Sylvan and Academy Creature List

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Unread postby boo8412 » 23 Sep 2005, 02:00

Sylvan is getting no game play by me sorry guys but no phoenix no dwarves.... whats up with the war dancer.... and dont bring back the gold dragon what about fairy dragons. something about the dungeons black=gold dragon matriarch=druid too much the same here.. let us all pray that this will be either changed or some bad info

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Unread postby Grumpy Old Wizard » 23 Sep 2005, 02:35

Hmmm my comment somehow wasn't posted the first time so I'll try again.

Give it a chance boo8412! Change is not always a bad thing. My love for the Preserve is second only for my beloved Academy and I think the new Sylvan town is looking pretty good.

As for the druid and matriarch being the same, only if you consider all spellcasters the same. They will have very different spells I am sure.

As for whether the black and gold dragon are too similar it is too early to tell. They could have very different specials/abilities.
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Unread postby MT Silver » 23 Sep 2005, 11:35

Angelspit, you might want to remove that "ordered by level" comment on the first page. When Sarsis posted the info, he said this: "There is no information on which level each creature is - so I'll just type their names in a line."

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Unread postby ronus03 » 23 Sep 2005, 11:45

I am very pleased with the new Dungeon creatures. They’re different and I can’t wait to explore their abilities, strengths and weaknesses. As for Academy, it’s getting a little “run of the mill”. Be a little more creative Ubi soft! The same goes for the most of the familiar creatures. I know that some of the creatures have to be there, otherwise it wouldn’t be the game we know and love, but they should try and mix it up a little more.

For those of you who miss the phoenix (which I do too), don’t be surprised to see them in an expansion. Remember it was one of the first artworks to be shown. And it’ll probably be in a sort of Conflux type army, since they‘re leaning more towards H3.

One last note. I just hope they keep a lot of intricacy of H4, especially in XL maps like Suprematie and campaigns such as plains walker I and II.
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Unread postby hahakocka » 23 Sep 2005, 12:14

I am really happy about the creatures except the uncreative Academy, the name is new and the Rakasha but Ii dont bothering me either.

Well, lets see so many pictures about these cities and creature at the official siite too.

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Unread postby Qurqirish Dragon » 23 Sep 2005, 13:42

About similarities between dungeon and sylvan line-ups: Since the dungeon is an offshoot of the sylvan (the dark elves are "renegade" elves, if you will; read the full dungeon history for more info), it makes sence that they would have similar lineups.

FOr example, the Sylvan elves had venerated the gold dragon, it only makes sence that the Dungeon elves would look for a dragon more suited to their lifestyle. Similarly, their spell casters would be of similar power (=level in the game), but the spells would have taken a different direction (again, based on town philosophy)

This also sets up the three pairings in the game:

Sylvan vs. Dungeon (two factions, one society)

Academy vs. Necropolis (two factions, one society again)

Haven vs. Inferno (invaded / invader)
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Unread postby Marzhin » 23 Sep 2005, 16:07

So... No dwarves anywhere. Too bad :'(
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Unread postby dragonn » 24 Sep 2005, 12:07

A guy called Sarsis has posted the Sylvan and Academy arts. Take a look: ... rts2aw.jpg ... rts1iv.jpg
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Unread postby dragonn » 24 Sep 2005, 12:35

In my opinion:

The Sylvan race: I like it very much and the Indian touch in it. The race is a natural enemy of Dark Elves so some the units from the same level in both cities are similiar looking. I especially like the Battle Unicorn and High Druid, but other units are very beautiful alike. I just hope they will look similiar in the game itself.

And about the Academy: I'm not dissapointed about this race either. They have their unique style with majority of blue and black colours. I'm a bit dissapointed about the Gargoyle, and the fact that Titan has no armour. But the Rakshassa is simply fantastic! This will be one of my favourite units. The Genie is also pretty cool, but why there are no Ifrits in Inferno. The Genies will by very sad about the abscence of their natural enemies :P
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Unread postby vulnevia » 24 Sep 2005, 12:47

The obsidian gargoyle looks like a soda machine or a jukebox =D

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Unread postby CloudRiderX » 24 Sep 2005, 13:11

Yeah, they changed the way every Academy unit looked from the previous titles. That makes me a little happier. At least they made them LOOK different even if they aren't.
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Unread postby NecroSpazz » 24 Sep 2005, 13:13

Rakshassa...looks quite weird.
Necropolis fan since Heroes 2.

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Unread postby NecroSpazz » 24 Sep 2005, 13:15

What's Master Gremlins weapon? A gun?
Necropolis fan since Heroes 2.

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Unread postby vulnevia » 24 Sep 2005, 15:28

NecroSpazz: it looks like a club to me. In the thinner end there's a sling where it can put its hand and swing the club around like a propeller.

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