Review from one of the isonews ppl

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Unread postby soupnazii » 14 May 2006, 16:09

"By full RPG I mean that you dont have to have afaitful peasant thats always by your side,and that remains a pathetic weakling,even though youve become a god.In WoG at least units get XP.Here,they remain the same. "

units didnt have XP. ever. only in WoG, but that wasnt official. u cant complain that units dont have XP here because they never did have XP, not in 4, not in 3, and not in 1, 2, or KB. u cant really expect Ubi to make such a major change in the game that might make or break the series, can you? if people find it neccesary than im sure a mod will be made eventually thats more or less WoG for H5.

"I`d like to illegally point out to the people who are uncertain about buying the game to wait until more reviews surface from professional gaming sites, read them all and decide afterwards -- please note that I am pointing this out to those who are uncertain about buying the game, not those who are certain they won`t buy it. :P"

I didnt say anything against listening to reviews before buying the game, all i said was that you shouldnt give up like that on a series you supposedly love before at least playing the full game yourself...

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 14 May 2006, 16:16

soupnazii wrote:units didnt have XP. ever. only in WoG, but that wasnt official. u cant complain that units dont have XP here because they never did have XP, not in 4, not in 3, and not in 1, 2, or KB. u cant really expect Ubi to make such a major change in the game that might make or break the series, can you? if people find it neccesary than im sure a mod will be made eventually thats more or less WoG for H5.
No,I was complaining about how you cannot have full RPG since you need to drag the same unit for the whole map,and while you level up,it doesnt.Heroeless armies is one way to solve this problem,unit XP the other(Id prefer if both were implemented).

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Unread postby soupnazii » 14 May 2006, 16:59

yes, but if you have both then whats the point of having heroes anyway? if you can have creatures that gain XP and levels and abilities and can travel independently, why would you ever need a hero?

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Unread postby soupnazii » 14 May 2006, 17:02

can someone please tell me how you can change the detail setting in the options menu in H3? i didnt even know there was an options menu... i looked everywhere... i have Complete. thnx.

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 14 May 2006, 17:25

soupnazii wrote:yes, but if you have both then whats the point of having heroes anyway? if you can have creatures that gain XP and levels and abilities and can travel independently, why would you ever need a hero?
Because only heroes can flag objects,capture towns and carry artifacts.Also,heroes could have skills that benefit the whole army.

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