There is a rather unusual contest at the Disciples of Sareth site, a contest where you can win a spot in the credits of Dark Messiah:

"Ubisoft is giving you the chance to get your name in the Dark Messiah game credits. However, there are only twenty spots available and only the best members will be given the opportunity to be a part of history. To pick the lucky individuals, Disciples of Sareth has developed a three-part mission series."

That contest is a bit tricky: first you need to review the Dark Messiah demo, next you need to draw a character inspired by the game, and finally you must recruit followers. Each mission counts for 33% of your final score. Additional prizes include a Logitech G5 Laser Mouse, a Dark Messiah T-Shirt and a Mousepad. The deadline is on August 17 so you should definitely hurry (heck, downloading the demo might take you two or three days alone...). Read all the details here.

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