: Lack of documentation rears its ugly head: About the royal griffin's battle dive - I've tried it already, but I am unsure of what its (dis)advantages are exactly?
It has the advantage that it can strike any part of the field with increased strenght(Im not sure how much increased),it cannot be retaliatred and it becomes invunerable while in the air.Its disadvantages are that it cannot be casted on while diving, and if a creature moves it will miss.

I knew I shouldve doubleposted

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Unread postby Metathron » 28 May 2006, 22:01

I'm having trouble locating all three obelisks in the last scenario.

In his walkthrough, Robenhagen says:
To complete your newest objective, you'll need to visit some Obelisks. There are 3 on the map, but if you try searching the map, you can probably figure it out after visiting only 2.
I have visited 2 of the obelisks, but I see squat on the puzzle map, so how am I supposed to figure it out from that?!

I am getting frustrated with these missions, they are tedious and I cannot come to grips with the camera rotation and therefore have a poor sense of where exactly my hero is headed. I spent about 3 minutes trying to order Isabel to move to a remote part of the underground. Sheesh. :mad:
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 28 May 2006, 22:05

One is east of your town,one in the middle of the map,and one is south,near an entrace to the underground.It is easilly missed though.

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Unread postby Metathron » 29 May 2006, 13:04

Phew, I finally completed this campaing, and I must say that on the whole it was not that enjoyable. Especially in the last scenario, the goals are not particularly well delineated and the player is sometimes left wondering what he is supposed to do.
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 29 May 2006, 13:45

It should get better.The demon campaign is slightly more enjoyable,and way more chalenging(probably why it is more enjoyable :devil: )

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 29 May 2006, 13:50

Metathron wrote: Especially in the last scenario, the goals are not particularly well delineated and the player is sometimes left wondering what he is supposed to do.
Don't remind me. I lost some maps that way only to find them too easy the second time. Bloody annoying.
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The crypt

Unread postby schmout » 29 May 2006, 23:11

In the crypt i cant go in because the horse cursor is red. What could i do

PS: if anybody is looking for cheats go on gameburnworld in the section trainers. Download HOMMV one and u can have all ressources, money, character levels and special abilities.

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Unread postby asandir » 30 May 2006, 01:04

that's probably more than i'd want from a cheat .... maye the ability to end a scenario due to bugs or something like that .... not uber power - what is the point of that??

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Re: The crypt

Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 30 May 2006, 06:57

schmout wrote:In the crypt i cant go in because the horse cursor is red. What could i do
That means that there's a stack of creatures between you and the crypt. Try to go to it anyway.
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Unread postby theGryphon » 30 May 2006, 07:38

OK, a question: the Godric in Inferno campaign, is he the one I trained in the Haven campaign? I mean not the army of course but the hero level, skills, spells, etc?
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