Here's my Christmas present to all of you Heroes IV players out there.
It's a guide made by yours truly of how to play the game in a high resolution well above the standard choices normally allowed by the game.
Note! Please follow carefully through the instructions given in the guide.
Yurian Stonebow's How to do it - guide
In order to play the epic game Heroes of Might and Magic IV
or its expansions in widescreen,
just add xres=1920 yres=1080 to the shortcut.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\3DO\Heroes of Might and Magic IV\
h4mod.exe" -xres=1920 -yres=1080
Important! Replace 1920 and 1080 with your own resolution.
The resolution used above is an example and although it is
a fully workable solution in my PC system configuration
it might not work for others.
1) Find the icon on your desktop you use to load Heroes IV
2) Right click and choose Properties
3) In the Target field add: xres=1920 yres=1080
This should work on Windows XP, Windows Vista,
Windows 7 & Windows 8.
Wishing you a most pleasant and smooth Heroes IV HD gaming sessions to
come, Yurian Stonebow
EDIT: Added the picture file to show how it's done. Although the language here is Finnish you should still get the basic idea. "Kohde" means "Target" in Finnish.