GrayFace MM7 Patch v2.5.7 [Mar 4, 2022]

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Unread postby the beavers1 » 26 Apr 2015, 05:35

GrayFace wrote:Q and E for attack&spell are convenient. Mouse buttons can't be used for that.
aww that sucks =/ is there a way to modify the mouse button presses to those keys?
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Unread postby Macros the Black » 01 May 2015, 11:03

You can use shift+LMB to cast spells, although it's kind of inconvenient still.

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Unread postby urinator » 05 Jul 2015, 15:41


is it possible to have normal look by default and mouse look only when I hold a key?

If I have:

The MouseLook is by default and after every dialog/chest I must first click the MouseLookChangeKey, which is annoying. Changing MouseLook=0 turns it off completely.

Also, is it possible to set a hotkey for temporary strafe? Something like "StrafeTempKey" (which doesn't work) which I'd bind to the same key as MouseLook.

Ideally, I would like to use WSAD and move like in old MM7, however, with holding a key (i.e middle button pressed) I would like to temporarily have mouselook to look around and at the same time temporary strafe on A and D.

Thank you

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Re: GrayFace MM7 Patch v1.6.2 [August 26]

Unread postby Hipshot » 22 Jul 2015, 12:24

This could already have been answered, but, for some reason, my mouse cursor i stuck in the middle of the screen all the time. It's highly annoying I must say =) Anyone know how to resolve this issue?

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Re: GrayFace MM7 Patch v1.6.2 [August 26]

Unread postby the beavers1 » 23 Jul 2015, 03:45

Hipshot wrote:This could already have been answered, but, for some reason, my mouse cursor i stuck in the middle of the screen all the time. It's highly annoying I must say =) Anyone know how to resolve this issue?
Yeah you are in mouse-look mode, you can fix it by clicking the toggle button (which i think by default is caps lock) and it should revert back to normal mode. If caps lock does not work, then look into the mm6.ini and look down the list for mouse look and figure out which key it is assigned to. :creative:
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Re: GrayFace MM7 Patch v2.0 [Sep 21, 2015]

Unread postby GrayFace » 21 Sep 2015, 06:20

Version 2.0 is here
[+] Custom LODs (for mods). For example, Data\*.icons.lod archives would be loaded after icons.lod, possibly replacing its content. Same with every other archive.
[+] When switching from mouse look to 'standard mode' the mouse would start at screen center if over 10 seconds have passed since last switch. Otherwise it will return to its last position, as usual.
[+] Now you don't have to specify AlwaysStrafe for mouse look. It will be on while in mouse look mode. If you don't like this, you can specify NormalStrafe=1 to do turns even in mouse look mode.
[+] Now you can set FixInactivePlayersActing=0 option to disable corresponding fix if you prefer using the bug to your advantage.
[+] HDWTRCount and HDWTRDelay options control number of water frames (up to 15) and delay between them in D3D.
[+] Smoother D3D water frames included.
[-] Movement rounding issues fixed properly. Walking and strafes weren't precise because of these issues and jump height was lower than it should be.
[-] Save game failure on some computers. Actually caused by a bug of some system software, not the game itself.
[-] Games.lod archive required very special sorting.
[-] The door of a shop on an island in Tatalia didn't react to mouse clicks.
[-] My bug: Unnecessary debug info was written to ErrorLog.txt
[-] My bug: MouseLookUseAltMode wasn't supported.
[-] My bug: "`" or "i" written in MMExtension console were causing character screen to open. Same thing with mouse movement when mouse look is on.
My patches: MM6 MM7 MM8. MMExtension. Tools. Also, I love Knytt Stories and Knytt Underground. I'm also known as sergroj.

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Re: GrayFace MM7 Patch v1.6.2 [August 26]

Unread postby Hipshot » 28 Sep 2015, 20:25

the beavers1 wrote:
Hipshot wrote:This could already have been answered, but, for some reason, my mouse cursor i stuck in the middle of the screen all the time. It's highly annoying I must say =) Anyone know how to resolve this issue?
Yeah you are in mouse-look mode, you can fix it by clicking the toggle button (which i think by default is caps lock) and it should revert back to normal mode. If caps lock does not work, then look into the mm6.ini and look down the list for mouse look and figure out which key it is assigned to. :creative:
What I didn't understand was that the cursor was a special designed one, to actually be stuck in the middle. I edited the graphics of the special cursor and now it's a small crosshair instead. Looks like quake - hurrah!

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Re: GrayFace MM7 Patch v2.0 [Sep 21, 2015]

Unread postby alexg86 » 20 Oct 2015, 13:02

Big thanks to GrayFace for fixing bugs in 1998 games and making them playable in 2015. Unfortunately along the good comes the bad. Here is a new bug that I noticed: axe skill adds extra damage on the expert level. This should be true on a master level only. Then training from expert to master gives no further bonuses. I'm running GOG version install with Grayface v2.0 patch. I have installed MM7 without the patch and the bug is not present - adding expert axe skill points adds no damage. Thus the bug is introduced by the patch.
I shot a video to illustrate:
Another problem introduced by the patch is no music loop. Again it was looping perfectly in GOG clean install, but not possible anymore after the patch.

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Re: GrayFace MM7 Patch v2.0 [Sep 21, 2015]

Unread postby Xfing » 09 Nov 2015, 10:33

Great to see you're back at it!

Any chance you'll take a look at the bugs I listed for this and MM8?

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Re: GrayFace MM7 Patch v2.0 [Sep 21, 2015]

Unread postby Baronus » 15 Dec 2015, 12:02

Hi every one. It's my first post.
Good work! Now is possible making new maps based on olds! Rebuilding MM6-8 game to another one game!
And I've a question.
There is mod to MMVI:
Banks v.1.0.2 (russian language only).
Percent in banks!!! Unforunately MMVI only :o(((
Someone can rerwrite this to MMVII and MMVIII, plesase? Because it's very necessary mod. It makes game most interesting. Now is a sense spare gold.
Good day everyone :-)

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Re: GrayFace MM7 Patch v2.0 [Sep 21, 2015]

Unread postby crpgnut » 29 Apr 2016, 00:28

I've just reinstalled MM7 and version 2.0 of the patch. The sum total of the ini reads:



I couldn't find 1.6.2 which worked very well....

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Re: GrayFace MM7 Patch v2.0 [Sep 21, 2015]

Unread postby Baronus » 30 Apr 2016, 06:54

If you want old version try webarchive:*/https://si ... sergroj/mm
But 2.0 works. Try again.

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Re: GrayFace MM7 Patch v2.0 [Sep 21, 2015]

Unread postby Macros the Black » 02 May 2016, 15:31

crpgnut wrote:I've just reinstalled MM7 and version 2.0 of the patch. The sum total of the ini reads:



I couldn't find 1.6.2 which worked very well....
Did you start the game once yet? I believe the ini is written when the game is run for the first time.
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Re: GrayFace MM7 Patch v2.0 [Sep 21, 2015]

Unread postby jspills44 » 23 Jun 2016, 15:16

Having an issue with the patch. I bought the GOG version of MM7. When I apply the GrayFace Patch 2.0 it makes my MM7.exe become unusable. MM7.exe goes from being 12kb to 0kb after the patch. The mm7.ini file only has "PatchLods=1" in it as well. MM7-Rel.exe still works but the patch changes aren't applied to it and it doesn't generate a new .ini file when I run it.

I'm running Windows 8 by the way.

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Unread postby DeathCoast » 25 Aug 2016, 23:15

Just found Glory Shield, and to me it doesn't give a bonus to Spirit or even Mind magic skills. Tried it with and without items which gave 50% bonus to Spirit skill—still no effect whatsoever. The Shield skill bonus (+5 to skill) and everything else works fine.

Is this a bug?
Aku wrote:
2. The Glory Shield relic's "of spirit magic" property doesn't work. It's actually "of mind magic", dunno if the description is wrong or the item itself. However it's possible it's like this in vanilla MM7 also since it's the first time I found this shield.

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Re: GrayFace MM7 Patch v2.0 [Sep 21, 2015]

Unread postby Anubis » 15 Dec 2016, 15:06

@ GrayFace...or anyone else who would know about the following questions:

- I know that others have brought up the fact that several artifacts/relics don't work according to their description (e.g. Taledon Helm granting light magic bonus). Is it even possible to fix these effects, as I've not seen any mods whatsoever that are able to actually manipulate effects of artifacts/relics.
- GM Axe effect of halving enemy's AC - I didn't even know enemies had AC values at all. Can anyone confirm if they do or not? If not, perhaps the devs just intended for GM Axe to apply an effect of applying damage from all weapons/spells by 150%, giving the illusion that enemy AC was decreased.
- Monk's applied bonuses of Unarmed/Armsmaster/Staff not working properly - Is this even possible to fix?
- Super Vampire doesn't spawn in the Wine Cellar (Or maybe it does and just doesn't drop the Vampire Cloak). I think I recall some mod fixing this issue? I donno. Is it possible?

And, finally, GrayFace:

- I donno if this minor "bug" was mentioned @ all, but I vaguely recall that upon leaving the wine cellar in Tatalia, text referred to the wine cellar as the "Vampire House" or something along those lines. It was either upon leaving the wine cellar or hovering the cursor over the door. I forget.
Last edited by Anubis on 15 Dec 2016, 15:11, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: GrayFace MM7 Patch v2.0 [Sep 21, 2015]

Unread postby Macros the Black » 16 Dec 2016, 00:15

Anubis wrote:- GM Axe effect of halving enemy's AC - I didn't even know enemies had AC values at all. Can anyone confirm if they do or not? If not, perhaps the devs just intended for GM Axe to apply an effect of applying damage from all weapons/spells by 150%, giving the illusion that enemy AC was decreased.
I think you're confusing Armor Class with Physical Resistance. Armor Class is what makes them harder to hit. You don't always hit the enemies do you? Well there you go, they have Armor Class.

They can also have physical resistance or even immunity. That reduces the damage you can deal them (ever wondered why your dual wielding knight is only hitting for (ex.) 12 damage sometimes? It's because the enemy got lucky on a resistance roll).
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Re: GrayFace MM7 Patch v2.0 [Sep 21, 2015]

Unread postby Anubis » 16 Dec 2016, 05:42

Wow, I never knew that. Good to know. Thanks, Macros. Is there even a bug with the GM Axe effect in MM7 then? I heard somewhere that the effect wasn't being applied whatsoever. And if the effect of GM Axe does apply, does the effect stack?

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Re: GrayFace MM7 Patch v2.0 [Sep 21, 2015]

Unread postby Macros the Black » 16 Dec 2016, 23:58

I don't know.

Xfing mentioned that bug on the previous page, and I don't see a fix for it in patch 2.0. This is just speculation, but it's possible that it just doesn't show the reduced armor class on the enemy's stats (with Identify Monster), though I don't know how Xfing came to the conclusion that it's bugged. I imagine this could hard to tell for sure.
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Re: GrayFace MM7 Patch v2.0 [Sep 21, 2015]

Unread postby GrayFace » 20 Dec 2016, 18:31

Anubis wrote:- I know that others have brought up the fact that several artifacts/relics don't work according to their description (e.g. Taledon Helm granting light magic bonus). Is it even possible to fix these effects, as I've not seen any mods whatsoever that are able to actually manipulate effects of artifacts/relics.
Taledon Helm is fixed in the next version.
Anubis wrote:- GM Axe effect of halving enemy's AC - I didn't even know enemies had AC values at all. Can anyone confirm if they do or not? If not, perhaps the devs just intended for GM Axe to apply an effect of applying damage from all weapons/spells by 150%, giving the illusion that enemy AC was decreased.
It's probably supposed to apply "Armor Halved" effect. As far as I can tell the effect isn't applied. Probably not in the next version.
Anubis wrote:- Monk's applied bonuses of Unarmed/Armsmaster/Staff not working properly - Is this even possible to fix?
Surely possible.
Anubis wrote:- Super Vampire doesn't spawn in the Wine Cellar (Or maybe it does and just doesn't drop the Vampire Cloak). I think I recall some mod fixing this issue? I donno. Is it possible?
Fixed in the next version.
Anubis wrote: - I donno if this minor "bug" was mentioned @ all, but I vaguely recall that upon leaving the wine cellar in Tatalia, text referred to the wine cellar as the "Vampire House" or something along those lines. It was either upon leaving the wine cellar or hovering the cursor over the door. I forget.
Yes, it's "Leave the Vampire Family House". Thanks for bug report.
Last edited by GrayFace on 20 Dec 2016, 18:31, edited 1 time in total.
My patches: MM6 MM7 MM8. MMExtension. Tools. Also, I love Knytt Stories and Knytt Underground. I'm also known as sergroj.

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