Heroes6 leak ?

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Heroes6 screens leak ?

Unread postby SplinterHoMM » 18 Aug 2010, 03:16

@TheRider: IMO that "idiotic" initiative system was the best innovation in Heroes V (and much more realistic).

@Dave_Jame: by the way ghost are positioned on the grid, i think they are big size.So we have 4.And skeleton(?) with the short pike(quantity 60) is maybe non grade or alt grade of creature just below (quantity 17)?

I would like to see reputation in HoMM (if its implemented good).Basically, what I'm looking for, is different gameplay for different towns (or races).At least for 'good' and 'bad' factions.I mean - if you're a demonlord - you'll probably kill everyone, who isn't joining you. but elf hero should have different way to deal with neutrals (at least native ones).

Now, no matter what town you play, you are sweeping everything from the map, collecting resources and exp. the same way.
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Heroes6 screens leak ?

Unread postby vicheron » 18 Aug 2010, 09:26

At least they're not completely ripping off Warhammer's artistic style.

The graphics look interesting. It's not the best looking game but Heroes games have always had very modest system requirements.

I hope they keep all the good features from previous games. I hate how Heroes 5 ignored a lot of the good ideas in Heroes 4 like caravans, mixed neutral armies, skills that scaled with level, town governors, and all sorts of new adventure objects like dream teachers, being able to flag windmills/water wheels, resource nodes that you had to spend money on to turn into mines, weekly resource producers, arenas, etc.

Some innovations would be nice. They should definitely give you the ability to do more things on the adventure map like being able to change the terrain, setting up way stations that lets you send troops to your hero via caravan, garrisoning troops in mines to increase resource income, sabotaging mines so that it doesn't give any income for a certain amount of time, hardening mines against sabotage or take over by a hero with a small army, setting up snares or ambushes for enemy armies, etc.

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Heroes6 screens leak ?

Unread postby dkehler » 18 Aug 2010, 17:37

By all means, KEEP the colourful "cartoony" graphics and avoid at all costs the "realistic" style of Disciples III. Half the time I can't even tell the difference between units. Not to mention the drab colour scheme is BORING. Kings Bounty and Heroes are far more visually appealing, in my opinion, of course.

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Heroes6 screens leak ?

Unread postby Shad0WeN » 19 Aug 2010, 04:15

There's 15 screenshots on www.mmh6.com but the top and bottom of all of them are cut off so they could fit them in the stupid box

anyhow, only these two really show anything new:

http://static2.cdn.ubi.com/gamesites/mi ... reen11.jpg

http://static2.cdn.ubi.com/gamesites/mi ... reen15.jpg
Edited on Thu, Aug 19 2010, 00:16 by Shad0WeN

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Heroes6 screens leak ?

Unread postby King Imp » 01 Sep 2010, 17:25

Wow, the Griffins look awesome! I love what appears to be the new Lich too.

Oh, and thank God they used common sense and kept the battlefield the same size. What a pain in the ass it was to convince those morons at Nival that 6x8 was way too small of a field to fight on.

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