Heroes 4 campaign difficulty question

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Heroes 4 campaign difficulty question

Unread postby Falle » 18 Jun 2007, 22:14

Just a quickie; When increasing the difficulty of a campaign mission, does the AI opponents (Like, the colored ones) become stronger/smarter, or does only the critters get stronger, or both?

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Unread postby Silence » 21 Jun 2007, 19:37

Neutral critters get stronger. Do not know exactly how big boosts tha AI gets, but the increased strength of neutrals may, in fact, disturb AI at higher difficulty. That means AI is perhaps most active at medium difficulties.

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Unread postby jeff » 21 Jun 2007, 19:39

Unfortunately that is a bad side effect of stronger neutral stacks. The AI turn can become extremely long while it seems to consider what it is to do. I run into that a lot when I playtest some of my maps. It's a difficult balancing act.
Mala Ipsa Nova :bugsquash:

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Unread postby pepak » 23 Jun 2007, 16:34

As long as mapmaker doesn't spend extra effort to modify AI behavior, higher difficulty only influences the strength of neutral units (which in effect leads to reduced power of "colored" AI). As far as I know, no 3DO-supplied map makes any allowances for higher difficulties.

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