A great screenshot from an early build. Click on it to watch MM6U 001 on YouTube!
Hello, fellow Might and Magic VI fans of Celestial Heavens. You may not know me, but I know you. I've been visiting CH on and off since about 2010. It doesn't matter who I am, though. What matters is what I have made!
I ripped, converted, edited, and reconstructed assets from Might and Magic VI, and began completely reconstructing Might and Magic VI in Unity3D 5. As of the time of this post, I have completely rebuilt the intro video system, the main menu, the New screen, and (almost) New Sorpigal. I had to tweak Unity to its limits to get the lighting, textures, shaders, and everything else just right, but I believe I have achieved the look that Might and Magic VI originally had - primitive, a bit jaggy, but very sharp, colorful, gritty, and beautiful.
- May 20, 2016 - Got main menu and converted MP4s to play.
- May 21, 2016 - Built functional main menu buttons that glow.
- May 30, 2016 - Imported New Sorpigal map and a few primitive trees.
- May 31, 2016 - Cinematic camera and a few idle goblins/peasants have been added.
To Do
- Ground-level character controller
- Trees and foliage finalization
- Day-night cycle with sun angles true to the original game
- Rain/thunder with lighting and skybox changes
- Better skybox shape
- Working minimap
- Working character creator
- Functional non-dummy game GUI
- Functional GUI with working popup windows (quests, etc)
- Texture/audio ripping - MM6View by St0rmCat
- Texture editing and conversion - Paint.NET
- Video converting - RAD Video Tools (SMK -> AVI), Handbrake (AVI -> MP4)
- Map and model ripping - MMEditor by GrayFace
- Misc model tools - Blender
- Further conversions, adaptations, and customizations - Unity3D, MonoDevelop
- Q: How did you export the textures?
- A: I exported them by opening the data files that come with the game using MM6View. Here's a small collection of them!
- MM6U 001 - New Sorpigal Demonstration
- MM6U 002 - Having Cheated Death During the Night of Shooting Stars...
Keep an eye out, I'm planning on packaging and releasing the project files in the near future. It's a big mess right now!
Try It
Take a look at what I have created below. The current build only has Esc as an option to skip cutscenes, and you need to click "Quick Start" to get to New Sorpigal. As of now, there's no working character movement or active GUI (it's all one screenshot), but the cinematic camera does a great job of showing off New Sorpigal in all its Unity 5 glory. Take a look!
View the current Unity Web Player build here.
Beware, Dropbox takes a long time to upload after building the ~100MB build. If it doesn't load correctly, try again half an hour later.