MM History question

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
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Unread postby Avonu » 12 Jun 2007, 11:48

Some reasearch (digging) from (backup of) official AB's site:
Dracon wrote:Class: Wizard
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Dracon is the son of Bracada's most famous female dragon slayer. Those who have met Dracon have referred to him as a young man of 'aggressive wisdom' beyond his years, and aspirations fitting his age.

After his initial studies under his mother, Dracon's mother sent her son to learn magic in the ivory towers of Bracada's capital. A notorious rebel within the school, by age fourteen, Dracon had mastered the basics of all four schools of magic. With nothing more to learn, and disillusioned by the school and teachers who could not teach him more, Dracon set off across the continent of Antagrich to learn from the secluded masters who originated many of the spells now taught in magic schools. In the eight years Dracon roamed the continent, there is much myth and legend about his travels. One of the more popular is a rumored two-year period during which Dracon served with Gelu in Erathian special forces company named Forestguard.
Gelu wrote:Class: Ranger
Gender: Male
Race: Half Human, Half Vori Elf

Little is known about Gelu's origins. History reports he was a baby found by Morgan Kendal during his military service as a lieutenant under the command of Captain Catherine Gryphonheart during her original tour of duty with the Talon brigade.

Essentially born into the Erathian military, the Talon brigade raised Gelu as their own. At an early age, Gelu chose to serve with the Erathian military and quickly rose through the ranks. Currently, he serves as Captain of the elite special forces company called Forestguard. At home in the wilderness, Gelu has made the Forestguard company into the best 'guerilla' unit in the Erathian military. Known for their stealthy approach and quick strike attacks, Forestguard overwhelmed enemies three and four times their size in the course of the Restoration War. With the war's end, Catherine Ironfist bestowed upon Gelu, the highly prized Erathian Medal of Gallantry.
Mutare wrote:Class: Overlord
Gender: Female
Race: Human

Born to a woman of weak will and no money, Mutare was left to her own devices at the tender age of 12. There was nothing tender about the girl who had grown up in a harsh world. Her first weapon was a bastard sword, almost as tall as she was.

Dragons recognize ambition and power, especially when it is concentrated in one individual. Mutare has plenty of both, along with the courage and drive to fuel her ambition. She has an affinity for the powerful beasts, and under her command, they perform exceptionally well. With this deadly combination, an Overlord recruited her into his army, wanting her to become his general. She would do much more.

Using every last ounce of determination and will power, Mutare moved through the ranks quickly. Soon she was a general under a Dungeon Overlord named Rauric, but resented his control over her. For Mutare it was imperative no one else ever control her destiny. She coveted the position of Dungeon Overlord. All she needed was the opportunity to replace her condescending and insulting master.

He provided such an opportunity. During a large feast, after a few glasses of strong beer, he implied a woman's worth lie in her physical appearance. Foolishly he had been looking Mutare's way. Insulted, she jumped to her feet and challenged the Overlord. Thinking the young hothead wasn't serious, the Overlord laughed and accepted the challenge. He playfully dueled with Mutare, then with a quick flash of her blade, Mutare beheaded the Overlord. No one challenged her authority as she seized the reigns of power.

Now the young Mutare aspires to be Queen of Nighon.
Roland Ironfist wrote:Class: Knight
Gender: Male
Race: Human

As a young man Roland was far too trusting of other people. While his brother, Archibald, plotted and killed several seers, Roland did not believe these deaths could be anything but accidents. Betrayed by his brother, who accused Roland of killing the seers, he was forced to flee in order to escape imprisonment. Mustering together loyal followers, the beloved Roland led a revolution against his brother. Roland won the war. Archibald became a stone statue and was placed in the Library.

Following the Succession Wars, Roland received an offer from King Gryphonheart of Erathia to marry his daughter, Catherine. Impressed by her beauty and incredible skill as a warrior and leader, he accepted. They soon wed and happiness became his. Not until the birth of his son, Nicolai was this happiness topped. For Roland, life had become perfect.

For ten years all was peaceful until the appearance of devils on the Enrothian border, and Roland was forced to drive their presence from the land. Taking a company of well-trained men he attempted, and failed, to drive the Devils out. Instead, he was captured and transported to Erathia. Roland was not freed until seven years later when a group of adventurers came to his aid. He then rejoined his wife and son for a brief reunion.
Catherine wrote:Class: Knight
Gender: Female
Race: Human

Queen Catherine is a strong, determined woman skilled in the art of war. She has proven, and continues to prove, her worthiness as a soldier and leader. Joining the Erathian military against her father's wishes was one of the best moves she ever made, forever proving her capabilities as a tactician, warrior and leader.

In May of 1154, King Gryphonheart made arrangements for the marriage of Catherine to King Roland Ironfist of Enroth, who had earlier that year defeated his brother, Archibald, in a pitched battle for the Throne of Enroth, which came to be called the Succession Wars. Though at first she did not wish to leave her father's side, Catherine eventually agreed to the marriage, and on the first day of August 1154, she married King Roland, becoming Queen Catherine Ironfist of Enroth. The ship that carried her from Erathia was renamed the Queen Catherine, and she did not return until her father's death.

The following year the proclamation was read in every city, town and village in Erathia. Queen Catherine had given birth to a son. The child was called Nicolai, which the Queen chose to honor her father.

During the Restoration War she led the Enrothian and Erathian armies to drive the armies of Nighon, Eeofol and Deyja from her father's kingdom.
Generally nothing new in this topic (Kareeah Indaga or Ribannah said about these info) but at least I know now from where they knew that. :D

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Unread postby Corribus » 12 Jun 2007, 14:04

Kareeah Indaga wrote:before some so-called “fans” sent death threats to 3DO
That's a very biased, one-sided, unfair account of what actually happened. :disagree:
"What men are poets who can speak of Jupiter if he were like a man, but if he is an immense spinning sphere of methane and ammonia must be silent?" - Richard P. Feynman

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Unread postby Kareeah Indaga » 12 Jun 2007, 23:27

Corribus wrote:That's a very biased, one-sided, unfair account of what actually happened. :disagree:
You’re more than welcome to make an unbiased, two-sided fair account of what actually happened. :tonguehands:

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Unread postby Avonu » 30 Apr 2008, 17:46

Some facts and texts from first five games of Might and Magic. I hope it will help understand more about what really happened with Sheltem, Corak and VARNs, CRON and Terra.

I chose nearly all texts important for main MM1-5 plot (and background theme Ancients-Creators-Elemental Lords) and some other, interesting from my point of view. Some of these texts were posted earlier in this topic or in History section of CH but I decided to gather there all in one place to better look over general plot

Now to the point:
Might and Magic 1 wrote: Sorpigal:

[Encounter with Succubus Queen]

Beneath Portsmouth:

Under Dusk:

Sector B1:

Sector E2:
[Hostile:] A BRIGHT FLASH! [All players killed]

Castle Alamar:




Soul maze:

ANSWER:> ...............

Astral plane:

Might and Magic 2 wrote:
Prologue wrote: An account of Corak the Mysterious' unsettling disappearance as told by his apprentice, Gwyndon the Young:

Corak has always held many dire secrets, but recently he had shown signs of being outwardly distressed. This troubled me greatly as what could disturb one so powerful and composed as Corak the Mysterious? Was he not only High Priest as well as being regarded by all as a most accomplished warrior and being the most powerful Archmage other than King Kalohn the Vanquished? He was all that the knowledgeable strive to be and what the ignorant claim to be.

Corak used to tell me stories of different, wondrous worlds with hideous monsters and mighty warriors. He once even mentioned that he came from another world. I thought his stories mere fables or myths meant to entertain me. Little did I know that he spoke the truth and that a problem would arise from this truth that would drive him mad.

One day while I was working on translations of a sorcerous scroll, Corak burst into the library with a harried look on his brow. He told me of an alien criminal from another reality who had escaped into our beloved CRON! Corak then promptly forgot that I was present and proceeded to curse and mumble profusely as he searched through the books for some lost text which contained a gleaming of information which might help him expel the dangerous alien. Being insatiably curious, I attempted to eavesdrop on the conversation he was having with himself. He spoke of CRON being out of alignment with other worlds, of a highly destructive alien being named Sheltem, and of an anointed champion who could realign CRON before a horrific wave of fiery destruction would sweep across and destroy the land.

After his foray in the library, Corak acted quite strangely during the next few days. He would lock himself up in his private study for hours at a time. Frightful noises emanated from behind the locked door and then, suddenly, they would stop. He would emerge changed each time in some subtle fashion. He would enter the study after devouring almost an entire banquet by himself and exit with an appetite as if he had not eaten in days. Other times he would be wan and pale from long hours of intensive research done in the library. He would then go to the study and exit in a few hours with a tan as if he had just returned from Murray's Resort Isle, basking in the sun there for a week.

This weird behavior continued for almost a fortnight. One day, he left his study after an unusually long session and immediately started screaming about the end of the world and how he could not stop it. Amazingly, he was covered in snow and yet it was mid-summer! He then looked about in desperation and withdrew a strange, four-taloned claw which I had never even seen before. Corak then uttered a spell which caused a blinding glow of sheer power to envelope his body. He was terrible to behold, bathed in an eerie shower of what must of been pure ethereal energy, just standing there, exalting in his newfound might.

Seconds later, a clap of thunder shook the building and Corak was gone. I believe that he transported himself away in order to try to stop the mystifying doom which lay upon CRON. Unfortunately, I have my doubts. Maybe the spell of power was too much for Corak the Mysterious and he brought about his own destruction. I do not know anything for sure.

After all, I am now only an apprentice without a master to tell me if I am right or wrong.

A week later, Lord Pinehurst visited and went into Corak's study. The strange, eerie noises started again and Lord Pinehurst was gone. I entered the study and noticed that one of Corak's machines was missing. Next day I received a sealed letter delivered by special courier from Lord Pinehurst. He wrote that he was fine, not to worry and that I should travel to Castle Pinehurst to continue my studies. I go now and hope that this growing chaos in my life will soon end.

[quote="History of CRON]
This being a synopsis of the histories of CRON as gathered by Corak the Mysterious and found in his study in the Luxus Palace Royale by Gwyndon the Young:

I, Corak, called the Mysterious, have gathered these histories of the world aptly called CRON through personal experiences gained by the use of a magical artifact which allows travel through the very fabric of time itself.

At first, there was only void. Yet, in the nothing something arose. An ethereal substance capable of supporting life came into existence.

From the time of this forming shall I, as do all in CRON, reckon time. The shaping of this etherealness took well-nigh one century to occur and develop into recognizable form.

Next, water in vast amounts came from disorder and remained to mix with the ether. Strange beings arose out of this chaotic union. Elemental lords of great power warred for control of the waters. The greatest of these was powerful Acwalandar, mightiest and most majestic of all the Water Kings. Preternatural fierceness combined with uncanny intelligence allowed him to hold unquestionable dominion over all of the other elementals. He reigned supreme for three score and a generation of years, then turmoil erupted.

Potent creatures from an unknown, mystical land charged into CRON with conquest of the brutal Water Lords as their goal. A battle which would last centuries began. Acwalandar and his minions were taken by surprise and the strange beings gained a foothold which they would not release. Puzzlement and fear of the unknown swept through the ranks of the normally stolid water elementals. Who were these warriors who suddenly came from nowhere? They were Spirits of the Air come from afar to expand their empire. Their lord was terrible indeed, a creature of tumultuous air named Shalwend who could call upon tremendous legions of vicious air elementals to blow back the shocked Water Lords. Air fought with Water for over a century, until reaching a level of equilibrium which neither side could change.

Seeking to upset the deadlock and gain the momentum in the war against the air elementals, Acwalandar charged his servitors to create an ultimate weapon. He received much more than he wanted. His vassals summoned forth incredibly powerful creatures of destruction that would remain under the Water Lords total dominance. Fire elementals were issued forth. These hateful monsters sole purpose in life was to destroy, and at destruction their like will never be approached. They sucked the life out of the Air Spirits without mercy, forcing them to endure a slow, consuming burn until there was nothing left. However, the Fire Lords were few in number and could not totally destroy the Masters of the Wind.

The leader of the burning horde, Pyrannaste, Master of Flame, disliked the iron-fisted rule of Acwalandar and the Water Lords. Any hesitation of a fire elemental in carrying out an order issued by a Water Lord would result in extinguishment. Pyrannaste waited, for he was patient, and even though he and his vassals chafed under the rule of the water elementals they hated Shalwend and the air elementals even more.

Eighty years of servitude and war passed for the Fire Lords until Pyrannaste deemed the time proper for rebellion against Acwalandar. Wanting only to escape servitude while still being able to crush the ranks of the despised Shalwend, the Master of Flame attempted to break away peacefully from the air elementals. At first they succeeded, but resentment and overconfidence built up in the Legions of Water, Are not the fire elementals our servants, brought forth by us to serve our Heeds? Can we not crush them as we crushed the Masters of the Winds? This the armies of Acwalandar thought, forgetting that the might of the air horde must be fought once again without aid. Also forgetting that in order to extinguish a fire elemental, a Water Lord loses much of himself in the struggle that ensues.

Shrewd Acwalandar realized that the Water Lords could not hope to end victorious in a war against both the air and the fire elementals.

However, his counsel fell upon deaf ears. What good is the voice of reason to an angry mob? For fifty years Water fought Air and Fire, Fire fought Water and Air, and Air fought Fire and Water. Battles were bloodthirsty; and allies were nonexistent. CRON had transformed into a chaotic battlefield with no one group able to assert itself over the others.

And then came disaster. From places vaguely rumored to exist came the most fearsome creatures yet. Emperors of Earth they called themselves.

They were led by Gralkor the Cruel. In one fell stroke they invaded CRON and caused the petty struggles between Water, Air, and Fire to come to an utter halt. Ancient enemies were forced to unite for survival against the new, common enemy. At first, the earth elementals appeared invulnerable. Eighty years and innumerable battles later, a method was found to stop them. Acwalandar and the Water Lords would soak the earth elementals with a flood of water. Then, Pyrannaste and the Fire Lords would bake the dissipated creatures into dry silt. Finally, Shalwend and the Air Spirits would lift the silt into the sky and spread all of the particles across the world, leaving the earth elemental utterly eradicated.

Alas, the effort by the three elemental tribes was too late to stop Gralkor the Cruel and the Emperors of Earth. They had pooled together and formed a giant mass of earthen matter which floated upon water, was immune to fire, and which would not scatter as leaves upon the wind. For twenty more years the elementals attempted to overcome the earthen landmass of Gralkor the Cruel. They failed miserably and the Emperors of Earth assumed command of what would become CRON.

By the year 500, Gralkor and the earth elementals were busily constructing a fixed land area with the toil of their slaves. For almost one hundred years all of the elementals, Water, Air, Fire, and Earth, struggled to perfect the landmass. What they tame up with is what we know as the physical land of CRON.

Rumor of CRON spread to other worlds somehow and an inexorable flow, of what were to the elementals, small, pitiful creatures began to populate the world of Gralkor in the seventh century. The creatures were of many different humanoid types, but they all had basic similarities and resistances which enabled them to survive in CRON. Water beaded off them, air swirled past them, fire did burn them, but only under extremes, and mighty earth they trod upon. The humanoids were able to extract properties from each of the four element's features and use it for their own benefit. But perhaps most important of all, they could weave magic. At first, there were few of these pathetic creatures, but they multiplied rapidly and spread across the landmass. The humanoids strengthened after years of toil and pain. Ambitions grew and they attempted to make CRON their own. This aroused the attention of Gralkor the Cruel and forced him into action.

Unfortunately for the elementals, Gralkor acted too late. The humanoids had been in CRON for over seventy years and had acclimated themselves to all the difficulties which the elementals could produce. They had weapons and spells which could immobilize all but the most powerful elemental lords. Gralkor did not realize this and made a most fatal error, he attacked. He marshaled his forces for the obliteration of the feeble humanoids.

The humanoids knew what to expect and lay a trap for the elemental forces. All of the most powerful spell-casters gathered on the isle of the Ancients and combined their efforts to create an orb of power. This orb had a mystic receptacle, a four taloned claw. There was a talon for each elemental force, and alone that talon could control the elemental creatures it represented. The four talons could be combined to form a holder for the orb. This formed a weapon of incomparable power which could guarantee the complete submission or destruction of any and all elemental creatures. Many tests were made in order to perfect this weapon. Gross mutilations and horrible deaths were the results of most of these. In the latter part of the eighth century there was a human male weak in magic but strong in courage named Kalohn who tested the orb and survived unmolested. Many humanoids died before this because of Gralkor’s attack and the testing of the orb. Kalohn resolved to end it all immediately.

He went to the tallest mountain in all of CRON alone. He then challenged the four elemental lords to do battle. Much damage to the land followed, including the transformation of the mountain into the crater we know as The Dead Zone. Kalohn, armed with the orange, glowing orb emerged victorious and then banished each of the four elemental tribes to a separate corner of CRON and formed barriers to keep them imprisoned. Within each elemental zone he placed the corresponding talon of the mighty claw in the order of the elementals' appearance, water, air, fire, and earth. He kept the orb for himself.

With the elemental forces banished from direct interaction with the humanoids of CRON, civilization evolved and everyone prospered. Kalohn gained much magic power due to his battle with the elementals and his frequent use of the orb. He became King Kalohn the Conjurer and ruled wisely for thirty or more years. Peace spread throughout the land. Education began of the young and living conditions improved. Communities formed and trade developed. People were happy and content.

Then in the mid ninth century, the elementals struck back. Unable to physically enter CRON and maddened at the elementals' defeat at the hands of a single, puny human, Acwalandar studied that which defeated him, magic. He had a great aptitude for sorcery and learned quickly by studying the humanoids who ventured near his realm. He gained particular skill in forming and summoning. Using this skill, Acwalandar formed a fell creature of enormous girth and power. He filled it with life from many of his followers and endowed it with the most fearsome of weapons known to him, fire. He had created the first dragon, a creature of mindless destruction and incredible strength. This dragon was formed just outside of the water barrier and left Acwalandar with the intent to destroy Kalohn and then CRON.

King Kalohn the Conjurer sensed the dragon's creation and the threat it posed. He sought it out to vanquish it and quell the elemental lords forever. He met the dark creature in the beautiful Savannah of Plenty. Unfortunately, mighty as he was, Kalohn had only the power of the now faintly glowing orb with him and perished after a disappointingly quick battle. The dragon breathed barrels of flame and engulfed Kalohn entirely, consuming him in a bath of fiery death. Kalohn had attempted to cast a spell which would form a shield of water to protect himself, but the spell was changed as a last minute surge of power from the orb went through Kalohn's body and caused a flood to ravage the Savannah.

For all the might of the dragon, he could not fly without wings and was too heavy to swim. He died a slow death, powerless against the natural habitat of his master.

Aftereffects of the battle were numerous and disastrous. The Savannah of Plenty was destroyed and became the Quagmire of Doom, an area of great evil. However, it is rumored that the orb still exists somewhere in the Quagmire, though no one has ever found it. Dragons entered CRON through once closed corridors and wreaked havoc among the populace. Princess Lamanda, Kalohn's daughter, assumed a tentative command of the land. All of these factors led to regression and the ultimate downfall of the level of civilization which had been achieved.

Now it is the tenth century and chaos reigns. Swords and sorcery have replaced law and order as the way of life. Monsters roam the lands of CRON freely and do as they please. Isolated areas hold out against barbarism, but are doomed to fall. All that remains of CRON's glorious past are old wives' tales of mighty warriors and wizards doing battle against evil hordes and of a tragic lord, King Kalohn the Vanquished.
Lloyd's beacon wrote: An ingenious sorcerer named Lloyd tells the tale of his great invention, a Beacon Spell, "It's been real useful for me, now it will aid you as well."
Corak's Cave wrote: "Ah, I have been waiting for you. Proceed to the Hero's Tomb. I have lowered the barriers for you."

You reunite Corak's soul with his en-tombed body, and he rises before you
"Thank you for freeing me. Go to Mount Farview to gain your reward. Also, I have advice for you. All encasement spells are one square away and one square over from the most distant corner of each elemental plane."
Square Lake wrote: 66 Devil Kings bow down to the Chosen One. Care to attack?
A sing here reads (and nex sign and next and...):
#1 Hello!
#2 Are you ready?
#3 Hope so!
#4 Almost there
#5 The end is near
#6 Having fun?
#7 Getting closer...
#8 Keep going!
#9 A little futher...
#10 Here it is!!!!!
#11 Just kidding!
#12 One more step...
#13 This is IT!!!!!

Sheltem and his Elementals guard the entry to the control room.
"Although you may defeat me, you're too late! CRON and all its VARNs are doomed!"

A vacuum tube sucks the party into the control room...
CRON is off course and headed directly towards the sun! A strange machine pulsates,
"Collision imminent!"

Enter override code to abort:

Thank you.
Recalculating trajectory now...

Error, Error! Computer malfunction! Internal program override...

A pre-recorded message sends shutters of terror up your spines!
"I am Sheltem, ruler of the planet Terra of which this CRON and all of its VARNs have been programmed by the Ancients to populate. I cannot allow my race to be spoiled by inferiors so I have devised this cryptogram as a test. Should anyone who is a Chosen One of CRON solve it, your worth will be proved and you will be saved. Fail and a fiery death by the sun is assured!
The clock is ticking..."

Time left: 15:00:00

Gq, jaq mqhmlq hu Jqtti, dc
hteqt jh uhtz i zhtq mqtuqnj
scdhc, qwjivldwa oswjdnq,
dcwstq ehzqwjdn jticrsdldjp,
mthfdeq uht jaq nhzzhc

(We, the people of Terra, in
order to form a more perfect
union, establish justice,
insure domestic trinquility,
provide for the common defense...)

ANSWER = Preamble
CODE = ...


Congratulations! Because of your superior intellect and diligeance, you have saved CRON and all of its VARNs. This ship was created by the Ancients to populate this distant world. Good luck!"
Might and Magic 3 wrote:
Intro wrote: "I am Sheltem, Guardian of Terra. Twice now you have defeated my pet, thinking yourself worthy of invading my world. Walk carefully then through this third challenge, and take heed your final decision is truly what you desire - for the course of destiny cannot be turned once set in motion.
Until our next meeting, mortals."
Corak journal wrote: "From the corners of the misty Void
Rang loud the battle cry
The Elemental lords of four
Had sworn to fight and die

Fire, Water, Air and Earth
Did meet their might and force
And in their battles bloody mire
Found our land its source

Then descended on the land
The Forces of Dome
To lend into the mortal hand
Power before unknown

Five Forces, they might and magic
Two champions forged by each
Ten heroes made the tale most tragic
For the Elemental beasts


The epic was written in three parts and the fragment he [town elder of Wildabar] gave me was from the first, in which is contained an accound of the birth of isles out of great battle between powerful lords of the four elements who used fiercy storms to fight for supreme control of the Void, a place where there was no land no sky no ocean. Water and Fire and Air and Earth met in the empty Void to fight for the right to fill it with their presence, but so matched were they in this battle that none could defeat the others, nor could any stop fighting lest the balance be upset and he be overrun by others. They had become locked in an eternal war none could turn away from. And as the war raged on through decades, in the midst of the Void where the fallout of the mighty storms gathered and setlled, a rich land began to develop. From where, no one knows, but beasts appeared to graze the field of the new land and take refuge in its forest and caverns.

Little notice did the Elemental lords pay to these dumb beasts for there was little threat in their roaming. They was seen as little more then flies that gather around fallen animal. So the war raged on with intensyfing storms that added to the richness of the budding land.

But a new creature mysteriousy appeared in the Void, not dumb like the beasts, but clever in ways of cultivating the raw loam of battlefield futher into a rich provider of food and shelter. Difficult and costly through it was in midst of the furious storms of battle, a continent was forged in the misty Void.

In the forests and valleys settled spry creatires of great intelligence. Thin and strong, the Elves were quite at home among the trees and fields of green. Through weaker in endurance than some, they were possessed of high aptitude for magical arts and resistance to its power and energy.

And in the snowy areas of bitter cold found the Gnomes their home. Like the Elves, they were strong of mind, not body, and a little more prone to the ways of magic. But unlike the brooding Elf, the Gnome was very jolly and quick to make friends. Because of the harshness of the snowy land their countenance was thughened to elements, and even more so to magic.

Sojourned then in the desert sun the Dwarf. Small but mighty they survived in the turmoil of the stormy war for little of the elemental realm could do them great harm. After all, it would take a strong creature to find a thriving life in the lands of sand. With little power over magic, Dwarves found their strangth in solitude among the dunes.

And in the swamps and bogs settled a tribal people of great strength and endurance. So strong were they that fire, electric and cold could hardly harm them. Because they lacked the greatness of mind for magic tey had to rely on their ability to fight to survive, and that ability was developed to great heights, for the Half-Orc lived for battle and saw oppoising of men as the greatest of endeavours.

But scattered across the many diversities of the new found land Humans wandered and made places for themselves among all others. Able to resistance all the elements and magics, and learned in the way of the mistical arts, they were well equipped to settle were they wished. Soon they thrived across the land and with the others began to tame the beasts and cultivate the fields.

With the arrival of these conquerors of land the Elemental lords relized that while they fought among themselves the very prize for which they were slain was being taken away from them by little mortal beings who in their eyes were no better than the dumb beasts. Each would try to vanquish the mortals with a great storm, but because they could not remove too much of their force from the war the mortals were able to withstand them. In fact, the stroms of the Elementals were less severe than the effects of the war itself, so the Elementals had to find another way to purge the Void of these intruders. So an agreement was made to halt the fighting for one day and devote all their powers to create one great tempest of such destructive power than none could withstand it for even an hour.

Air gathered together the strongest of its winds to blow the sands of Earth with such force as to tear away the flesh from mortal bone. And Water prepared a flood to wash the fallen mortals to the center of the Void where Fire would then bake the mire into solid stone. Even combined in total unity the mortals could not survive a day of such torrent. So little hope was there that ine the darkest hours before the great destruction all merely stayed in their doomed homes and the halplessness in their hearts made the greatest cry for mercy any world has even known...

...It seems a fitting enough setting to muse upon the piece of the legend I found in the ruins of Castle Graywind. It tells of the intercession of the Forces of the Dome, the five Forces that gave men the power to overcome the attack of the Elementals.

Cosmonium was the force which guided the elements and other forms of energy from place to place. Air, water, fire, earth, and the elecrical energies were commanded and controlled.

Esoterica was the power of inner self, the energy of life and the forms of life, with command of the mind and ability for healing and inflicting.

Gaiam commanded the order of life in the forest and in the skies, of the trees and the clouds. The manner and temperament of nature and the wills of the beasts bowed to its influence.

Bellum, which was the essence of war and violence which manifested itself in the darker moods of beasts and viloent turns of weather, like this storm tonight.

And Lurkane, that invisible, silent sheet of clandestine power that slipped its works into the world unseen.

These were the Forces that silently watched from their perch above the clouds as the Elementals did battle. According to the legend they never joined the fight, but when they discovered the Elemental's plan to destroy all men and beasts they had pity on the helpless mortals and gave them the secrets of their powers to defend their lives. Other telling of the tale say the Forces of the Dome feared the Elementals would be so amazed at the strength they possessed when joined together they would unify and attack them in their lofty home, pulling them into the never ending battle. For whatever reason, the Forces taught we mortals of their power, two to each Force, and made ten champions to drive back the Elementals before they could pull their ranks together.

To an Elf, Cosmonium opened the secrets of how the elements move through the Void, giving total control over fire, cold, energy, and electricity. In padded armor and armed woth a staff, the first great hero set about mastering his contrlo over the elements and created many powerful incantations for the coming battle. He was called a Sorceror. I remember the thrill of discovering the power and beauty of lighning, my personal favorite. In my youth, camping on a rainy night with a band of adventurers like this dark evening, I would sometimes fire a bolt at a nearby tree just to startle my companions. An act I'm sure our fallen comrade would strongly disapprove of.

And another of the Elfin kin Cosmonium showed the way to make shaft of wood travel. This was named the Archer and gird in armor of chain she was the second of the heroes to emerge. Due to their common origin she was able to use the spells created by the Sorcere, but only to a limited degree. Most of her energy was spent in the study of the bow.

Next, Esoterica took a Gnome and trained her in the healing ways, revealing the secrets of the mind and body, unlocking the power to make good or render bad one's constitution. A most powerful hero was this, called the Cleric, in her splint mail, helm and shield. To heal the fallen comrade and destroy the weakened foe was her pledge.

Another Gnome was taken thus, and taught the healing ways, but much emphasis was also given to use of weapon and armor. A most noble champion called Paladin was he, and a frightful foe to face. Clad in the strongest of armor and wieldin the weapons of truth and right, he was to become one of the greatest figures inspiring much lore and many followers.

Then Gaiam made its choice in the Dwarf to champion its cause. Many languages were revealed, empathy with plans and beasts and the patterns of seasons ans stars. Secrets of the living land endowed in a smallish figure to command the forces of nature to de her bidding, commanding great storms and flurries and swarms to do battle, but also calling upon the natural healing of nature to help fallen. As devoted to the land as the Cleric to the body, this new one called the Druid would sacrifice her being to maintain the orders of nature. In leather the Druid travelled with bareky a sword to swing. A storm such as tonight's would handly be worthy the talents of such a champion.

When the force Gaiam gave empathy with the forest to the Dwaren champion it called Ranger, a dark and mysterious one was indeed created. At home in the danseness of the trees, contented with the thicket of vines and cluttering of bushes, the Ranger was a diverse in mood as the forest was diverse in creatures.

Bellum then chose the Half-Orc to be a champion of the sword, Gird in the finest of armor, helm and shield, and with the mightiest of weapons trined he in the atrts of war melee, and valor. Called the Knight he became the strongest of the champions with the greatest desire to march across the battlefield. While the Paladin would seek peace through battle and find victory in the quick end of a war, the Knight longed for the brotherhood of battle and felt a kinship to all combatants.

And the second champion made Bellun to be called Barbarian, fo it was not brothrhood she seeked in battle but thr lust of blood. With the greatest endurance of the heroes the Barbarian seeked the thrill of rushing into battle. Clad only in scale armor she wielded her shield and great hammer against the armies of her foes. In all the statues and tapestries I have seen dedicated to the likeness of this champion she stands high upon a mountain of fallen warriors, a helm of horns upon her head.

Lurkane then, the last and most mysterious of the forces, took two Humans to its cause. The first was taught to move in the invisible folds between the places of here and there and travel unseen and unheard. Know as the Robber, he was able to work the mechanisms of locks and traps, hide in the faintese of shadows, and advance upon his foes to deliver a fatal thrust of dagger in the back. In mail of chain with shield and dagger, a crossbow hanging at his side, he moved in the leaves like a feather.

And the tenth champion, made for battle, was strong in all attributes of fitness and mind. Called the Ninja, a most powerful warrior was she with special weapons created especially for her mastery at arms, a mastery not even equalled by mighty Knight. Bound to a life of solitude, alone even among the other champions, her discipline of body and mind consumed every moment. She was called the silent warrior for she possessed the stealth of the Robber, even in her chain mail, and was never know to speak.

These ten were the champions of the war against the Elementals, where mortal man was taught the arts of magic and ways of war by the five Forces of Dome, Cosmonium, Esoterica, Gaiam, Bellum and Lurkane, the Forces that are above the clouds, above the stars, that indeed guide the stars through their journey across the night.

After the battle was over and the champions had used the powers of the Dome gave them to drive the Elemental lords to the corners of the Void, the five Forces picked up the land that had been the battlefield and moved it through the heavens, from the gates of the Ancients to the gates of Terra, where the land was set in the midst of water and broken into isles. While the Forces were carrying the isles through the stars the ten heroes built towns to protect the people from monsters and beasts that roamed the land, and they trained others in the disciplines they were given by the Forces starting a long tradition of skills that carried over to present times.


I will miss this group [of adventurers] when we part ways in Fountain Head, but there are other things that call me. This has been but a tour for me, the real search is not for legends and lore but my nemesis Sheltem. From the very beginning he has seen these isles and all that lives upon them as his enemy, and twice he has planned their extintion. Now that these isles have rested in the gates of Terra I'm sure he has not given up his crusade to destroy them. I know not what plan he has set in motion but I see his work in all that is chaotic.

I have been making these notes as a record to leave behind for any who will join me in my search for Sheltem and his evil plot. I belive the ancient piramids play into his schemes and that is where I will begin my search when I set out again. This time I will go alone, but to any who follow I will leave clues to give the benefit of new information I uncoverer.

I have not told the others of this but in the ruins of Castle Blackwind, back on the Isles of Illusion, I found a message among the rubble that may shed light on the mystery of Sheltem's scheme. It seemed to place much importance on the three manners of men we have come to call alignment; Good, Neutral, and Evil. For many years there has been peace among these different attitudes, but it has not always been so. There once were many wars fought over the differences of these three alignments and perhaps it is Sheltem's plan to rekindle this ancient rivalry.

Now I must prepare for my search for Sheltem. Take these notes and use them as you can to discover his shemes, and together we may be able to thwart his plot. Search for the clues I will leave behind, and good luck to you on your journey. May the powers of Might and Magic be always at your side.
Fountain Head:
In the days following the creation of Fountain Head Morphose was summoned to be its protector Kranion, Priest of the Five Forces, is building a shrine to the Forces that helped the people of Terra survive the Great War of the Elementals.

The fountain of Athea, Nymph of the Great Sea, can be found in the town square in the southwest corner of Baywatch

Swamp Town:
There is also a statue erected in memory of Prince Smallberry, who fell in mortal combat against Sheltem the Dark.

Blistering Heights:
Blistering Heights was built by magical beings and placed on the Isle of Fire for privacy. The tribute to which these statues stand has long been forgotten...
Ornean the Warlock, who can be found within the walls of the Demon H.Q., claims no alliance with the Major Demon that commands his legions from within this room. But it is widely believed that he frequently offers counsel to the commander from the underworld.

Blistering Heights Cavern:
The cavern below Blistering Heights is not a natural formation. The Elemental War saw the creation of many monstrous beasts, and one was a giant spider that breathed fire like a dragon. The beast was felled on this isle and as the centuries wore on, a cavern formed around its decaying carcass. The feet of the spider are said to house altars of magical protection.

Altars of protection, built and enchanted by Blistering Heights’ magical creators, sit in the chambers created by the feet of the great spider-beast this cavern was formed around. The ancient and powerful magic housed in these altars provides a party with protection from fire and cold, poison and acid, electricity and magic. The protection provided is permanent and does not wear off with the rising of the morning sun.

Fortress of Fear:
Old levers extend from the floor of the Fortress of Fear. They are part of a mechanism that runs the full length of the dungeon, created by masters of ancient times. Granite altars formed in the likeness of the Ancients and shafts of electricity are arranged in a pattern in the dungeon’s center chamber.

Dark Warrior’s Keep:
The statue of Fire Hood stands in the northwest chamber of the dungeon. Fire Hood led sixteen Red Knights on a doomed war to take the Isle of Fire from the Demons that still claim it as their own

The Maze from Hell:
The statue of Water Mane, fabled ruler of the Great Sea, stands in the center of the Maze from Hell. Water Mane was the ruler of the Great Sea in a time when there was no land to break up its depths. The civilization of Terra lived beneath the waves in a coral city, until one day there was a tremendous storm that seemed to last forever and Water Mane’s kingdom was lost. When the storm finally subsided the Isles of Terra were left floating in the wounded sea. This statue is perhaps the only remnant of that lost civilization.

Arachnoid Cavern:
Some believe this cavern was once the home of a Giant Spider that had the intelligence and understanding of a Dragon. The Spider King tried to form the insects of Terra into an army, but was defeated by the ten heroes of the Elemental Wars. It is one of the oldest tales in Terra.

Area B2:
The Fountain of Nayarah, eternal child of the Great Sea, is believed to be somewhere in the depths of Piranha Bay. Though the fountain exists only in fable, those few adventurers who have been below the ancient pyramids tell of an oracle that claims it will reveal Nayarah’s fountain if the right word is spoken.

Area C2:
The Isle of Fire is a very hot domain, which makes it an ideal home for Devils. They have set up a portal near the northwest tip of the isle, which allows them to enter this realm. Destroy their portal and forever will they be banished.

A flaming portal burns inside a thorny hut on this region of the Isle of Fire. The portal opens a gate to the Demon Realm through which Major Devils enter the lands of Terra. Great reward awaits the adventurers who destroy this portal and forever lock the Major Devils in their own realm.

Area D1:
The fountain of Kartera, warrior of the Great Sea, stands on the northern point of this isle. The fountain’s streaming liquid bears a blessing of fortitude that lends extra Hit Points to adventurers not already toughend beyond their natural means.

Area D3:
In the years after the great Elemental War, Major Demons settled to this region of the Isle of Fire, where they now guard a powerful shrine that grants protection from the forces of nature. Their existence in this realm is granted through evil symbols that adorn the walls of their hut. Destroy the symbols, and the Demons will forever vanish from the isle.

This town was erected by magical beings and placed on this destitute spot so only the most advanced adventurers would dare to enter its walls, as the town’s creators had little tolerance for weak mortals. The location of Blistering Heights makes it ideal for visitors from the Demon Realms, who can often be found roaming the corridors.

A hut is kept by the Major Demons that inhabit this area, in which symbols of evil are stored. Destroying the hut and its evil contents is a feat that will not go unrewarded.

Area F2:
Five heroes of ancient times descended into the pyramids and learned the secrets of Terra from the Sleepers of Sheltem. Unfortunately, they discovered Sheltem as well. Enraged at having been found out so early in his schemes, Sheltem robbed the heroes of their lives and put a curse upon their heads that they would spend the rest of eternity babbling and unable to speak of the secrets they had found. These talking heads hang from spears all through the Shadowmire. But the heroes were strong of will and made a language of their babbling; a language that can only be understood by those who have acquired the skill of Linguist.

Area F3:
Granite heads silently stand in Minotaur Marsh where they have seen the coming of many an ancient dawn. They are altars of ancient gods whose worshipers have long perished from the land. Four are altars of remembrance and one is of forgetting. Legend says a special reward awaits those who are remembered by these ancient gods.

Purveyor was exalted as the provider of all needs. It was by his hand that the crops grew and the hunt was successful. His altar can be found at the foot of the mountains that lie north of Minotaur Marsh.

Soothsayer was exalted as the giver of language and moods of men. Through his words was the blood of men made to boil and the hearts of women made to swoon. His altar can be found in the thicket that covers the eastern edge of the swampy isle.

Slayer was exalted as the bringer of war and victory. It was to find glory in his sight that men fought on fields of battle. The army that won Slayer’s favor was granted victory. His altar can be found in the southern thicket of Minotaur Marsh.

Obeyer was exalted as the giver of punishment and discipline. It was after his example that law breakers were castigated, and his was the final judgment in the trials that followed death. Obeyer’s altar can be found on the southeast point of the Evermoors, across the river from Minotaur Marsh.

Betrayer was exalted as the creator of deceit. It was from his influence that men were made to sleight their neighbors and gain advantage over others through dishonest means. His altar can be found just south of Purveyor’s.

Area F4:
The Well of Remembrance is as old as the granite heads in Minotaur Marsh. The purpose of the well remains a mystery, for all who have thrown a coin into its depths have heard the same message repeated a thousand times: “No one remembers you.”

Alpha Engine Sector:
Many ages ago, Sheltem did employ vagabonds to tread the ways of Terra so they might learn its secrets. Once they had learned much and travelled far, he stole their souls and imprisoned them here. These souls, the Sleepers of Sheltem, will confess their knowledge to any that touch the items in which they have been imprisoned.

Main Engine Sector:
In this throbbing, armored darkness there exists two clans which guard the secrets of the Sleepers of Sheltem. First summoned here came the ED-409, clockwork monstrosities whose bodies gleam like black iron. When they alone failed to guard Sheltem’s secrets, he then called upon the crystal Guardians whose eyes see all.

Beta Engine Sector:
Once came here Foerdhal the Erudite to scry the secrets that had been rumored held in these strange halls. But as he learned, so the Sleepers of Sheltem sought to possess mortal form once more. Crowding together in Foerdhal’s mind they drove him mad and in his rampage he destroyed much of this underworld.

Aft Storage Sector:
Within these chambers are housed eight crystal lions, intended by the Ancients to be the receptacles of the knowledge gained by the Guardians of Terra. It was planned that when one of these great entities reached the end of his life, he would choose one to replace him and fuse his soul into the lion’s that the Guardian’s knowledge not be lost.

Central Control Sector:
Against Foerdhal the Mad, two armies came. On one side, Sheltem; for his Sleepers fell like drunkards into the wagon of Foerdhal’s mind, robbing Sheltem of many Secrets. On another side, the Ancients; filled with indignant rage at the destruction of their underworld. Together they fell like mountains on a fly.

Forward Storage Sector:
Driven insane by the teaming Sleepers of Sheltem, Foerdhal caused great calamity on his passage through the underworld. Seeking solace at the feet of one of the altars here, he sought to calm his troubled mind but in the process capped the flow of the fabled Fountain of Nayarah.

Main Control Sector:
Adventurer steel yourself for you have come far. You stand within a breath of final knowledge, but to tread the Final Way there are things the Ancients would require of you. For those who seek further challenge, seek the altars whose mysteries are cautiously guarded.
Eight crystal lions wrote: "The Ancients draw their power from the heat and light of stars to create intricated mechanism of society, then send these civilizations to cultivate developing worlds."

"The Creators exist in a nebulous realm where they construct their plots and create vile chaotic armies to disrupt the cilizations of the Ancients."

"Because of interference created by the renegade Guardian, Sheltem, the CRON and most of the VARNs carried by this vessel were lost in the Great Sea of Terra."

"This mission has been code named The Great Experiment. It extends further away from the seat of Ancients than any other colonization. It is under much greater threat from Creators."

"Spanning the farthest reaches of the universe, two super-developed societies, the Ancients and the Creator, are engaged in a galactic race for power."

Interstellar Transport Vehicle - Shikbath Zera
Codename - Wandering Seed
Cargo - Terraform Platform Modules
Destination - Third Sphere of Minos System
Ending wrote:
File name Grand Experiment
The Grand Experiment of the Ancients: to use the technology of Elemental Manipulation to create a completebly viable ecological and social microcosm. This microcosm was then to be transported to a distant bioshpere (Terra) to supplant its indigenous ecosystem. The need was acknowledged for a central controlling unit capable of compensating for unexpected anomalies.

File name Sheltem
Sheltem was created to be the Overlord and Guardian of Terra - the Supreme Law - but his conditioning was flawed. Seeing himself as the Guardian of Terra, not of the Ancient's colonization experiment, he rebelled against the 'invading army' that was to be sent to 'his' world. Sheltem was contained but later escaped, determined to undermine the Grand Experiment.

File name Corak
Learning from their earlier failure with Sheltem, the Ancients creted a new Guardian named Corak. With his conditioning properly completed the Grand Experiment was launched on its journey through the Void. Corak's first duty was to eliminate the threat of Sheltem, then assume the role of Guardian and Overlord of the Terra colonization.

File name Last Hope
Unable to stop the colonization of Terra, Sheltem has succeeded in disturbing the balance between the three aligments of men, a balance Corak must work to regain upon his return to Terra. However, Sheltem sees this as only a minor compensation and has set out to exactrevenge by sabotaging other experiments the Ancients have scattered thorought the Void.
Two escape capsules have disembarked from this vessel, the first occupied by Sheltem, the second by Corak. At Corak's request, a third has been prepared to follow their course for a rendezvous at whatever world Sheltem seeks to exact his revenge upon. Having proven yourself as Ultimate Adventurer, Corak and the Ancients ask your help in the adventures yet to come...

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Unread postby Avonu » 30 Apr 2008, 17:52

Second part (because it was too much for a single post)
Might and Magic 5 wrote:
Intro wrote: "Inconceivable, the Royal Pyramid besieged. With the prophecy almost fulfilled, the arrival of Alamar has placed my mission and the fate of Xeen in great danger. I cannot hold out much longer -- I must contact the Queen!

[DP]: Queen Kalindra?

[QK]: My Pharoah, I'm a prisoner, all is lost!

[DP]: Then what has become of the cube?

[A]: I have it now, Pharoah!

[DP]: Alamar, you misguided mechanism, you'll destroy us all.

[A]: Muwhahaha!

[DP]: My monstraous friends, are you with me?

[MF]: We serve Alamar!

[DP]: Traitors!

My friend Ellinger, you must send help!

[E]: But Pharoah, I too am trapped in my Tower.

[DP]: Then I will send out the Orb. The destiny of Xeen is no longer in our hands. Seek help little one.

[A]: Muwhahaha!"
Legend of Unification wrote: Many centuries ago, the Ancients created Xeen and a thousand worlds like her. The Ancients scattered these worlds like seeds among the stars, spreading their people across the universe. Though the depth of variety among these worlds was astonishing, each one had common goal: To reach and orbit its close star and achiveve its full destiny. This process is called the Unification.

Each of these worlds has its own Guardian to watch over it and ensure the fulfillment of that world's destiny. The journey of a world through the jungle of starst is both complex and dangerous, and world without a Guardian is a world without defenses.

When the time is right and the moons are aligned, the Guardian of Xeen will send messengers thorought both lands to announce the coming Unification. The Guardian will open the pyramids to travelers who wish to journey from one siede of the world to the other. The peoples of Xeen, long separated from one another by the impenetrable barriers of the natural world, will at last begin to meet and trade. Preparations for the upcoming Unification will be made and the people will feast and dance with joy. The Guardian will honor some with the chance to awaken the Four Slumbering Servants for the ceremony. There is one servant of Fire, one of Air, one of Water, and one of Earth.

The rulers of the two sides of Xeen will send ambassadors to each other's courts for the first time ever. When the time is right, Darkstone Tower will be opened and the seal to its Cloud breached. There, in a beautiful ceremony in the observatory atop the Cloud, the rulers will lay the Scepter and the Cube upon the Altar of Joining. A great magic shall take hold of Xeen then, and with much noise and light the two sides will join together as one, and never the twain shall split.
Log of the Dragon Pharaoh wrote: Log entry: 3/3/850
Last night two meteors impacted Darkside within seconds of each other. Judging from their trajectory, they must have landed near the volcano. I have sent Wolrow to investigate the impact site. The time of the Prophecy draws near, and I suspect that these meteors are a good omen.

Log entry: 3/4/850
Crindr Amn has announced the hatching of 18 healthy children ! I am so happy for her ! Not a single one had to be eaten because of
deformities. Everything in the world seems to be going right. The initial preparations for the Prophecy have been flawless, and I
anxiously await Queen Kalindra’s response to my request for her aid in the final Prophecy ceremony.

Log entry: 3/5/850
I have issued a proclamation requesting volunteers to help facilitate the final stages of the Prophecy. Responses should be coming in soon. The culmination of the Prophecy is so near I can taste it.

Log entry: 3/6/850
Wolrow was expected to return today, but there is no sign of him yet. He probably took some extra time to study the meteor phenomenon. I have not yet received a response from Queen Kalindra or any volunteers.

Log entry: 3/7/850
Four days have passed since I last saw Wolrow. He should be back by now, and I fear for his safety. I will send a search party for him if he is not back in two more days. I have had positive responses from several volunteers on the matter of the Prophecy, and they have all indicated that they will arrive at the royal pyramid in a few days.

Log entry: 3/8/850
Letters from volunteers continue to pour in. The response is more than gratifying. All signs and omens continue to point to successful completion of the Prophecy.

Log entry: 3/9/850
Wolrow is still missing. I sent a search party out to find him today. The volunteers have begun to arrive, and I have been dispatching them to their posts. Queen Kalindra sent word of her willingness to participate in the Ceremony, and mentioned that she had taken
in a mysterious but charming guest named Alamar. She also said that the emissary from the other side of the world had not yet arrived.

Log entry: 3/10/850
My study of the signs today showed a drop in confidence for the completion of the Prophecy by 10%! Something is amiss and I cannot read the signs clearly enough to tell what it is. I am very worried about Wolrow, and hope that the search party discovers him soon.

Log entry: 4/1/850
Confidence slipped another 3% this morning, but returned to its previous level in the afternoon. There is some chaotic factor in the equation now, and even a small drop in confidence makes my tail twitch nervously. The volunteers have stopped arriving, and I sent the last one to his post today. All that remains is for the Queen to complete her task, the emissary to arrive, and for the proper time to arrive.

Log entry: 4/2/850
The search party returned with bad news today. They reported that they were unable to approach the meteor impact site because a rebel army was camped before it! A rebel army!? Led by who? Who would dare challenge my authority or detain my servants? On top of this bad news, confidence fell to 74%. The Queen has not sent confirmation of her readiness to complete the Ceremony, and the first day the Ceremony could begin is tomorrow.

Log entry: 4/3/850
Today is the first day the Prophecy can be completed. I have not heard from the Queen. Scouts report that the rebel army is both growing in number and advancing toward the royal pyramid. Confidence has fallen to 40% and continues to fall by the hour. I have sent messages to my monstrous allies informing them of the situation and asking them to muster their armies and come to my defense. My tail lashes in agitation.

Log entry: 4/4/850
All is lost! The Queen has not responded to my attempts to contact her magically. The Orcs sent a message stating that they were involved in religious ceremonies and were, sadly, unable to come to my aid at this time. As soon as the ceremonies are over in a month, however, they will be happy to come. The Ogres sent a simple refusal. I have not heard from any of my other allies. Scouts predict the rebel army’s arrival tomorrow. Since confidence fell to 20% today, I have decided to recall the volunteers and shore up my defenses. Reports also indicate the sudden building of a dungeon on the Isle of Lost Souls and a castle near the meteor impact site.

Log entry: 4/5/850
The rebel army besieged the pyramid today. I can see from the window that some of the members of the army are my former allies. There have been refusals of aid from the Sprites and the Gremlins, the last delivered with insults and jeers. An emissary from the rebel army demands my surrender to his master—Alamar. I refused, of course. He cannot possibly have the key to the pyramid. Confidence fell to 6%.

Log entry: 4/6/850
Alamar has the key. He must have taken it from Queen Kalindra. His army has entered the pyramid and has been battling my forces all day. The first level has been lost, and my forces seem unable to hold the rest. Ellinger, Queen Kalindra’s advisor, reports that Castle Kalindra has been “moved out of phase” with the rest of the world, and is impossible to enter. He also reports that the Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and Gnomes have been confined to a small section of Castleview town.

Log entry: 4/7/850
I have ordered my forces to surrender to save their lives. I have set the seals of the final level of the pyramid to prevent unauthorized entry, and I am certain they will work. Unfortunately, I am now virtually powerless. While the army cannot enter here, I cannot leave. Ellinger informs me that he has taken similar steps to ensure his safety in his tower in Castleview. Confidence has fallen to 1%.

Log entry: 5/7/850
Nothing has changed in a month. Alamar’s army is unable to pass the final seal. His emissary demands my surrender every day—I wonder when he will grow tired of asking. To deepen my troubles, Alamar has indicated that he has captured the emissary from the
other side of the world, Prince Roland, and has sent his own ambassador there. Alamar seems to be firmly in command of Darkside now, and it doesn’t look like he is going to rule very well. There must be something I can do to influence events. I will try to contact the Queen tomorrow.
Meeting with Dragon Pharaoh wrote: Welcome, Adventurers. The command orb you've been carrying has done its job and brought you to me at last. Thank you for returning it. Though I dare not leave my pyramid, I have heard of your quest and am grateful for the trust you place in me. But let us not waste precious time discussing trivial subjects and addres the business at hand.

Alamar seeks to use Xeen as transportation back to his world, Terra. Though the travel will not destroy Xeen, every living thing will perish in the cold that lies between the stars. As guardian of Xeen, I cannot permit this to happen.

Unfortunately, Alamar has the Cube of Power and, through the cube, command of Xeen. Already the Sun diminishes in strength as Alamar directs Xeen to the stars. With the Cube in hand, Alamar would slowly sap my strength and destroy me should I dare to leave this Pyramid, and I am the only power of Xeen capable of defeating Alamar in a fight. Dismal as things seem, there remains a ray of hope.

The night Alamar arrived in Xeen, two shooting stars impacted the world. The first was Alamar, and we know what became of him. But the second landed in the molten rock of the volcanic mountains near the northeast corner of the world. It has been stuck there ever since, and Alamar has made no attempt to rescue its pilot. Perhaps he fears what it contains. I want you to investigate. To aid you, I will use the command orb to cool the molten rock around the vehicle.

Return to me when you are done with your investigation.
Dragon Pharaoh's log and info about XEEN wrote: The book is blank but for a single page in the middle it reads:

Prime Directive: Obey the Ancients,
Secondary Directive: Protect Xeen
Tertiary Directive: Complete the Destiny of Xeen.

Scanning Console. A message on the screen reads:
X.E.E.N. (Xylonite Experimental Expansion Nacelle) Starseed Project

Mean orbit: 1.1 AU
Sufrace Gravity: .88
Mean surface temperature: 72
Corak the Mysterious wrote: Thank you for deactivating the stasis chamber. If you hadn't done it, I would have been trapped there forever. Much has happened since I crashed on Darkside. It appears that my old nemesis Sheltem escaped from his stasis chamber long before I and has done much evil in this time. My instruments show that Xeen has begun to drift out of its orbit, indicating that Sheltem has full control of Xeen.

I have orders to stop Sheltem's galactic rampage, but I am unable to fulfill them. If I were to leave the safety of this ship, Sheltem would surely detect me with his new found powers and slowly drain the strenght from my body. I would never reach him. If I cannot leave the safety of this ship without some means of hiding from Sheltem's defenses.
Corak's log wrote:
Log Entry 1: All internal systems operational. All ship systems operational. Setting course for TErra project. Mission Objective: Deactivate and retrieve damaged S.H.E.L.T.E.M. unit. Return to base.

Log Entry 2: Orbit established around Terra. Utilzing Schwartz-Heinrich matter transfer device to accomplish planetfall.

Log Entry 3: Subject deactivated and retrieved. Returning to base.

Log Entry 4: Mission objective delayed indefinitely. S.H.E.L.T.E.M. unit escaped. Location: VARN 4, CRON vehicle. 3.8 years have passed since last long entry, time spent in stasis in ship's bring. Activating full C.O.R.A.K. personality module to facilitate heuristic problem solving. Will begin search for S.H.E.L.T.E.M. unit immediatly.

Log Entry 5: My search for Sheltem has borne little fruit to date. His reasons for imprisoning me in the ship's brig are unclear, his next action unpredictable. I wander the VARN in hopes of finding some clue s to his
whereabouts, but nothing has turned up yet. CRON's Wire shows no record of travel between VARNs or to CRON itself.

Log Entry 6: I remain unable to locate Sheltem. The Wire shows signs of his tampering , but he has been careful to cover his tracks and hide his location. The cunning he displays must be a result of heuristic improvements to his mind. I am facing an advanced artifical intelligence unihibited by mental blocks or behaiour restraints and driven by a will to survive. Sheltem may also be following some internal directive he belives he has.

Log Entry 7: VARN 6 launched itself into the sun today on Sheltem's command. A hundred thousand lives snuffed out in a matter of minutes. The magnitude of his crime is overwhelming, and the fact that I was unable to stop him lends my mission a sense of desperation and urgency that it lacked before. Where Sheltem was merely a nuisance before the disaster, he is now terrible menace that must be stopped at any cost I MUST find him.

Log Entry 8: News has reached me that Sheltem was posing as King Alamar, but has fled his usurped throne. I should have suspected. Alamar's subjects were saying that he has acted strangely for about four years, but it never occurred to me to question why. The Wire reports that he has lost his connection in the VARN bu has fled to CRON. I will seek him there.

Log Enry 9: The wire reports several attempts by Sheltem to subert the system and regain access, but he has been unsuccessful up to now.

Log Entry 10: Sheltem has escaped CRON and returned to Terra! He ambushed and defeated me in combat, separating my memory core from my body and placing it in stasis in a cave. Fortunately, some natives of the CRON vehicle rescued me from my plight and saved CRON from Sheltem's plan to pilot it into the sun. The VARNs that were to be released on Terra have done so on schedule, revealing that Sheltem still follows one of his directives. I wil use the matter transfer device to achieve planetfall once again on Terra. With Sheltem gone at last, CRON will be permitted to continue its star seeding mission uninterrupted from here on.

Log Entry 11: I have arrived on Terra once again, and the landscape is a bit different from my last visit. Four VARN. descended on the planedt while I was in stasis and Sheltem is busy assimlating the people, plants, and animals into the existing biosphere. His process seems flawed, however. I can't help but detect a faint callousness toward his people. The adaptive process is unnecessarily harsh, the timetable needlessly swift. Another character flaw to add to the list of problems that must be fixed with the S.H.E.L.T.E.M. unit. If it can be fixed at all.

Log Entry 12: AFter much time and effort, I have determined that Sheltem
resides in the original seedship that first settled on Terrra. The ship is entirely underwater, but several matter transfer sites exist on the sruface of the planet dissguised as pyramids. The pyramids have denied me access, of course, but that problem can be solved through the Wire. I feel conficent that I will have Sheltem in custody soon.

Log Entry 13: With the help of the Wire, I have infiltrated the starship.
Sheltem has activated all of the ship's defenses, sparing no effort to eliminated me. Despite my best effforts, I have been unable to cut Sheltem from the wire or order him off. I will have to physically defeat him.

Log Entry 14: I was unable to capture Sheltem and he escaped once again. He is in an escape pod heading for the X.E.E.N. project. I am in one as well, seconds behind him yet unable to accelerate to catch him. The Pod has no weapons. Apparently, natives of Terra were right behind me and have activated the seedship's engines and launched. They are in close pursuit.

Log Entry 15: Xeen appropaches. I will have to engage the ship stasis fields in order to survive the impact. Since I will be right behind Sheltem, I stand a good achance of capturing him after impact. Nav computers predict that the Terrans will not impact the project but will instead burn up in the atmosphere. I have instructed them on the use of the matter transfere device aboard their seedship so that they may excape its destruction. I am going into stasis now. May the Gods smile upon me.
Sheltem's Log wrote: Code:
1: Warning: memory core
retrieval error--datalost.
Data integrity 67.3%

Log Entry XL70C: My experiments in self sufficency have drawn the unwanted and unnecessary attention of the Ancients. At 0813.117, agents for the Ancients disconnected me from the Wire. Though the pain was intense, I remained operational. When the agents come for me. I will reduce my power emanations to prevent them from guessing the truth.

Log Entry XL70F: Reducing my emanations was a mistake. The agents took me while I was asleep, as exppected, but they have removed me from Terra. They must be taking me to an off-world repair facility.

My first directive is to obey the Ancients. The second directive is to protect Terra from any harm. Since the Ancients have not given orders to me, I must obey the second directive. The Ancients are taking me away from Terra, preventing me from protecting her. If the Ancients give me orders, they will surely tell me that I am damaged and order me to sleep, thus violating directive number two, which I am following right now.

Therefore, the Ancients must not be permitted to give me orders.

Log Entry XL70l: I decided that the best way to prevent the reception of orders from the agents was to deactivate my auditory sensors temporarily. Since the agents have the means to restore the sensors, It became imperative to silence the agents. I imprisoned the agents at 0943.15 and 0943.25 respectively. Both were shouting words that I could not hear while I activated the brig statsis field. Perhaps they were commands...

It matters not. Once the agents were in stasis, I used the ship's command level computers to remove the obedience directives from my mind. To properly complete the self sufficiency experiments, I directed the computer to permit emotional responses within myself ...and tasted victory.

Log Entry XL70J: The nav computer tells me that I don't have enough fuel to get back to Terra. I will be forced to land on VARN 4 of the CRON vehicle in a few hours. With luck I will be able to refuel and return to Terra within a few days.

Log Entry XL70K: Tha landing was uneventful, but there is no fuel on this VARN for the ship. It seems that I am trapped here until the CRON reaches Terra on its own. CRON's ETA is several years, and WORDS CANNOT EXPRES HOW ANGRY THAT MAKES ME! I will punish the Ancients for their crimes someday. Punish them severely.


Log Entry XL83S: Today I had the pleasure of connecting to the VARN's Wire and ordering CRON to launch one of the VARNs not intended for Terra into the Sun. T'was sweet revenge, but I'll save the rest for later. When the CRON finally reaches Terra, I will order it to dive into the Sun and take all the rest of its VARNS with it. Word has reached me that one of the Ancients I imprisoned in ship's brig, Corak, has escaped and is looking for me.

P.S. My impersonation of King Alamar is working well. No one suspects, not even Corak.

Log Entry XL83T: Since the VARN I now occupy is not one of the ones that will land on Terra, I have decided to abuse it. Today, in my role as King Alamar, I ordered my men to release the monsters in my dungeon upon the land and begin cutting down the trees in a nearby forest. I have also issued a decree doubling taxes on my peasants. I will have to go easy, though. There are still a few years left until CRON arrives at Terra and I want my fun to last.


Log Entry XL94P: My cover is ruined! Some of the natives of VARN arrived in my court today and revealed to all that I am an imposter. I banished them to my control maze to prevent a fight, but I am sure they will cut my Wire connection to this VARN soon. I shall have to flee to CRON.

Log Entry XL94Q: I have arrived in CRON, but in my haste the CRON security system discovered my whereabouts. I will be unable to make lon entries for a while.

Log Entry XL99D: Back on the Wire at last! The security system is mine to control, now, along with the rest of CRON. CRON is moving within Schwartz-Heinrich matter transfer range as I dictate this entry. I have placed a copy of my personality in the computer to direct the transfer of Terra's VARNs to the surface of Terra and then pilot CRON into the sun. I have also had the opportunity to ambush Corak and separate his memory module from his body. I left the module where I overcame him and locked his body in a cave miles away. I'm sure I'll never see him again. So adieu, wretched CRON. Terra awaits me.

Log Entry XL99E: At last! I HAVE RETURNED TO TERRA! It is good be back on the Terran Wire. There is much work to be done supervising the implantation of the VARNs onto Terra. Now that I'm back there are going to be some changes around here...

Log Entry XL9CC: CRON has not thrown itself into the sun, and I fear that it has no plans to do so in the near future. My nav computers indicate that it is on course to exit the system in three months, none the worse for my sabotage. My revenge on the Ancients will have to wait.

Log Entry XL9CD: More bad news. My security systems tell me that Corak has somehow put his head back on his shoulders and is even now stalking me. He must not be allowed to interfere with my managment of Terra.


Log Entry XLDAD: My security systems tell me that Corak has gained entry to my ship and has made several attempts to disconnect me from the Wire. Those failed, of course, but he appropaches. Natives of Terra have also entered the ship and are workig their way towards me. It looks like I will have to physically defend myself.

Log Entry XLDAE: I have been forced to flee Terra. Rage boils within me.

Log Entry XLDAX: Many days have passed since I fled Tera and Corak. He is in an escape pod like mine and he follows closely. The natives forced the ship to lift off Terra's surface and pursue. They will pay for that foolish decision.

Log Entry XLDBA: The X.E.E.N. project looms ahead. All three ships will crash into it tomorrow. My stasis generator will protect me and my ship from the impact. Mostly. May the Gods smile upon me.

Log Entry XLDBB: Impact complete. Stasis passed in the blink of an eye. My sensors indicate that the main ship passed through the atmosphere of the other side of the world and burned up, but not before safely beaming the Terran natives to the surface. Corak's escape pod landed in lava and is stuck there. How sad.

Log Entry XLDBC: I must leave this escape pod to conquer Xeen and find a way to return to Terra. Some time may pass before my next log entry.
Sandro the (megalomaniac Power) Lich wrote: I am Sandro, the most accomplished sorcerer to ever live in Xeen. Many years ago I separated my heart from my body in a magical ritual devised to cheat death. It worked, but I am not wholly alive, rather I am a wretched and evil monster who must kill mortals to remain alive.
If you can retrieve my heart from the sewers below here, I will finally be released from this unlife and you may have the statuette sitting in the alcove in my room. And now my hunger for the living compels me to attack you.

[After reciving his heart]:
Thank you for returning my heart. I am free of this life. You are welcome to the treasures in this room as well as this key here. It open the way to my old home on the other side of the world, a place now called the Dungeon of Death. you are welcome to the treasures hidden there as well. Goodbye, brave mortals, and good luck. Remember: Alamar CAN be defeated.
Darkness and Death wrote: Once upon a time two necromancers had a little disagreement. The one was named Drakness, and he contented that he was most powerful, foul, and evil necromacer in all of Xeen. The other fancied himself Death, and Death belived that HE was the most powerful, foul, and evil necromancer in all Xeen. On the darkest hour of the darkest night in the year, the two necromancers met in a graveyard to settle the question for once and for all. Standing atop the burial mound of a great hero, Darkness began the fight by uttering a string of syllables so foreign to the human throat as to be virtually unpronounceable. So vile and alien were the words spoken by Darkness that hero beneath the mound heard them and began to dig his way out of his grave to put a stop to the sounds. During all this, Death had not been idle. He, too, began incantations meant to awaken the dead. And so, one by one, the dead began to rise from their graves and fight one another between the two necromancers. The carnage was terrible to behold, the losses devastating. One by one the dead fell again, too damaged to do more than twitch or thrash about where they lay. Broken skeletons and corpses began to fill the valley between the burial mounds upon which the necromancers were standing. The dead began to clamber atop the piled corpses in their efforts to slay the opposing necromancers. But the battle raged on, filling the valley between the mounds 'til morning, then from morning to afternoon, and then again to blackest night. Aye, the battle raged a full five days, filling the cemetary with a stench the world has never known. The armies of the dead dwindled as the supply of working corpses was used up. Soon the bodies had been piled so high that a king of bridge formed between the two burial mounds, and the necromancers approached each other, urging their remaining servants forward. Still the killing continued, and the necromancers drew within spittin' distance. And as the last of the walking dead finished themselves off, the two met and came to blows. The exhausted necromancers fought and wrestled over the mountain of corpses when suddenly Death caught hold of Darkness' throat, and Darkness of Death's. There Darkness and Death gasped out their last breath together, dying as one at the very top of the hideous mountain they created.

Now some of my thoughts:

1. Sheltem was not first Guardian of Terra - but we don't know nothing about previous Guardians (only that they were mortals and their memories were copied in Shikbath Zera'a memory bank). Sheltem wanted to improve himself by connecting the Wire (probably memories of previous Guardians) and he went crazy ("invading army" from VARNs).

2. In MM1-2 it seems that CRON and VARNs later created Isles of Terra but from MM5 logs we known that CRON leaved Terra's star system.
I think that Sheltem was send in previous CRON (and he went crazy before landing - he destroy much of this vessel VARNs and oceanic civilization on Terra). VARNs and CRON from MM1-2 had to supplied lost VARNs and travel futher in the Void.

3. Story of Elemental War is different in MM2 and MM3. I think that this story happened about 10 000 years ago (according to HC: MotE) and the planet where ten heroes fight with Elemental Lords was destroy (as we have legend in MM8 where Dark Elves says about destroying and rebulding planet by Elementals). Well, it were legends after all so we don't know what from their is true.
We know also (from MM6) that Dwarfs were like humans by they lived on planet with high gravitation.

4. Devils from MM1-5. I don't think they have any connection with the Kreegan. In MM3 there are some texts about that they ream is underworld and their portals on Terra can by destroy by simply removed some signs from it - and them the Devils simply disapears. I don't remember that Kreegans disapeares from planet only by destroying portals.

5. Thanks to: CH MM history sections for MM2 and 5 stories (legends and logs), Pol for transcriptions of MM3 and MM5 pictures to texts and Corlagon for text from MM3 intro. And for RPGenie from YouTube for MM game records (so I could easy find needed MM2 and MM5 texts).

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Unread postby jeff4815 » 13 May 2008, 19:54

I have a semi-related question...

How are the years "classified" in the MM universe?

A prompt answer would be much appreciated.
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Unread postby Corlagon » 14 May 2008, 12:37

Well, naturally each world has its own timeline. Here are the basics:

Axeoth (HoMM 4, MM 9): Before / After the Cataclysm, B.C. and A.C.
CRON (MM2): Of the Creation
Colony (HoMM 1-3, MM 6-8): Before / After the Silence, B.S. and A.S.
Terra (MM3): Before / After Colonisation

That's about all I know, the other worlds don't seem to have definite timelines.

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Unread postby UndeadHalfOrc » 14 May 2008, 14:32

I have question (Unrelated to Ancients, Corack, Sheltem etc):

Who is the older brother, Roland or Archibald?
I always assumed Archibald, but some people think it's Roland. Do we have any official source stating it?

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Unread postby XEL II » 14 May 2008, 17:26

Avonu wrote: 4. Devils from MM1-5. I don't think they have any connection with the Kreegan. In MM3 there are some texts about that they ream is underworld and their portals on Terra can by destroy by simply removed some signs from it - and them the Devils simply disapears. I don't remember that Kreegans disapeares from planet only by destroying portals.
"Demons" from M&M1-2 and M&M4-5 seem to be sinister-looking monsters inhabiting biospheres, one of the races created by the Ancients, just like Underworld Demons from HC: CotU. As for the Demons and Devils from M&M3 they are most likely the Kreegan scouting party, which was teleported to Terra, since there are some similitaries between them and the Kreegans (Corak wants them to be banished from Terra, fire-resistance, appearance). They weren't reffered as Kreegans in M&M3 because Kreegan vs. Ancients backstory wasn't invented at that time.
Corlagon wrote:Colony (HoMM 1-3, MM 6-8): Before / After the Silence, B.S. and A.S.
There is no planet called Colony, there is a planet called Enroth.
Corlagon wrote:Terra (MM3): Before / After Colonisation
Actually, the basic for Terran timeline is unknown (just like with VARN 4 and XEEN timelines), since it has been 9 years between four VARNs seeding Terra (Corak returned to Terra shortly after that) and the beginning of M&M3.

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Unread postby Avonu » 14 May 2008, 17:54

UndeadHalfOrc wrote:Who is the older brother, Roland or Archibald?
I always assumed Archibald, but some people think it's Roland. Do we have any official source stating it?
I am afraid there isn't any offical info about it - but guessing from that Archibald was master in dark magic and Roland was (in H2) described as naive noble Knight (at least I think of him like that in H2), it can suggest that Archibald is older.
But check their portairs through the series (remember that Roland was 6 years in Kreegan prison so he can look more older than he was in fact) and guess yourself who maybe older.



XEL II wrote:As for the Demons and Devils from M&M3 they are most likely the Kreegan scouting party, which was teleported to Terra, since there are some similitaries between them and the Kreegans
Their existence in this realm is granted through evil symbols that adorn the walls of their hut. Destroy the symbols, and the Demons will forever vanish from the isle.
Well, it doesn't sound like a Kreegans - they just don't disappear after removing some symbols. Besides:
Ornean the Warlock, who can be found within the walls of the Demon H.Q., claims no alliance with the Major Demon that commands his legions from within this room. But it is widely believed that he frequently offers counsel to the commander from the underworld.
XEL II wrote:Actually, the basic for Terran timeline is unknown (just like with VARN 4 and XEEN timelines), since it has been 9 years between four VARNs seeding Terra
Don't thrust 100% in manuals timeline - the dates from Dragon Phaorah's log don't match with MM4-5 games events - same with dates from MM6 (1152) and MM8 (1172) manuals. And 9 years is to much for Sheltem to destroy (Ancients') civilization on (his) Terra.

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Unread postby XEL II » 14 May 2008, 18:02

Avonu wrote:
Their existence in this realm is granted through evil symbols that adorn the walls of their hut. Destroy the symbols, and the Demons will forever vanish from the isle.
Well, it doesn't sound like a Kreegans - they just don't disappear after removing some symbols. Besides:
Ornean the Warlock, who can be found within the walls of the Demon H.Q., claims no alliance with the Major Demon that commands his legions from within this room. But it is widely believed that he frequently offers counsel to the commander from the underworld.
Well, Corak didn't went into details when describing these Demons. The single mention of some "underworld" (the homeland of these demons was called "Demon Relms" on all other occasions) doesn't mean that they are demons from some underworld. It can very well mean that they are scouting forces (thats why they teleport from Terra after removal of the signs) sent from Kreegan-ruled planets.
Avonu wrote:
XEL II wrote:Actually, the basic for Terran timeline is unknown (just like with VARN 4 and XEEN timelines), since it has been 9 years between four VARNs seeding Terra
Don't thrust 100% in manuals timeline - the dates from Dragon Phaorah's log don't match with MM4-5 games events - same with dates from MM6 (1152) and MM8 (1172) manuals.
there is no reason for not trusting dates from Corak's journal. IIRC Phaorah' lod does match with M&M5 date.
Anyway, it was less then decade after coloniation in M&M3, so it isn't basic for Terran timeline.
Avonu wrote:3. Story of Elemental War is different in MM2 and MM3. I think that this story happened about 10 000 years ago (according to HC: MotE) and the planet where ten heroes fight with Elemental Lords was destroy (as we have legend in MM8 where Dark Elves says about destroying and rebulding planet by Elementals). Well, it were legends after all so we don't know what from their is true.
In fact, the legend in M&M3 mnual tells about the original creation of VARNs (which is known to be one of the Ancients' main worlseedship classes). During the formation of VARNs' biospheres, primordial natural forces manifested themselves in creatures known as Elementals, who started to attack fledgling Ancient-created civilizations . Ancients decided to remove this side effect and banished Elementals and their Lords to four Elemental Planes.
The legend is just more specific on the Terran races and Terran colonization ("planet" [VARNs in general], land from which was "picked up" to seed Terra with its races). Why the Ancients didn't killed the Elemental Lords (it's highly unlikely that they couldn't)? This seems to be pointless. Primordial elemental forces manifested once will manifest once again.
Marzhin's concept used in LotA only provides deeper description of the method Ancients used to imprison Elementals in the Elemental Planes. Five Artificial Intelligences were used to banish Elemental Lords. These AIs are the forces of Dome. They live in th Wire. Forces of Dome controls the Dome, Astral Plane linked to the Wire, which they use to keep the Elemental Planes on the stable level. If the dome doesn't keep Elemental Planes stable on some world, it will cause imbalance and strong disruption in elemental magic will be increased and cause elemental chaos on the planet.
There is only one each Force (they control the Dome) and Forces of Dome once tamed Elemental Lords in elemental Planes and Dome keeps them on the stable level. On some worlds some of the Forces have personifications. Such manifestations are three Ancestors on Enroth and Arslegard Gods on Axeoth.
Last edited by XEL II on 14 May 2008, 18:09, edited 1 time in total.

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Unread postby XEL II » 14 May 2008, 18:05

Avonu wrote: remember that Roland was 6 years in Kreegan prison
Roland was imprisoned for 7 years (as confirmed in AB). He was captured in 1162 and freed in 1169.

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Unread postby Corlagon » 14 May 2008, 18:15

Xel II wrote:"Demons" from M&M1-2 and M&M4-5 seem to be sinister-looking monsters inhabiting biospheres,
Well, it may be that they were small scouting parties of Kreegans whom the Ancients did not detect, or feel they had to bother with. But like Avonu, I don't see that shattering a few runes could just banish them. And it seems that the CotU Demons similarly had some problems entering Colony, since otherwise their armies would easily have broken the back of Erathia - whereas their leader was instead defeated and blinded.
Xel II wrote:one of the races created by the Ancients, just like Underworld Demons from HC: CotU.
Um, I think not. Those Demons in CotU very likely had nothing to do with the Ancients, as it seems clear that they dwell in a seperate "plane", sort of similar to Elementals (well, I don't think Colony is "deep" enough a world to house an Underworld as large as that). Either way, they certainly weren't created by the Ancients.

Also, I doubt that the Ancients ever "created" any of the races - just found them on separate planets then shuttled them to different worlds. They are space travellers and elemental manipulators, not master bio-engineers after all.
Avonu wrote:Ornean the Warlock, who can be found within the walls of the Demon H.Q., claims no alliance with the Major Demon that commands his legions from within this room. But it is widely believed that he frequently offers counsel to the commander from the underworld.
Further proof towards the implication that the Underworld is a separate plane of existence.
Xel II wrote:There is no planet called Colony, there is a planet called Enroth.
You're not entirely correct there. Enroth is the name the developers used for that planet. Colony is the correct name, in fan-lore which was approved and accepted by one of those same developers.
Xel II wrote:Actually, the basic for Terran timeline is unknown (just like with VARN 4 and XEEN timelines), since it has been 9 years between four VARNs seeding Terra (Corak returned to Terra shortly after that) and the beginning of M&M3.
500 is the given year in MM3. Presumably this dates back to the planet's very first colonisation by the Ancients. Corak's quest obviously took place in 491.
Avonu wrote:But check their portairs through the series (remember that Roland was 6 years in Kreegan prison so he can look more older than he was in fact) and guess yourself who maybe older.
Note also that Archibald was in "stasis" - he was a stone statue for 10 years, and did not age. So I think Archibald was originally the elder - a schemer - but Roland "out-aged" him during those ten years.

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Unread postby Pol » 14 May 2008, 18:27

Hmm, certainly worthy of writing a book with theme how can stoning preserve your young face and familiar heart warm.

A challenge in out-aging is also something amazing. :D

I challenge you on aging duel. Better will win. Round one!
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Unread postby XEL II » 14 May 2008, 18:39

Corlagon wrote:500 is the given year in MM3. Presumably this dates back to the planet's very first colonisation by the Ancients.
Yes, it's very likely. Eight Crystal Lions suggest that Terra was Ancients' planet (either seeded or created) even before the creation of Islands by Shikbath Zerra (which destroyed underwater Terran civilization).
Corlagon wrote: Um, I think not. Those Demons in CotU very likely had nothing to do with the Ancients, as it seems clear that they dwell in a seperate "plane", sort of similar to Elementals
There is no evidence of this. Underworld was always called caverns and tunnels in CotU and there was obviously cave-like etrance to Underworld. So, these "Demons" are Ancient-raised race in the same way as other native monsters.
Corlagon wrote:You're not entirely correct there. Enroth is the name the developers used for that planet. Colony is the correct name, in fan-lore which was approved and accepted by one of those same developers.
MMT team has yet to present any evidence of this approval. Besides, Tim Lang's approvals can be taken as reliable source about Axeoth, not about Enroth.
Corlagon wrote:Well, it may be that they were small scouting parties of Kreegans whom the Ancients did not detect, or feel they had to bother with.
Yes, this is also possible.
Corlagon wrote: Also, I doubt that the Ancients ever "created" any of the races - just found them on separate planets then shuttled them to different worlds. They are space travellers and elemental manipulators, not master bio-engineers after all.
There is no source implying that Ancients aren't the masters of bio-engineering. Also, both M&M3 (Eight Crystal Lions info about Ancients vs. Creators) and Geary Gravel's novels confirmed that Ancients "created" civilizations and all of their seeded races "descended" from them.

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Unread postby Avonu » 14 May 2008, 18:47

XEL II wrote:
Avonu wrote: remember that Roland was 6 years in Kreegan prison
Roland was imprisoned for 7 years (as confirmed in AB). He was captured in 1162 and freed in 1169.
In MM8 (which was later then AB) he said about "more than 6 years" so it could be not full seven years but 6 and half (more or less).
XEL II wrote:It can very well mean that they are scouting forces
Melian in MM6 said that Kreegan's life cycle forces them to breed until the world cannot support their numbers, then they send ships off to other worlds to renew the cycle.
To me it looks like ex. ants which feed in one place and them all go to next place eating anything on their way (no scouting parties).
One more thing - Sheltem was obedient to his second rule - Protect Terra - so if these would be Kreegans didn't he intervene somehow (after all, the Kreegan were greater threat to "his" planet then Ancients' civilization)?

[quote=""XEL II"]Ancients decided to remove this side effect and banished Elementals and their Lords to four Elemental Planes. [/quote]
In MM8 we have that Plane between Planes, which was also named Chaos Plane, was primal plane from which all four elemental planes originate. And we know that it was populate in past by giant(s) (Escaton's Palace). Any idea about this story connection to MM2-3 and HC:MofE info?
XEL II wrote:Such manifestations are three Ancestors on Enroth and Arslegard Gods on Axeoth.
Arselgarian Gods are preparing to fight in their Twilight (Ragnarok) but why if their are AIs (guess Marzhin will tell about it in his Book 3 or 4)? I am not certain that Forces of Dome=Ancestors/gods is so simply solution.
Corlagon wrote:You're not entirely correct there. Enroth is the name the developers used for that planet. Colony is the correct name, in fan-lore which was approved and accepted by one of those same developers
One developer and he only approved that C.O.L.O.N.Y. sound like in way like others V.A.R.N.s and C.R.O.N.s. He don't say that NWC nicknamed this planet Colony. :P
And besides - as you said, it is fan-lore (based of Governor Armor description IIRC). Melian says something different and MM8 too - and this games are not fan-lore.
Corlagon wrote:Also, I doubt that the Ancients ever "created" any of the races - just found them on separate planets then shuttled them to different worlds. They are space travellers and elemental manipulators, not master bio-engineers after all.

Corak and Sheltem (flesh, bones and blood)
Angels (ok, this one is only speculation)

Corlagon wrote:500 is the given year in MM3. Presumably this dates back to the planet's very first colonisation by the Ancients. Corak's quest obviously took place in 491.
Or maybe 500 yers from Wandering Seed lunch? Or other event? You don't know it. Besides Corak cut off Sheltem from Terra IIRC not more then 4 years before MM1 starts (so from about 500 years Sheltem wreck chaos and destruction on Terra before Ancients intervened?).
BTW - MM1 take time in STARPHASE 5281.6 (I guess is Ancients' time)

Pol wrote:Hmm, certainly worthy of writing a book with theme how can stoning preserve your young face and familiar heart warm.

A challenge in out-aging is also something amazing. smile_teeth

I challenge you on aging duel. Better will win. Round one!
Fountain of Youth and Rejuvenation Potion.
XEL II wrote:Yes, it's very likely. Eight Crystal Lions suggest that Terra was Ancients' planet (either seeded or created) even before the creation of Islands by Shikbath Zerra (which destroyed underwater Terran civilization).
Eight Lions were on CRON. Besides - they could be Guardians of Shikbath Zera itself not Terra. After all when Wandering Seed landed on Terra, Sheltem Guardian (don't forget that Guardians also protected ships through they voyages in Void - as Legend of Unification says). Maybe Sheltem was created/activated after last of mortal Guardian pass away? We don't know if Dragon Pharaoh was mechanism (android like Escaton or "replicant" like Corak and Sheltem) or living being however we can visit his tomb in LoMM (it's strange to me that mechanism could die and be buried in tomb).
XEL II wrote:there is no reason for not trusting dates from Corak's journal. IIRC Phaorah' lod does match with M&M5 date.
Checked it - my save game (WoX ;P) have year 617 (DP's log has about year 800).
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Unread postby Corlagon » 14 May 2008, 19:08

Xel II wrote:There is no evidence of this. Underworld was always called caverns and tunnels in CotU and there was obviously cave-like etrance to Underworld.
There was also a "Boatman" who shuttled the crusaders to the Underworld proper. The realm inside the Cerberus Gate connected Colony to the Underworld itself. And there is little evidence of the alternative. Even Tarnum's disbelieved that those "caves" could really exist beneath the world.
Xel II wrote:Besides, Tim Lang's approvals can be taken as reliable source about Axeoth, not about Enroth.
I don't quite think it matters. At least I cannot afford to be so choosy when it comes to finding a developer willing to discuss the lore of a (currently) dead game series. One should be satisfied when the guy who created MM9 and worked closely on the other games approves something.

If you find Jon Van Caneghem or Greg Fulton, then we'll talk :D
Xel II wrote:There is no source implying that Ancients aren't the masters of bio-engineering. Also, both M&M3 (Eight Crystal Lions info about Ancients vs. Creators) and Geary Gravel's novels confirmed that Ancients "created" civilizations and all of their seeded races "descended" from them.
Whatever, I meant that I seriously doubt that the Ancients created each race on their own - which is blatantly disproven in MM6 and LotA. Civilisations and races are not the same thing. And "descended" could imply that they "descended" to each world from the rule of the Ancients, not that they literally created them from scratch.

Hey, are you Demilich by any chance? Just curious :)
Avonu wrote:And besides - as you said, it is fan-lore (based of Governor Armor description IIRC). Melian says something different and MM8 too - and this games are not fan-lore.
Yeah, MM7 also says that Eeofol is "Eoful" and that Tatalia is not a swamp. While they're full of great info, they are not seamless.

I also learned of another source:

"Chief Engineer Wilson’s Personal Log. I have locked myself in Storage Room #6 but currently have no means of escape. The drone-bots have gone mad and have started killing everyone in sight. I was able to access the main control terminal on Level Four despite warnings of a hazardous leak, and I sent a distress signal, but since we have not had contact with any of the colonies for several weeks, I do not believe that a rescue is possible. I have also managed to seal this facility so that the drones can not escape. It is my hope that the colonists will be able to mount some sort of defense by the time my encryption codes are broken. Tell Emma I love her. Wilson out." - MM6

Yes, yes, yes, I know it's hardly an upfront source for the planet's name. :|
Avonu wrote:You don't know it.
No, hence I said "presumably" ;)

..."Can't we all just get along"... :jester:

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Unread postby Avonu » 14 May 2008, 19:20

Corlagon wrote:Yeah, MM7 also says that Eeofol is "Eoful" and that Tatalia is not a swamp. While they're full of great info, they are not seamless.
Strange - I have Tunnels to Eeofol in game and guess so, Tatalia also have swamps and even trolls on them. ;)
Besides who said that in Tatalia aren't mountains? We only visited part of this country.
Corlagon wrote:"Chief Engineer Wilson’s Personal Log. I have locked myself in Storage Room #6 but currently have no means of escape. The drone-bots have gone mad and have started killing everyone in sight. I was able to access the main control terminal on Level Four despite warnings of a hazardous leak, and I sent a distress signal, but since we have not had contact with any of the colonies for several weeks, I do not believe that a rescue is possible. I have also managed to seal this facility so that the drones can not escape. It is my hope that the colonists will be able to mount some sort of defense by the time my encryption codes are broken. Tell Emma I love her. Wilson out." - MM6
Merlian also said that the Kreegan attacked Ancients' colonies. Colonies - just like colonies in British Empire (India for example - it was colony but it name was different). Same with title: Colonial Governor (of this planet).

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Unread postby Corlagon » 14 May 2008, 19:32

Avonu wrote:Strange - I have Tunnels to Eeofol in game and guess so, Tatalia also have swamps and even trolls on them.
Apologies, I confused that with Catherine's MM8 quote:

"The Kreegans? They are no more; I am sure of it. After we put down Lucifer Kreegan, my armies scoured Eofol searching for any signs of their continued existence. We found none. No, the Kreegan infestation of our world is eliminated."
Avonu wrote:Besides who said that in Tatalia aren't mountains? We only visited part of this country.
MM7 = Heroes III facts

Erathia = Steadwick / Battlestead
AvLee = Spaward
Bracada = not a desert
Evenmorn Isle = snowy on the Heroes III map
Emerald Isle = non-existant on the Heroes III map
Harmondale = Moss Valley in Heroes III
Avonu wrote:Merlian also says that the Kreegan attacked Ancients' colonies. Colonies - just like colonies in British Empire (India for example - it was colony but it name was different). Same with title: Colonial Governor (of this planet).
"I know what a colony is, thank you very much :)"

- Marzhin

Well... once again... we can argue about the planet's name for aeons since I've already given you all the proof I have. Including the words of the game developer. :devious:

Oh well... up for another round? :D

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Unread postby Avonu » 14 May 2008, 19:47

Corlagon wrote:MM7 = Heroes III facts

Erathia = Steadwick / Battlestead
AvLee = Spaward
Bracada = not a desert
Evenmorn Isle = snowy on the Heroes III map
Emerald Isle = non-existant on the Heroes III map
Harmondale = Moss Valley in Heroes III
AvLee - Pierpoint
Bracada - it is named Bracada Desert in MM7
Evermorn - Vori is also too big and too close to Antagarich on H3 map.
Harmondale = Contested Lands
(BTW I read on NetherGods that Phynaxian Empire was located on Contested Lands - any idea about it? It would explain elven offence but not southern steppes of Erathia)
Corlagon wrote:"I know what a colony is, thank you very much :)"

- Marzhin
Hey, I wanted to quote this myself. ;)
Oh well... up for another round? :D
Not today.

Hey rest of MM lore band (KI, XEL II, Marzhin, Demilich and others) - where are you?
"Arguing" only in two person is boring and don't resolve anything.

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