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Unread postby Sir Charles » 12 Aug 2005, 00:47

Okay, let's see....YOUR main point. H3 clone or not H3 clone.

Entirely 3d

Heroes entering the battlefield

Hero abilities in addition to skills

New units

New town(s)

New unit abilities

Caravan (most likely)

New spell schools

New multiplayer features and functions

New dynamic battle system (timed combat turns)

Hero trails on adventure map

Resizable battlefields

New universe and storyline

Seige combat completely new

And most likely many other features, locations, units, etc that they haven't revealed yet.

Are there similarities to Heroes 3. Of course. They'd be idiots NOT to have it resemble Heroes 3. Heroes 3 was BY FAR the most successful game of the series. And try to remember its a SEQUAL to a running game series. It's not a brand new unique game. So there MUST be similarities. But from my point of view, you're simply focusing on the things that are similar to H3 and ignoring the things that aren't (or the things that are from h2 and h4). Try opening up your mind a bit and accept new ideas and maybe even realize that the small bit of data we've been given was given for a show fans that the ideas experimented with in Heroes 4 that failed are NOT coming back in the 5th incarnation. Some of those ideas were sound, but due to the poor implementation they've left a bad taste in many Heroes players mouths and they'd rather not be subjected to them again.
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Unread postby Wildbear » 12 Aug 2005, 01:30

Do you expect a clone game to be exactly the same game as the original ?

Heroes entering the battlefield is only another kind of "spell", it only looks different. You can't attack heroes so seeing them running on the battlefield won't change anything.

3D ? hell it makes everything so different !

New units ? Great, they replaced the gog by a succubus and upgraded the peasant !

New abilities ? that's the least they can do ! And I wait to see how many new abilities we'll have

Caravans ? where ? and if they make it in, why ? thanks to people asking for them, not because the developpers wanted it.

New spell schools ? What a great improvement ! 1 point granted.

Dynamic battle system ? optional ? hmm'kay, half a point.

Hero trails ? Another new thing, you're currently at 2.5

Resizable battlefields + different siege ? great, 3.5 !

New universe ? So you did buy it ! it's all like the old one with new names and a glowing neon above it telling it's new. New storyline ? how come ! won't they just copy and past the maps ? do you really think all clone games have the same storyline and universe anyway ?

3.5 new things that matter, the rest is all H3 and there's a little possibility that they may consider think about

Oh and about the last paragraph, if those are not the words of an H3 fanboy. There's nothing like H2, and maybe just a few approximative details that could be considered as looking like some H4 features.

Until now, the two reactions I heard about the game when I show the videos were: it looks like H3 and it looks like Warcraft3 (from a warcraft fan).
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Unread postby Sir Charles » 12 Aug 2005, 02:39

Okay, look. Let's try a different tact. What do YOU expect from Heroes 5? All I've heard you do it b*tch and whine about the game so far. So...what is it that YOU want in it? And's NOT a NEW's a sequal. So it MUST retain qualities from PREVIOUS VERSIONS! Well......we're all waiting for your remarkable and fabulous comments. *sits on the edge of his seat for these fabulous suggestions*

And do I expect a "clone" game to be the same as the original. Well, I don't expect to see a "clone" game period. But the term "clone" would indicate a replication would it not.

And lastly, what exactly would you expect Ubisoft to do with Heroes 5? Are you expecting some unique, fresh, innovative turn-based strategy game? If so...try buying a new game that's NOT a sequal. Do I think Ubisoft will add in unique, fresh and innovative features into the Heroes games? Yes, of course. But I sure as heck wouldn't expect to see many of them in their first installment into the series. They need to form a solid base upon which to build from. Once they win back the loyal fan-base by making a game that uses a tried-and-true format, THEN they can take risks and turn the game on it's head. But to attempt to do that on this first game...that's suicide. Plain and simple. I'm sorry if you can't see this, but it's the simple truth.

*still waiting for these grand plans of yours for Heroes 5*
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Unread postby Wildbear » 12 Aug 2005, 03:30

I've been discussing all of this on hundred of pages. What I want ? A full new multi-layered magic system based on alignments (H4) and elements(older ones), full new dwelling trees with multiple branches and upgrades when necessary (H4+H2), not carbon copies of H3, a full new skill and ability system based on successful features from H1-2-3 as well as tweaked versions of H4 skills (that's partially in), a full new combat experience based on terrain size (in, and yes I did propose it years ago), reinforcements (from the video there might be something like that), enhanced balance through simultaneous retaliation (out) and new combat skills (say that's in), a new way to evaluate creature strength and to balance different town trees according to the strength of available creatures (in order to allow more differences between creatures of the same level to give it a H2-feeling), a so vastly enhanced version of the town alignments system that it doesn't fit in a dozen pages but still entirely based on previous games' alignments, more focus on the heroes and action through the use of automated features (like the caravan) for the minor tasks, continuing the story with new events (I made so many different proposals, little and big ones, that I just can't remember them).

I've litteraly made hundreds of proposals in the past years, all of them being inspired directly from the M&M universe or being completely new but thought to fit the game's atmosphere without changing the overall feeling of the game.

And a clone is not a carbon-copy, a clone is a distinct entity with the same "base" as the original, that looks the same but may "think" differently, have a different life and story, maybe sound different and look different depending on several variables.

For now, H5 takes H3 as a base and grows, it has differences, but many similarities. And it's hard to think it is not a clone when the alignments we've seen so far are exactly the same as in H3.

But when did "all upgradable creatures" became a quality ? When hero chains did ? When having to visit the windmills again and again every week did ? Why does a lvl25 hero being unable to move without a peasant by his side have to be a quality ? Why that same peasant being unable to reach the closest town alone would be a quality ?

They're returning to a safe fan base ? That fan-base is still there, why should they make an average game before a good one ? If they know that well that H3 is much better why don't they do what they would do NEXT rather than safely copying it and enhancing a few details for now?

The only suicidal parts here are to put all the story to the trash can and to consider the H2 or H4 players are not worth to listen to.
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Unread postby Sikon » 12 Aug 2005, 03:35

Calm down, you two. With little information we have, this is not a place to discuss whether H5 is an H3 clone or not. This comments page is a place to discuss the news entry - namely, the info about towns and creatures. If you want to discuss something else, you might have a look at the forum.

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Unread postby HMMFan » 12 Aug 2005, 04:43

Sir Charles,

You just need to drop it. Console yourself with the fact tat H5 seems promising to you and me. For fans like Wildbear, he is obviously pissed and griping is the only thing left to him. In other words, he is trying to make us miserable like him. Oh, I hardly agree with his statement that he has "won" all of the arguments....

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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 12 Aug 2005, 07:24

Quote by Sir Charles:

"Militia Guards have Stun like H4 Squires. [...] Nightmares' Terror"

Are these mere speculation on your part, or do you know something I don't? Because what I read about the Nightmare sounded more like 'no retal' than 'terror'... Or perhaps you meant Terror as per Bone Dragon?

As for H3-clone argument: Shouldn't the frequency by which this argument turns up tell you that UBIsoft isn't handling things very well? It's my belief that a lot more could have been done to make the game pleasing to both H3 and H4 fans.
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Unread postby Ethric » 12 Aug 2005, 08:16

"Okay, look. Let's try a different tact. What do YOU expect from Heroes 5?"

I for one wanted to see some of the concepts in H4 built upon or continued (heroes in battle, sim retal, distinguished magic schools, etc) and see some things from other games thrown together into something new, like a non-symmetric creature-scheme with branches and upgrades in fitting places. The non-symmetry of the creature lineup when compared from town to town is one of the best things in H2.

Having heroes being able to execute physical attacks in battle while still remaining invulnerable is not a "rather nice job of merging the h3 and h4 systems" IMO, it's adding insult to injury. As my main grief is in fact the absolute invulnerability. Now they make it even more outrageous by allowing them to charge the units with still no way at getting to them. And "it didn't work to well in H4" is not a valid argument. As there are tons of way to improve that system or scrap it and build a new one.

And of course now we've seen the actual creatures and see that the lineup is pretty similar to H3. I mean, what is the *point* of all those upgrades? It is inevitable that you end up with some strange names, and I expect (thoguh I do not know it for a fact. Yet) that it will be like in H3 where the base creature is something you hurry past ASAP to get to the upgrade. So why not just have the basic lineup of 7 or what have you, and then add an upgrade where it fits instead of forcing it on all. Some of us had of course wished for even more, and I've seen countless good suggestions for setups here on RT.

So yeah, I am very disappointed in this game from what I've seen so far (and lately, we've seen quite a lot). I see promising, good even, features from H4 scrapped, and annoying aspects of H3 brought back. Therefor, I call it a H3 clone. Even though the word "clone" refers to an exact duplication which this is not. But it should be obviosu to anyone that the word "clone" is here used for emphasis, not for absolute correctness.

So I will play the game always thinking "if only...", and I'm pretty sure that will ruin it quite a bit for me.
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Unread postby igoraki » 12 Aug 2005, 08:48

Quote by Sir Charles:

"Simutaneous retaliation...another nice idea...unfortunately it took away many tactical options IMO."

now this is very interesting,how did simultaneous retaliation took tactical options ?

i wasnt absolutly dissapointed in heroes 5 untill they announced this,but that was one too many

so i would like to hear your opinion,what tactical options you lose with simultaneous retaliation ?
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Unread postby superbowl1 » 12 Aug 2005, 09:03

I like the series from the start (yes also both 3 and 4, with all there problems) and I think Gaidal is right with his opinion that UBi might have done more to please fans from H3 and H4. 3DO has presented H4 to early but this was not the point for becoming bancrupt! If UBI trys to sell us this new one with all the H3 stuff and only these few new allignemts why I should buy it? I prefer than to play H3 and H4 with good outbalancedmaps from the net (yes there are ones for H4) ... Every new Heroes game has made good new installations to the series, but I don`t see good new ones (till now) excet the trails (I like this one, maybe combined with a good programmed fog of war). Yes Sir Charles, you are right, H3 was (and is) a good game, but giving it only a new graphik and only small chages (I see so far) won`t help to get new fans. We are getting older you know .... and I don`t think that every old H3-fan would like to buy this new one. UBI has to implement much more new or we`ll get a bett upgrade ...

Cheers to you all, for a nice discussion. I am hopefully that someone from UBi reads all of our thoughts and not only the ones from one side!

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Unread postby superbowl1 » 12 Aug 2005, 09:10

Nice thoughts Ethric nice thoughts!

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Unread postby Vitirr » 12 Aug 2005, 10:18

I'm amused by one thing however. Most features that you all claim to be representative of a H3 clone are not only from H3 but H2 and H1. No simultaneous retailation, no caravans, chaining and not unit movement points, weekly unit growth, generic magic schools, heroes not fighting... so why do you say it's a H3 clone?. That's all HOMM was about before H4!!. You claim that Ubi only looks at H3 when are you who only have eyes for it fogetting about the previous games.

About upgrades, I would definetly have liked a more chaotic system, but upgrades are not such a stupid idea as you say. In high difficulty levels I could be using an unupgraded unit for a long time, just to save resources. Knowing which units are a must to upgrade and which not is a important strategy decision.

About simultaneous turns I don't like it because I think initiative should be worth something.

As far as we know, (though we still have to see much more info), the game is clearly based on the old HOMM tradition, not only H3, (though more inclined to this game than the previous), and avoiding a lot of ideas from H4, (ideas that didn't please half the community by the way). So while I do think they are making mistakes I don't see this as such an awful thing.

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Unread postby harry1975 » 12 Aug 2005, 10:26

H3-Clone... I don't agree... We don't know everything about game... even don't know 4 towns(One of them is newbie)...

For examle... '40 spells and 200 skills'... this 'faction' means... Spells and skills will have new touch...

And don't forget 'mysterious marketing'... this marketing never reveal all... especially this time...

Fabrice said...

FC & TLG: At this time, we can't say much about the strategy details. This is the core of the game and more will be revealed later, once all the factions, creatures, and towns have been unveiled.

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Unread postby Pitsu » 12 Aug 2005, 10:43

Sir Charles wrote: "I orchestrated and ran the Heroes 4 sections for H3trio since the beginning. I was EXTREMELY optimistic prior to it's release. I played it religiously for nearly 6 months. But it never lived up to the promise of the game that it could've been."

I prefer to be pessimistic now and play the game for 60 months than being extremely optimistic and abandon H5 in 6 months.
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Unread postby Dragon Angel » 12 Aug 2005, 11:31

*Not reading the over-discussed H3-clone-thing, sorry if i miss anything good, or repeat something that has already been said*

>Point I want to make: take into account the "H3-clone" words or similar, many times should not be taken as an objective statement (that is, the game IS like Heroes 3), but as a more subjective one (that is, the game FEELS TOO MUCH like Heroes 3, and -i've to add- FEELS TOO FEW like Heroes 4). Even if there are novelties, the feeling for a lot of people is the comebacks to Heroes 3 (some, like upgrades everywere, are H3 trully and even if they are things that Heroes 2, 1 had - you will comeback to the nearest game, won't you). Let me continue, the comebacks to Heroes III are THAT MUCH AND IMPORTANT that simply obscure any innovation or return to previous games (2,1) or stayings in 4.
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Unread postby Zimmy » 12 Aug 2005, 14:00

Theres a rather disturbing amount of people are are seemingly blind O.o Technically over half the Inferno town is brand new. Horned overseer, succubus and as far as im concerned pit lords as they are nothing like the H3 version are all brand new. Nightmare is also new to the town as previously it was in asylum. Thats 4 out of the 7. Also what the hell did you want them to do with the human town? Humans aren't exactly a race with a lot of variation compared to other things. Also in all but 4 they nearly completly human towns, no creatures (bar griffs) so really what did you want them to do with the town?

I would also like to point out that to all you complaining about this being a H3 clone there are a lot of differences, but a H4 clone would be a lot worse. There really weren't any changes in H4 that were outright improvements, they were nearly all opinion. I for one didn't like being able to claim windmills etc as it made them too similar to mines.

oh and wildbear:''Do you expect a clone game to be exactly the same game as the original ?'' well the dictionary on my desk reads

Clone n Animal or plant produced artificially from the cells of another animal or plant, and IDENTICAL to the original (identical isnt actually in capitals but i felt it needed highlighting.)

As Sir_charles said its a sequel, it should be similar to past games. If the development team prefer H3 to H4 then thats there choice (and a good one cause h4 is no where near as good) I really can't understand why people are so against this. H1,2,3 were all incredibly similar and were the best games in the series in my opinion for their time (while in absoulute terms H4 is better than H1, H1 was amazing at the time of release and H4 was just good/ok). I really think you guys are being very unfair on nival who have tried in many areas to please everyone, heroes can be used in combat but not like in h4 etc. With a lot of you i think you simply wanted H4 with new graphics. You keep saying how the series should change and yet all the changes you want have already been done, not exactly moving forward is it.

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Unread postby Wildbear » 12 Aug 2005, 14:18

And will that clone grow the same way ? live the same way ? die the same way ? no, a clone is not a copy, it has the exact same dna, but it is different.

And nobody here want an H4-clone. And of course they changed the graphics, I just can't understand why you think 3d graphics will make the games different.

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Unread postby harry1975 » 12 Aug 2005, 14:32

H3+ H4+ Nival's own decision...

We don't know (especially) Nival's own decision mostly... Do you learn skill system... spell system... battle system... story in detail...

H3 Clone argument... I can't understand...

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Unread postby harry1975 » 12 Aug 2005, 14:43

Wildbear... As you say... FOR NOW... We don't know many things about this game...

Who knows... There is a possibility you are going to say that 'Nival is spoiling HOMM's tradition' after some days...

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Unread postby Sir Charles » 12 Aug 2005, 15:05

*laughs* Okay, back into the fray again. :O)

Okay, Sim. Retaliation. Why did I think it took away tactical options? Simply, it took away any advantage you gained by being the agressor and attacking first. Period.

A magic system based on H4 or elements. Hmmm...well, we don't know what it is right now, so we should simply drop this topic.

The build tree. Well, we do know that the h4 style of tree is gone. You no longer have to choose between unit types, but we could still very well have non-linear trees. We simply don't know if the build trees are "carbon copies of h3" or not. Quit being so darned pessimistic and give the developers a chance. Sheesh!

@Gaidal Cain: My comments about unit abilities are indeed speculations. But based upon Ubisoft information. "militia guards are expert in the art of confusing their enemy in the melee". While that might not be EXACTLY what "stun" was back in h4, it's the closest comparison I could see. As for the Nightmares..."These creatures have such a reputation for unforgiveness that they will make the enemy flee in panic" and add to that the in-game footage we have of them attacking with the black cloud of ravens bursting out of it and that sounds just "Terror" to me. But again, I could very well be wrong. As for the frequency of the "h3clone" argument popping up...well I simply don't think people are grasping the concept of the fact that Ubisoft is trying to promote thier game to the people who lost interest and faith in the series when it traveled down the H4 path. Its called marketing and to my eyes they're doing a damned fine job of it so far. If all these (to take a phrase from Wildbear) Heroes 4 Fanboys would just calm down and take a deep breath, they might just realize that they might not only see many features from Heroes 4, but they might also actually see a game that is BETTER than any of the previous versions.

This is the last comment I'm going to make in this thread seeing as how it's pretty much going into flames.

It simply appears to me that all the die-hard Heroes 4 fans out there have already made up thier minds concerning Heroes 5 and they're doing their damnedest to shout at the top of their lungs that the game sucks and is a H3 clone. Try opening up your mind just a tad, give the developers time to do their job, and wait until we see the complete product BEFORE you make a decision about your opinion of the game. Trying to force Ubisoft to make the game that YOU want is no better than the small group of fans that sent the death-threats to NWC about the Forge. Let them do their job and THEN make up your mind.

'Nuff said.
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