I have a problem! Please Help!!

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I have a problem! Please Help!!

Unread postby ovidiu_p00 » 19 Nov 2006, 15:21

Hello everyone!
I just bought a new laptop - HP Pavilion dv4000. The problem with it is that it has an intel graphic card - Intel915 - 128MB. I enter the game with no problem. The intro movies run perfect. Everything is ok until i try to start the game. After the loading bar the game crashes instantly!!!
Can i do something about it???

I need some advices!!!
Please help!!

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Unread postby The Mad Dragon » 19 Nov 2006, 15:24

Make sure your direct X is upto date.

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Unread postby MistWeaver » 19 Nov 2006, 17:19


1)Actualy laptops video cards are not supported officialy.
2)Please describe error message that you receive when game crashes.

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Unread postby theGryphon » 19 Nov 2006, 17:59

ovidiu_p00: OK, now I see your problem ;) You should've known before buying this laptop it's no good for playing any 3D game. Intel 915, 945 whatever board does NOT have stand-alone graphic cards, it just has an onboard chip that share your RAM. It doesn't have their own GPU's (graphics processing unit) or memory. I'm terribly sorry to tell you this but there's no way you can play HV on that laptop. If you have any chance, return it and buy one that ships with an actual graphics card. I know pavilion series offer such models, with e.g. ATI cards.
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Unread postby MistWeaver » 19 Nov 2006, 18:55

Not true. This laptop has "Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 900 GM" that is not standalone card, but with it owner can play some 3D games. (older ones at least)

As for H5 the problem is that this card does not support DirectX9 features. However you still can play H5 on it.
All you have to do is to disable unsupported stuff. (The game would look somewhat badly after that though..)


1) backup you H5_GAME.EXE file.
2) Open it with hexeditor
3) Find this bytes sequence:
51 56 8B F1 8B 4E 08 2B 4E 04 8B 46 28 C1 F9 02

4) Replace first byte (51) with C3

5) Open user.cfg (\Documents and Settings\[USER]\My Documents\My Games\Heroes of Might and Magic V\Profiles\[USER]\)

6) Change settings to this:

setvar gfx_texture_mip = 1
setvar gfx_tnl_mode = 1
setvar gfx_fsaa = 0

7) Play the game.

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Unread postby ovidiu_p00 » 21 Nov 2006, 13:08

ok guys, Thank you very much for the tips. I am trying to change the laptop with a better one.

And yes...other 3D games work just fine. Like Company of heroes for example. And it is not old :)))

i will also try the trick that you showed me....although i do not know what hexeditor is.....but i will try searching :))

Thank you again

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Unread postby ovidiu_p00 » 21 Nov 2006, 14:07

OH MY GOD!!!! MistWeaver you are a genius!!! it really works!!! and it works better than on a HP laptop with ATI card (a friend of mine has one :))). Thank you very very very much!!!
can you give me your e-mail address in case that i have some other problems??:))

Thank you again and if you ever have a problem with a game...listen to MistWeaver. The guy knows best!

Bye all!

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Unread postby MistWeaver » 21 Nov 2006, 16:01

ovidiu_p00 wrote:OH MY GOD!!!! MistWeaver you are a genius!!! it really works!!! and it works better than on a HP laptop with ATI card (a friend of mine has one :))). Thank you very very very much!!!
can you give me your e-mail address in case that i have some other problems??:))

Thank you again and if you ever have a problem with a game...listen to MistWeaver. The guy knows best!
Well it wasnt actualy me who did find out how to remove unsupported call in EXE. That was some guy from "Heroes Corner" I think.
I just recalled this trick.

As for "it works better" - well it maybe works faster.. but towns should look much worse inside.. and some light effects should be missing.

And as for email, better try to PM me.

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Unread postby Kalah » 21 Nov 2006, 16:36

I'll link to this solution in our H5 FAQs if that's OK.
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Unread postby ovidiu_p00 » 21 Nov 2006, 23:38

hello again,

you are right again....it works faster. Some effects are missing and some towns look ugly on the inside. But the game is fully playable.

Nevertheless i love the game! Thank you again for the trick.

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Problem dudes

Unread postby lethesarr » 23 Nov 2006, 22:47

Hey, im new to heroes V, im a H3 oldy who boycotted H4, ya kno...
anyway, i've been looking through H5 officiall website, celestial heavens, elrath....its all a freakin bunch of confused stuff. So here: wuts up with all the patches and the mods? can the work together? im not really a pro at computers, and i've nvr even made my own map bfore, so dont tell me: you must go to C666 and modify the ^FFHF^6666X data so it will be eastier for %^jf77di to wrk. I'm asking the pros; WUT MODS DO YOU RECOMMEND, WHY? AND DO YOU THINK FUTUR PATCHES WILL BE ABLE TO WORK ALONG WITH IT? i kno its smtimes a matter of taste, but maybe some mods hav bugs and all......thanks already....

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Unread postby The Mad Dragon » 23 Nov 2006, 22:52

The patches are to help fix things like bugs, glitches, balance issues, etc. As for the MODS, they generally should work with the patches.

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Unread postby Mirez » 24 Nov 2006, 19:51

patches are for glitches and bugs and some extra things (extra maps/hot seat duel mode)

mods are just changes in the game some people find nice, like full heroes complication and topples dungeon units :D

I would advise using the patches since most people have their game up to date and you need the newest version to play online, mods however keep you from playing online unless the opponent has the same mods (wich will never happen)

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Unread postby YtseBitsySpider » 09 Oct 2007, 18:02

I am hugely interested in the fix mentioned above, as my brother in law has the identical laptop(the one with the ati card in it) his game plays at an "unplayable" speed...so SO slow.

I attempted the hex edit fix but I was unable to find that exact string. I found two that were similar but none exact. Is it possible that ovid and I are running different versions? Im in Canada and havent done a single patch. No bugs yet either (cross yer fingers)

I can play it on my laptop perfectly which has a lovely Nvidia card. But my poor bro-in-law(who is actually the huge fan and who has this cadillac HP pavilion laptop with a weenie graphics card) cant play his game.

Please, if the HEX edit thing can be applied to different versions or if I need to find a different string...help.


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