Walkthroughs question - mission names (UPDATED!!!)
Walkthroughs question - mission names (UPDATED!!!)
Are the names of the Heroes VI missions (in the walkthroughs) given exactly as they are in the English version?
Or are they "approximately" translated from a different language version (Russian/German/Czech/Polish/etc)?
It would be nice to have a list somewhere, with the names of all missions in all major languages the game is available in. Just a suggestion!
EDIT: Updated to include Russian, French, Spanish, Italian names!
For reference, English titles are here:
Or are they "approximately" translated from a different language version (Russian/German/Czech/Polish/etc)?
It would be nice to have a list somewhere, with the names of all missions in all major languages the game is available in. Just a suggestion!
EDIT: Updated to include Russian, French, Spanish, Italian names!
For reference, English titles are here:
Last edited by Naki on 26 Aug 2012, 14:04, edited 10 times in total.
May the Implosion be with you!
They are given as they are in the original English version.
Make you strong places to dwell and practice the evil of your arts. Build great monuments to stand through the ages and remind your followers of the task with which you have been charged. Use these halls of iniquity to perpetrate your schemes against the infestation that has taken the fields and lakes of this land from you, their rightful masters. Never forget the hatred that must finally overcome and consume mankind. Dwell in your dungeons and brood. - Sheltem the Dark
OK, thanks for the confirmation.XEL II wrote:They are given as they are in the original English version.
In the official game forums (UBI), lots of people keep coming, saying "I have trouble with mission X" - giving the name, which is missing from the walkthroughs mission list, so I guess they have other language version - German, French/etc.
Last edited by Naki on 26 Aug 2012, 14:04, edited 2 times in total.
May the Implosion be with you!
A list sounds nice, how about we start collecting names here?
German names:
Einführungs-Kampagne (Prologue):
1) Fluch des Greifen
2) Der Wille des Imperators
Nekropolis (Necropolis)
1) Des Unglücks Folgen
2) Reise ins Ich
3) Allumstrahlende Morgenröte
4) Kriegslist der Spinne
Zuflucht (Haven)
1) Etwas ist faul
2) Gut ist bös und bös ist gut
3) Reize niemals einen Verzweifelten
4) Und der Sieg den Aufruhr beugt
Sanktuarium (Sanctuary)
1) Wut und Morast
2) Die Wendeltreppe
3) Die bluttrübe Flut
4) Tod im Leben und Leben im Tod
Inferno (Inferno)
1) Engel, Engel, leuchte hell
2) Symetrie des Schreckens (this one has a typo at least in the selection screen, it should be Symmetrie)
3) In den Wäldern der Nacht
4) Die Vermählung von Himmel und Hölle
Bastion (Stronghold)
1) Kein Land für Ork-Freunde
2) Zwei blutreiche Halunken
3) Die barbarischen Sieben
4) Von Würmern und Dämonen
Finale (Final)
1) Tränen die auch Engel weinen (Tears)
2) Dunkel mit zu viel Licht (Blood)
Some names have the same meaning as the English ones, others are slightly different. For example, the German name for Haven mission 4 could be translated as "Victory stops the Rebellion" instead of "A Battle Lost and Won". It's phrased kind of weird too, but that's a problem it shares with Haven 2. Translating fair and foul to gut and böse is a bit of a stretch and writing böse as bös makes it sound like a little kid said it.
German names:
Einführungs-Kampagne (Prologue):
1) Fluch des Greifen
2) Der Wille des Imperators
Nekropolis (Necropolis)
1) Des Unglücks Folgen
2) Reise ins Ich
3) Allumstrahlende Morgenröte
4) Kriegslist der Spinne
Zuflucht (Haven)
1) Etwas ist faul
2) Gut ist bös und bös ist gut
3) Reize niemals einen Verzweifelten
4) Und der Sieg den Aufruhr beugt
Sanktuarium (Sanctuary)
1) Wut und Morast
2) Die Wendeltreppe
3) Die bluttrübe Flut
4) Tod im Leben und Leben im Tod
Inferno (Inferno)
1) Engel, Engel, leuchte hell
2) Symetrie des Schreckens (this one has a typo at least in the selection screen, it should be Symmetrie)
3) In den Wäldern der Nacht
4) Die Vermählung von Himmel und Hölle
Bastion (Stronghold)
1) Kein Land für Ork-Freunde
2) Zwei blutreiche Halunken
3) Die barbarischen Sieben
4) Von Würmern und Dämonen
Finale (Final)
1) Tränen die auch Engel weinen (Tears)
2) Dunkel mit zu viel Licht (Blood)
Some names have the same meaning as the English ones, others are slightly different. For example, the German name for Haven mission 4 could be translated as "Victory stops the Rebellion" instead of "A Battle Lost and Won". It's phrased kind of weird too, but that's a problem it shares with Haven 2. Translating fair and foul to gut and böse is a bit of a stretch and writing böse as bös makes it sound like a little kid said it.
Test Russian: ТЕСТ РУССКИЙ
Works! Russian titles for all missions (except Epilogues) coming soon (maybe tomorrow).
EDIT: Here are the Russian titles --->
Вводная кампания (Prologue):
1) Погибель Грифона
2) Воля императора
Кампания Некрополиса (Necropolis)
1) Беда не приходит одна
2) Вперед и внутрь
3) Рассвет со всех сторон
4) Паучья уловка
Капания Альянса Света (Haven)
1) Что-то затевается
2) Все смешалось, правда и неправда
3) Не искушайте отчаявшегося
4) Поражение и победа
Кампания Святилища (Sanctuary)
1) Прах и ярость
2) Поражение и победа
3) Кровавый прибой
4) Жизнь-в-смерти и Смерть-в-жизни
Кампания Инферно (Inferno)
1) Ангел, ангел, жгучий страх
2) Соразмерный образ твой
3) В ночных лесах
4) Брак между раем и адом
Кампания Непрокорных племен (Stronghold)
1) Оркам здесь не место
2) Хороший, прохой, кровавый
3) Варварская семерка
4) О червях и демонах
Финальная кампания (Epilogue)
1) Ангелы тоже плачут (Tears)
2) Слишком ярко для тьмы (Blood)
How about someone providing the French titles?
Works! Russian titles for all missions (except Epilogues) coming soon (maybe tomorrow).
EDIT: Here are the Russian titles --->
Вводная кампания (Prologue):
1) Погибель Грифона
2) Воля императора
Кампания Некрополиса (Necropolis)
1) Беда не приходит одна
2) Вперед и внутрь
3) Рассвет со всех сторон
4) Паучья уловка
Капания Альянса Света (Haven)
1) Что-то затевается
2) Все смешалось, правда и неправда
3) Не искушайте отчаявшегося
4) Поражение и победа
Кампания Святилища (Sanctuary)
1) Прах и ярость
2) Поражение и победа
3) Кровавый прибой
4) Жизнь-в-смерти и Смерть-в-жизни
Кампания Инферно (Inferno)
1) Ангел, ангел, жгучий страх
2) Соразмерный образ твой
3) В ночных лесах
4) Брак между раем и адом
Кампания Непрокорных племен (Stronghold)
1) Оркам здесь не место
2) Хороший, прохой, кровавый
3) Варварская семерка
4) О червях и демонах
Финальная кампания (Epilogue)
1) Ангелы тоже плачут (Tears)
2) Слишком ярко для тьмы (Blood)
Please can you add a link for the Russian ones too? Thanks in advance!Kalah wrote:Good idea. Linking to your post from the walkthrough page.
How about someone providing the French titles?
Last edited by Naki on 21 Aug 2012, 09:59, edited 8 times in total.
May the Implosion be with you!
Actually, full EFIGS would be nice for a start, meaning:
English (have it already)
French (now have it already too)
Italian (now have it already also)
German (have it already)
Spanish (now have it too)
...then we can move on to more obscure languages.
English (have it already)
French (now have it already too)
Italian (now have it already also)
German (have it already)
Spanish (now have it too)
...then we can move on to more obscure languages.
Last edited by Naki on 21 Aug 2012, 09:45, edited 1 time in total.
May the Implosion be with you!
Here are the French titles:
Campagne d’entraînement (Prologue):
1) Le fléau du Griffon
2) La volonté de l’Empereur
Campagne de la Nécropole (Necropolis)
1) En territoire ennemi
2) Le voyage intérieur
3) Une aube incertaine
4) La stratégie de l’Araignée
Campagne du Havre (Haven)
1) Quelque chose de pourri
2) Tous les moyens sont permis
3) La tentation du désespoir
4) L'Arbre d'Abondance
Campagne du Sanctuaire (Sanctuary)
1) Le choc des cultures
2) Une pente dangereuse
3) La marée sanglante
4) Une allié inattendu
Campagne Inferno (Inferno)
1) Les ailes du désir
2) Symétrie inquiétante
3) Les forêts de la nuit
4) Les noces rebelles
Camapgne du Bastion (Stronghold)
1) La chasse aux Orcs
2) Le bon, la brute et le sanglant
3) Les sept barbares
4) En ver et contre tous
Campagne finale (Epilogue)
1) Les Larmes des Anges (Tears)
2) Les Ténèbres éblouissantes (Blood)
EDIT: Thanks to Thanatoeil for the correction on the word "marée" + name of Haven mission 4!
Campagne d’entraînement (Prologue):
1) Le fléau du Griffon
2) La volonté de l’Empereur
Campagne de la Nécropole (Necropolis)
1) En territoire ennemi
2) Le voyage intérieur
3) Une aube incertaine
4) La stratégie de l’Araignée
Campagne du Havre (Haven)
1) Quelque chose de pourri
2) Tous les moyens sont permis
3) La tentation du désespoir
4) L'Arbre d'Abondance
Campagne du Sanctuaire (Sanctuary)
1) Le choc des cultures
2) Une pente dangereuse
3) La marée sanglante
4) Une allié inattendu
Campagne Inferno (Inferno)
1) Les ailes du désir
2) Symétrie inquiétante
3) Les forêts de la nuit
4) Les noces rebelles
Camapgne du Bastion (Stronghold)
1) La chasse aux Orcs
2) Le bon, la brute et le sanglant
3) Les sept barbares
4) En ver et contre tous
Campagne finale (Epilogue)
1) Les Larmes des Anges (Tears)
2) Les Ténèbres éblouissantes (Blood)
EDIT: Thanks to Thanatoeil for the correction on the word "marée" + name of Haven mission 4!
Last edited by Naki on 26 Aug 2012, 13:09, edited 3 times in total.
May the Implosion be with you!
Here are the Italian (Italiano) ones:
Campagna tutorial (Prologue)
1) Il flagello del Grifone
2) La volontà dell'Imperatore
Campagna Necropoli (Necropolis)
1) Nonostante ogni avversità
2) Verso l'interno
3) Alba raggiante
4) Lo strategemma del ragno
Cosa nasconde un nome? (Haven)
1) Qualcosa di marcio
2) Cos’è il bene? Cos’è il male?
3) Non tentare un uomo disperato
4) -----
Combaterre le onde (Sanctuary)
1) Furia e fango
2) La scala a chiocciola
3) Marea insanguinata
4) Morte nella vita e vita nella morte
Ballate di innocenza ed seperienza (Inferno)
1) Angelo, angelo, che splendi luminoso
2) Simmetria agghiacciante
3) Nelle foreste della notte
4) Il sodalizio fra Paradiso e Inferno
Un eroe senza nome (Stronghold)
1) Non è un passe per amici degli orchi
2) Il buono, il brutto e l’insanguinato
3) I sette barbari
4) Demoni e vermi
Campagna finale (Epilogue)
1) La lacrime degli angeli (Tears)
2) Oscurità abbagliante (Blood)
Campagna tutorial (Prologue)
1) Il flagello del Grifone
2) La volontà dell'Imperatore
Campagna Necropoli (Necropolis)
1) Nonostante ogni avversità
2) Verso l'interno
3) Alba raggiante
4) Lo strategemma del ragno
Cosa nasconde un nome? (Haven)
1) Qualcosa di marcio
2) Cos’è il bene? Cos’è il male?
3) Non tentare un uomo disperato
4) -----
Combaterre le onde (Sanctuary)
1) Furia e fango
2) La scala a chiocciola
3) Marea insanguinata
4) Morte nella vita e vita nella morte
Ballate di innocenza ed seperienza (Inferno)
1) Angelo, angelo, che splendi luminoso
2) Simmetria agghiacciante
3) Nelle foreste della notte
4) Il sodalizio fra Paradiso e Inferno
Un eroe senza nome (Stronghold)
1) Non è un passe per amici degli orchi
2) Il buono, il brutto e l’insanguinato
3) I sette barbari
4) Demoni e vermi
Campagna finale (Epilogue)
1) La lacrime degli angeli (Tears)
2) Oscurità abbagliante (Blood)
May the Implosion be with you!
In Spanish (Español):
Campaña de tutorial (Prologue)
1) Daño del Grifo
2) La Vountad del Emperador
Campaña de Necrópolis (Necropolis)
1) Al Llegar la Adversidad
2) Hacia el interior
3) Amanecer Cicunradiante
4) La Estratagema de la Araña
Campaña de Santuario (Haven)
1) Algo está Podrido
2) Lo Bueno es Malo y lo Malo es Bueno
3) No Tientes a un Hombre Desesperado
4) ---
Campaña de Refugio (Sanctuary)
1) La Furia y el Fango
2) La Escalera Sinuosa
3) La Marea Sangrienta
4) Muerte en Vida y Vida en Muerte
Campaña de Infierno (Inferno)
1) Ángel, Ángel, que Alumbras con tu Brillo
2) Terrible Simetría
3) En los Bosques de la Noche
4) El Matrimonio de Cielo e Infierno
Campaña de Bastión (Stronghold)
1) No es País para Amigos de Orcos
2) El Bueno, el Malo y el Sanguinario
3) Los Siete Bárbaros
4) Unos Demonios Agusanados
Campaña final (Epilogue)
1) Lágrimas Como las que Pueden Verter los Ángeles (Tears)
2) Oscuridad con Brillo Excesivo (Blood)
Campaña de tutorial (Prologue)
1) Daño del Grifo
2) La Vountad del Emperador
Campaña de Necrópolis (Necropolis)
1) Al Llegar la Adversidad
2) Hacia el interior
3) Amanecer Cicunradiante
4) La Estratagema de la Araña
Campaña de Santuario (Haven)
1) Algo está Podrido
2) Lo Bueno es Malo y lo Malo es Bueno
3) No Tientes a un Hombre Desesperado
4) ---
Campaña de Refugio (Sanctuary)
1) La Furia y el Fango
2) La Escalera Sinuosa
3) La Marea Sangrienta
4) Muerte en Vida y Vida en Muerte
Campaña de Infierno (Inferno)
1) Ángel, Ángel, que Alumbras con tu Brillo
2) Terrible Simetría
3) En los Bosques de la Noche
4) El Matrimonio de Cielo e Infierno
Campaña de Bastión (Stronghold)
1) No es País para Amigos de Orcos
2) El Bueno, el Malo y el Sanguinario
3) Los Siete Bárbaros
4) Unos Demonios Agusanados
Campaña final (Epilogue)
1) Lágrimas Como las que Pueden Verter los Ángeles (Tears)
2) Oscuridad con Brillo Excesivo (Blood)
May the Implosion be with you!
- Leprechaun
- Posts: 8
- Joined: 19 Aug 2012
till now, I was not registered here, so I came too late with the french missions titles. I also saw your questions on the french ubi-heroes forum (where I ask you a question).
So let me complete your titles (and correct then necessary) [in blue]
till now, I was not registered here, so I came too late with the french missions titles. I also saw your questions on the french ubi-heroes forum (where I ask you a question).
So let me complete your titles (and correct then necessary) [in blue]
Naki wrote:the French titles :
Campagne d’entraînement (Prologue):
1) Le fléau du Griffon
2) La volonté de l’Empereur
Campagne de la Nécropole (Necropolis)
1) En territoire ennemi
2) Le voyage intérieur
3) Une aube incertaine
4) La stratégie de l’Araignée
Campagne du Havre (Haven)
1) Quelque chose de pourri
2) Tous les moyens sont permis
3) La tentation du désespoir
4) L'Arbre d'Abondance
Campagne du Sanctuaire (Sanctuary)
1) Le choc des cultures
2) Une pente dangereuse
3) La mare marée sanglante
[funny mistake ;-) : "mare" is pond and "marée" is tide]
4) Une allié inattendu
Campagne Inferno (Inferno)
1) Les ailes du désir
2) Symétrie inquiétante
3) Les forêts de la nuit
4) Les noces rebelles
Campagne du Bastion (Stronghold)
1) La chasse aux Orcs
2) Le bon, la brute et le sanglant
3) Les sept barbares
4) En ver et contre tous
Campagne finale (Epilogue)
1) Les Larmes des Anges (Tears)
2) Les Ténèbres éblouissantes (Blood)
Last edited by Thanatoeil on 19 Aug 2012, 12:15, edited 1 time in total.
They said "Yes" - it seems the singleplayer map and Campaign mission share the same name in the French version.Ell1e wrote:Are you sure about Haven 4 being "L'Arbre d'Abondance"? Because that sounds a lot like "Tree of Plenty", a regular multiplayer map.
Why that is, I do not know...
May the Implosion be with you!
- Leprechaun
- Posts: 8
- Joined: 19 Aug 2012
It says it properly now - it said German titles before.Kalah wrote:I thought I had done that already? There is a link to this topic on the page, just below the list of H6 walkthroughs.
Also, it may be better (and I expected it to be that way) like this:
Foreign languages titles/map names are available here: German French Spanish Italian Russian
with each language being a link to the exact forum posting with the titles in that specific language. This would mean no scrolling or switching thread pages is needed - the mission names for the specific language will be right there when you click the link.
If that is too time consuming to do and you don't have the time, maybe you can do it in 2-3 days when you have the time...
Last edited by Naki on 26 Aug 2012, 13:11, edited 1 time in total.
May the Implosion be with you!
I'm not sure that's what I want, since CH is an English-speaking site first and foremost.Naki wrote:Also, it may be better (and I expected it to be that way) like this: Foreign languages titles/map names are available here: German French Spanish Italian Russian with each language being a link to the exact forum posting with the titles in that specific language.
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